16. Monthly Presentments  

Product Details - Paypal Orders
1. Civic Concept Introduction Series:
2. Civic History / Ancient Concepts:
3. Active Civics:
4. Zodiac Science Series (Cosmology / Astrology):
5. Moorish Divine & National Movement Study Tools:
6. Lesson Books:
7. Talking Books
8. Audio Lectures on CD
9. Identification Cards & Re-Prints
10. Congressional Records
12. Join Live Classes Weekly
13. Civic Recorded Classes
14. Proclamation Sealings
16. Monthly Presentments
Circle 7 Courses
INlightened Asiatic

“The World may hear and know the truth, that amongst the descendants of Africa, there is much wisdom to be learned in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.”  -- Holy Koran, Chapter XLVIII: verse 5

“Come ye Asiatics”

 Bring your KNOWledge, Wisdom, and INsight to the on-line Study and Build sessions with Kareemah Bey every 3rd Monday of each Month @ 7:00 pm EST. 

Send all Inquiries to inlightenedasiatic@gmail.com 


  Price $25