. . .
The U.S (Union States) Nigger
Industry What It Is, Why It Is and How It Affects YOU!
There is only ONE identifying Human DNA Making
of Mankind (Kin-To-Man) in the Laboratories of South America: Patagonia / Patmos / Atlantic

This Page is an Information, Support and Ancillary for those Aboriginal and Indigenous Prisoners, who are now, (and have been), routinely, and without
lawful due – processes, held as captives in their own Land. These colorable acts of misadministration of governmental
positions, are confirmed by a de facto and corrupt Wardship - Tenure system!

Updated: 2/28/16 By Mizraim El By the Law of Nations no state is bound to recognize
slavery of another state. Reference / Source of Law: John Bouviers Institutes of
American Law #168 “Book of Persons”
Page # 37. "A valid and sufficient accusatory instrument is a non waivable jurisdictional
prerequisite to a criminal prosecution" People v. Case, 42 NY2d 98, 99 [1977] The Jailer is liable for the escape of prisoners
lawfully in arrest, and if the arrest is illegal, he is free from all liability. He (the
jailer) may, therefore in his defence show that the court issuing the process had no jurisdiction.
Albee v. Ward, 8 Mass. 79l Or; that the
process was void. Whereas, a Writ may be void
because it is defective in language, because the court had no jurisdiction to
issue the writ; Big Torts 122 Nixon v. Reeves, 65 Minn. 159, 67 n.W. 989, 33 L.R.A.
506. See Bouviers Law Encyclopedia Rawles 3rd revision Pg.
The Clerk of the court who issues a defective writ, or one
not authorized by the Court, is liable; and so is a judge who orders a writ which he had no right
to issue or where he had no jurisdiction. Big Torts 128. See
Bouviers Law Encyclopedia Rawles 3rd revision Pg. 1182. Therefore, where a copy of process
was left with the jailer as his warrant, he may justify an escape by showing such copy to be on its face void;
he is not bound to look beyond the copy, and the validity of the process itself is not material.
Kidder v. Barker, 18 Vt. 454. Reference
/ Source of Law: John Bouviers “Institutes of American Law Book of Wrongs” # 2338 page 629.
One who has been kidnapped or
stolen away, “or” a freeman who has been taken by robbers
and reduced to slavery is not a slave. Reference
/Source of Law: John Bouviers Institutes of American Law #165 “Book of Persons”
page 37. Abdu-l-Rahman Ibrahim Ibn Sori (a.k.a. Abdul-Rahman) was a prince from West Africa who was made a slave via the United
States. After spending 40 years in slavery, he was freed in 1828 by order of President John Quincy
Adams and Secretary of State Henry Clay after the Sultan of Morocco requested his release. He
was captured near the Futa Djallon. Definition of Habeas Corpus
this writ (Habeas Corpus) is devised for the preservation of liberty to the end that no one shall detain
a free person. The word freeman includes every freeman, infant or adult, male
or female, one or many, whether sui juris, or under the power of another. For we consider
this: is the person free? He who does not know that a freeman is detained in his house is not in bad faith;
but as soon as he is advised of the fact, he becomes in bad faith. Reference / Source of Law:
John Bouviers Concise encyclopedia of Law Francis Rawles 3rd revision page 1400 definition of Habeas
Corpus. . Where there is
entire Want of Jurisdiction to issue the process for imprisonment,
Habeas Corpus is the Proper Remedy and the person
need not resort to an appeal. Reference / Source of Law: In Re: Gribben, 5 Okl. 379, 47 Pac. 1074 ; John Bouviers Concise
Encyclopedia of Law Francis Rawles 3rd Revision pg. 1403 Definition of Habeas Corpus.
"In a false imprisonment case, the `injury' suffered by
an individual is the illegal confinement itself rather than any detriment occurring after imprisonment... "One
who is wrongfully deprived of freedom sustains an intangible injury, the magnitude of which cannot be measured
or assessed in physical terms. Although this injury may, in some cases, also cause psychological or emotional trauma,
a victim of false arrest/false imprisonment need not experience such trauma to have a
legally compensable claim. Delacruz v. Borough of Hillsdale, 838 A. 2d 498 - NJ: Appellate Div. 2004.
The infraction of personal liberty has ever been regarded as one of the greatest
personal injuries. The injuries to personal liberty are malicious prosecutions or arrests,
and false imprisonment. Reference / Source of Law:
John Bouviers Institutes of American Law
excerpt from #2275 page # 613.
Bouviers Institutes of American Law excerpt from #208 Chapter 3 page 51: Personal Liberty
is the independence in our actions of all other will than our own; it consist in the power of locomotion,
of changing situation, of removing one’s person to whatever place ones inclination may direct without restraint
or imprisonment …This right is protected by law. To protect the personal liberty
of the citizen from “unlawful arrests”, it is the law that no person can be imprisoned for an
“alleged crime”, unless upon oath of some competent witness. Connor
v commonwealth, 3 Binn. Penn 38; Russell, Cr. 512; American Constitution Amendment 4 and
5; and the warrant of commitment must be in writing, under the
hand of a competent magistrate; it must express the cause of commitment, and show by what authority
the prisoner is committed. Reference
/ Source of Law: John Bouviers Institutes of American Law excerpt from #210 page 51. . Elizabeth Freeman (Mum
Elizabeth Freeman (c. 1742 – December 28, 1829), in early life known as Bett and
later Mum Bett, was among the first Moors enslaved via Massachusetts to file a "freedom suit"
and win in court under the 1780 Constitution, with a ruling that slavery was illegal. Her county
court case, 'Brom and Bett v. Ashley', decided in August 1781, (The American Republic Constitution was not ratified at
this time), was cited as a precedent in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court appellate review of Quock Walker's "freedom
suit". When the Massachusetts state supreme Court upheld Walker's freedom under the Constitution, the ruling was
considered to have implicitly ended slavery for the STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS.
Robert Lumpkin’s Slave Jail
Robert Lumpkins Slave Jail” was known as “the devils half acre”,
located on American Territory of which is called in a quasi fashion “RICHMOND
was the nerve center for so called slave trading which in fact and truth is “Human Trafficking”, and boasted as
the largest running operation outside of so called NEW ORLEANS. “Robert Lumpkin”
made a transaction for approximately 6,000.00 dollars November 27, 1844 Gregorian Calendar, to acquire
an establishment of which was already in operation as a holding facility for so called slaves.
However, when
Robert Lumpkin took possession the extremities of the re-establishment increased. There were four other
lots on what was called ‘wall street’, which is now called 15th Street, that contained
what they call “slave Jails”; the area was collectively called “Lumpkins alley.”
The Jail was situated along “Shockoe Creek”
and featured barred windows, high fences, chained gates opening to rutted streets. I will omit details of the other
extremities leaving it to the reader to research. However, I trust the reader can imagine the conditions of being
Kidnapped, and placed with a multitude of people with no bathroom and no access to the outside world except through a small
window. So-named Anthony Burns  A portrait of the so called
“fugitive slave Anthony Burns”, whose arrest and trial under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
touched off riots and protests by abolitionists and citizens of Boston in the spring of 1854
Gregorian Calendar. A bust portrait of the twenty-four-year-old so-named Burns, drawn by Barry from a daguereotype
by “Whipple and Black", is surrounded by scenes from his life. Burns was a captive
in Lumpkins Jail. At the age of nineteen, in 1853 he escaped “slavery” from Richmond, traveling
by ship to Boston in the free state of Massachusetts. In Boston he worked for a pie company
and for a man named "Coffin Pitts, a clothing dealer, No.36 Brattle Street."
Franklin Pierce was determined to turn over a so called “escaped slave”. He set his sight on turning over
the Moor called “Anthony Burns” from Boston - a center of abolitionist activity – to Quasi
National Virginia in order to show southern politicians that northern “Quasi National Domiciles”
would enforce the “Fugitive Slave Act”, a key provision of the Compromise of 1850. (Post
American Republic Constitution ratification 1791.) However, all Europeans were
not for “slavery” whereas “The fugitive slave act” was fiercely resisted near Boston,
the Anthony Burns case attracted national publicity, large demonstrations, protests and an attack on US Marshals at the courthouse.
“Anthony Burns” was basically kidnapped near Boston, while walking down “Court
Street”. Some Abolitionist were outraged due to the Enforcement of the Unlawful /Unconstitutional
“Fugitive Slave Act 1850”. On May 26 1854 before
so called Burns court case near Boston a crowd of both Moors and Europeans including “Thomas
Wentworth Higgins” and others stormed the courthouse to free so-named Burns. Moors
and Europeans efforts were in conjunction. In the mist of the attempt of Moors and Europeans
to free Burns, a deputy U.S. Marshall named “James Batchelder” (1830–1854), was fatally stabbed. James
Batchelder was the second U.S. Marshall to be expired in the so-called “line of duty.” A grand Jury indicted
3 of those involved with the attack at the courthouse. After an acquittal of one man and several
hung juries in trials for the others, the federal government dropped the charges! Reference: Steven
E. Barkan (Oct 1983). "Jury Nullification in Political Trials" 31 (1). Social
Problems. pp. 28–44). Where a person who is not vested
by law, with authority to make an arrest, attempts to do so, he acts as a private
citizen, and one who opposes him therein is not guilty of opposing an officer;
U.S. v. Baird, 48 Fed.554 John Bouviers concise encyclopedia of law Francis Rawles 3rd revision
page 2397. The Right of self-defense, extends to injuries committed against the
limbs and the body of a man, and the aggressor may even be killed, if the person attacked has no other means of saving himself.
/ Source of Law: John
Bouviers Institutes of American Law excerpt from #204 Page 50. The
accused may demur to the
complaint when it shall appear upon the face thereof
either as follows: 1.)
That the court has no jurisdiction of the person of the defendant
/ accused; or of the subject of the action;
or 2.) The
plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue; or 3.) There is another cause of action pending
between the same parties for the same cause; or 4.) There is a defect of parties, plaintiff or defendant;
(emphasis on the nom de guerre ); or 5.) Several ‘causes of action’ have been
improperly united; or 6.) The complaint does not state facts
sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Reference / Source of
Law: John Bouviers Institutes of American Law #3270 sub section 144 (122). .

A Prisoner
is one who is deprived of his or her liberty, and who is, against his or her will, kept in confinement or custody; a person
who is restrained of his or her liberty upon any action, civil or criminal, or upon commandment.
...Government . ‘To Govern’ means to direct
and control the actions or the conduct of people or things, either by established laws or by arbitrary will. Thus, the authorities
and authorizations, used or claimed by persons in government, should always be put to question of legitimacy or illegitimacy.
Always consider whether or not an ‘Action’ taken or initiated by an (alleged) representative or personnel
in government, is confirmed by ‘Due - Process’ under the ‘Law’ and measured by the ‘Supreme
Law of the Land’. The Supreme Law of the Land is the ‘Constitution for the United States Republic of North America’.
The governmental principles that underscore and give life to this foundation instrument of law, are ancient in their origin,
coming down from ‘Principles of Jurisprudence’ as taught by the Moorish Sovereigns of the Old World.
.Government is derived from the Old Moorish Latin word, gubernaculum. The Science that Treats of Positive Law is known as, Jurisprudence. Jurisprudence is the
Philosophy of Law, or the science that treats of ‘Positive Law’ and of ‘Legal Relations’.
Jurisprudence is a term that does not apply directly to systems of Law, or to current views of Law; or to suggestions
for amendments to law. Jurisprudence is, however, the name of a science – being formal, or analytical, rather than a
material one. It is the Science of Actual or Positive Law.
. Misprision
in Government .
Referencing the contemporary Government(s) in the United States of North America The predominant number of Politicians, Administrators, Wardens, Law
Officers, and Policemen, (operating in the United States of America) are European Colonial descendants. This obvious imbalance
of personnel in North American States’ Governments is strongly reflected on all levels; the Federal, the States, and
the Municipalities. This biased social-design is falsely propagated as, Racism! However, Racism (professed for misdirection
purposes) is a public - façade and cover-up! Their true motives (Modus Operandi)
are actually their commonly practiced ‘Inter Caetera Divina’
Church - Bulla – Culture, allegiances, and influences. This ‘Decree’ is the latter of two (2) Inquisition
Church Bullas (Bulls) issued during 1492 and 1493 A.D. Know that the commonly recognized untoward or anti-social actions and
attitudes, being marked social - signatures of Europeans in America, ARE NOT mere acts of what has been traditionally (and
falsely) tagged as, prejudice! Europeans, occupying North America, are religiously - dedicated to their ‘Inter Caetera Divina’ Church Bulla! Inter Caetera Divina is the true (secretive)
guide - source for their ‘social - engineering protocols’ used to amass wealth from Aboriginals by, direct theft,
trickery, adhesion contracts, and color-of-law. This Bulla is the source of their lack of moral conscience – rooted
in their religious foundation! These, and related policies are applied against all Aboriginal natural peoples, held under
a U.S. Demo, de facto government.
.Consequently, their ‘practiced’ ‘Color
– of – Law’ ‘Color – of Authority’ and Color – of – Office’ legal processes,
often contradict due – process, Constitutional principles. These disparaging and deviant administrative performances
are obviously reflected in the Prisons and Jails - being (veiled) Concentration Camps in North America. Though very few would
speak openly about these Bullas, this is the evidential truth as to why Asiatics (Aboriginals) fill the Prisons and Jails
in such unfair and irrefutably high numbers. To support the economic demands of the Church Bullas, the de facto court system
operatives constantly violate Constitution – secured Laws (See Article VI); and commit numerous transgressions against
natural peoples’ rights and immunities; while knowingly violating International Law.
This Page is under Construction. We receive mail from Prisoners In Their Own
Land. Statistics show over 50% of Prisoners are NOT supposed to be in jail (concentration camps). Statistics also
show over 50% of those who have or may have been erroneously imprisoned, and can be released based on DNA,
are not granted release, and in many cases, a review of proof of innocence regarding DNA. Their cases
are not heard, they are not released. This would prove the alarming rate of incarcerations that are based on FINANCE
often as a result of usurpation and oppression of the Aboriginal People of the Land. Imagine being in jail
and having to pay for your confinement. This is also due to the fact that most are inprisoned WIHTOUT Due Process for
the purposes of making finance, robbing birthrights (liberties), which is genocide, criminal and highly penal, proving the
intent of enslavement of natural people without due process, or human trafficking. This
is also due to the fact the most are inprisoned without DUE . Many of the jailhouses are now privatized and their protocols vary. We intend to present
a program or process of assistance to our Brothers and Sisters (who are also being incarcerated at an alarming rate, yet a
Nation cannot rise higher than it's women and without the enforcers, the posterity of their family liberties are open to continued
attack). This program will provide "prisoners-in-their-own-land" with subscriptions and information. However,
assistance from their loved ones, family and friends is helpful and may be necessary. They will be instructed through
this page, as needed. We will also set-up a donation to this program to help us, help them, as we will send
them, with the assistance of their loved ones, family and friends, as much as we are able to help them, help themselves in
their struggle to be free, upright, fearless and independent in their own land. . All who donate will be noted on a list that can be
made available on request. So stay tuned for how you can help, if you will to, our "Prisoners-in-Their-Own
Land" Assistance program.