update 10/5/12
The Document
below is now in PDF and it is a report on the "RALLY" that took place near the Philadelphia Corporation.
It is an excellent study tool for your inner standing / over-standing of the Mortgage Myth, written by Taj Tarik Bey.
It is excellent information for your study, education and qualification benefit. Therefore study it well before
taking other actions. Study well, and become competent and qualified in your knowledge and position about some
of the major things that takes place with Mortgages and Foreclosures within the offices of bank representatives and agents,
and any other claimants. It is wise to know these things as they relate strongly to your right of claim
to your estate and property.
After testing yourself for competence, then you are ready to issue to the bank, mortgage company, claimants,
Trustees, etc., the official correspondence found below the Rally Document, named: 'Foreclosure Writ / Discovery'. Be sure when submitting your correspondence that you address a
natural person by name who is the Representative or Agent operating through or for the bank entity, mortgage
entity or any other entity making claims on the estate, or property. Therefore everytime you correspond,
place the name of a natural person that you are dealing with, or is dealing with you before naming the entity, place
their name in front of the entity name, as they are the natural person representatives. This prevents them
from their practiced deceit of hiding behind corporation 'persons'. Once they default by failure
of qualifiably answering the stated questions, and they must answer ALL of them specific to the questions asked, you are then
lawfully qualified to send them a 'Default Notice'.
We have found there is no need
to send a "Reconveyance Letter" as YOUR inheritance cannot be bought, sold or transferred,
therefore they are not and never have been a Trustee of YOUR estate. As you study look up the words: Ancestral,
Ancestral Estate, Land, Hereditaments, Corporeal Hereditaments and Incorporeal Hereditaments. Also look up Escheat and
Feudal Law. In essence study is required of YOU.

Report On Mortgage Rally

Foreclosure Writ / Discovery
This Writ, once understood, can be used for any financial request or Demand from you, including Collection

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