This page contains articles designed to fertilize the seeds of thought into conscious deeds of life.
Con = with
science = sense
conscience = with (common) sense - with science.
Our thoughts are our seeds and likened to a seed planted in the ground, once planted it grows under the Sun and the Moon.
Thus plant your seeds (thought) and let them grow (manifest).

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NEW "FOOD  FOR THOUGHT" INFORMATION.  We like to think we have our hand on the pulse of the thoughts of the people, based on the questions they ask, because if it is "all on your mind - it is all in the air." We will be providing very short analects of information for you to process.  At this time many are going to and fro in the earth.  Some are seeking Knowledge and others are seeking to Devour.  YOU must haved discernment.  Those who are seeking knowledge must first be a student, then they become a Teacher, as the Teacher ONLY appears, when the Student is ready.  This also means for those who choose a teacher, they must check to see if the one they have chosen has ever been a student themselves, if not, they may be misguided and ill-taught. "Careful Moors, some of your own wearing Turbans and Fezzes, will put you back into slavery."  Eventually the new analects of information, designed to get you to thinking so you can free yourself, will be moved to the existing "Food For Thought" page.  Keep up, things are moving fast.

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Posted 5/24/18




There is NOTHING new under the Sun.  All matters regarding the Liberties of the people have ALREADY been scribed.  All Rules of ENGAGEMENT are already scribed.  All we need to do is ENFORCE it.  That is what the Prophet brought and that is what he said.  Any new 'laws' made within the Temple was for the members for the purpose of guiding and preparing members to ultimately take their place amongst the affairs of man when they go out into the World and link themselves 'back' to the family of NATIONS.  We need to try that on for a few generations at least, which is what 'getting it into the youth' is all about.


Consular Courts are NOT a government.  On our recent broadacst regarding Consular Court we gave the definition and purpose of Consular Court directly from the Congressional Records and explained the Repeal in 1956 and WHY.  We remained neutral to the subject and did not give any specific components or concepts to the now various risings of Consular Courts.  "Do not be a 'Blind Follower".  This topic is a PERFECT example of why WE MUST STUDY.  Below is the direct link to our Tuesday 5/22/18 - MHHS "National Principles in Action" Broadcast.  We will be posting the PDF's from the Congressional Records for edification shortly hereafter.


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The Buzz About Moors Consulate Court


We have been receiving inquiries as to a "Consular Court" having a signing this month.  If you have had the experience of asking several different people and getting a different answer as to the purpose(s) of it, you will have to wait until that event to know what they are presenting for the people.  What we do know about Consular Courts is that they were originally established for foreigners to enforce Treaties across the land.  As for the Moroccan / American land, upon the establishing and enforcing of the Moroccan / American National Constitution - The Supreme Law of the Land FOR the United States of America (corporation or corporate citizens), wherein within the Constitution all Treaties are included to be enforced (Article VI).  And Admiralty Law is also included (Article 3).  Consular Courts were established for foreigners UNTIL the Constitution and judiciary venues were set up in harmony with the Law of the land and solidly taught and enforced.  This is why they were repealed.  Foreigners could claim their citizenship to the USA, natural people could not, cannot, and ought not, as they (USA), its founders are not your ancestors and you are not members/ citizens of the USA Corporation, even though it operates on or upon the Moroccan / American soil.  Thus, Article 12 of the Original 13th Amendment states that descendants of Africans can not be citizens (of U.S.A.).  Many may think this is some kind of bias due to Lack of study and knowledge of the law and history.  I trust now you will overstand that it is not.  As well, the Prophet said to enforce the Constitution so you are not molested by "other citizens."  If we spent time doing that, we would not have time to slander each other, nor would we keep looking for European processes.  First, of course, we have to know the Constitution as a fundamental foundation and if we were active with that, we would be the united front and force we are looking for.  The Beys' are the enforcers of the Law wherever they may be with their regal retinue.  Moors are NOT foreigners in their own land.  They may be prisoners (mentally) but NOT foreigners. This is also why the Prophet said the Supreme issue is to enforce the Constitution FOR the United States of America and to place your trust upon issue and names formed by your forefathers.  



Many are Saying.. Spreading False Information

CLICK HERE FOR OUR Intial Response To Consular Court Rising 2018 - 1 pg. PDF


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Time for A Truth

As Mercury (communication energy) goes direct and unravels much mis-information.

Who put 'black' on the Prophet's Death Certificate?  Certainly, it was NOT him.

The following is a Memorandum sent to R.V. Bey Publications for posting on this Holy Day May 5, 2017 (1438)

We thank the Author:  Sidi Saleem Azeem Bey, for considering this platform to share his research.  It is "Time for Truth".  If you don't believe it, research it for yourself, and while your at it, find yourself approved.


I am distributing this memorandum for publication on the 155th anniversary of Cinco de Mayo to clear up some organized confusion that exsist regarding the true background and status of the Moors originally domiciled here in North America (El Maghreb El Aqsa).  Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought forth a Divine Truth that has NOT been placated by falsehood as it may appear 'online'.  History repeats itself, and Noble Drew Ali said he would repeat himself as well.  The agitations, misinformation, disinformation, and overall confounding tactics of COINTELPRO agents  disguised as "Faithful Moors' has made it necessary for 'the faithful' to provide some clarification and by design, wield the sword of truth and shame the......
Click below PDF to ccntinue this article:

1.  Willie Lynch TEST


Memorandum for Post R.V. Bey Publications - PDF

by Sidi Saleem Azeem Bey


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1.  Willie Lynch TEST

Spring Equinox - "Smell The Earth" -- PDF

by Mizraim Aleph El
In Honor of Apri (April) - to Open the Earth. 

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Posted 10/30/16 


Masons vs. Masonic Orders has been put into a 1-Pg PDF.

Man Must Learn by Signs and Symbols:




Don't get confused with the science and symbols of "Mother and Son" (Mason)

with those who USE the science and symbols of "Mother and Son".


Green Spinning Crescent




Click Here for This Article in a 2-page PDF

We trust this article assist to clear up assertions that R,V, Bey Publications is giving wrong information, as it is in line with "takinig the covers off of all secret societies, of which the Prophet himself said he was doing.  Therefore anyone who is actually in line with his works would want the people to gain understanding, inclusive of signs and symbols, as the Prophet also said "Man MUST learn by signs and symbols. Anyone who does not rejoice in your overstanding of same, must be operating as a Secret Society directly against the instructions.  Whether you go in an organization or not, it is IMPERATIVE that you gain knowledge.  Don't believe us. Check it out for yourself and follow the Dictates of YOUR Soul.

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Merry Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere


 Noble Drew Ali said in Chapter 1 of The Circle 7 that the Cherubim and Seraphim who rule the Stations of the Sun and spirit of mighty Allah who rule the Solar Stars are his guide and protector and they will lead to victory.


I could go on about the Cosmos but in this Year it is only right we simply bring a visual example of giving honors to the universe, with the Biggest thanks to Canaanland Moors for living it on the earth plane.  I would like to emphasize the beauty of the Landscape in this video and give a big acknowledgment to the sister Rootz K for the Lyricism on the Canaanland Solstice video.



Clic1k here for Canaanland Moors Summer Solstice Ritual





Click here for "The Land of Milk and Honey" 1 pg.. PDF

by Robert Morris



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Aboriginal Love has been put into a 1-Page PDF. It explains what Aboriginal and Indigenous is and also assist with some overstanding of Religion.



Aboriginal Love 1-Pg PDF

This article also references or supports information found on the Natonal Identification Card page at Sec. 4:  "Are You Confused Or Unsure

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Beginning Of Christianity - Chapter 46

1 Page PDF

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posted 7/31/18



Unanswered Frivolous Affidavits 


 27th July 2018 ccy 1438 mcy

Greetings of Peace,


We here at R.V. Bey Publications are in receipt of your correspondence that you have been encouraged to submit based on the theories, unsubstantiated by ......  You and others have been erroneously advised that there is some alleged contract with R.V Bey Publications and /or Great Seal, as a result of products and /or services provided.     Click Below for Full Article 

 Ball in Middle Spinning


Unanswered "Frivolous" Affidavit is Not an Admission

Law Class 101 Info


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posted 10/22/15

Child ID Card or Not?  by Jaiyanah Bey

If this article does not bring home to the parents, especially the Mothers, how they are willing, yet unknowing participants in the bureaucratic enslavement of their own children, thus participating in human trafficking without knowledge, then there is a whole lot of waking up, yet to be done!




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Child ID Card issued from Quasi-National Jurisdiction

Does any natural being, aboriginal and indigenous to the land need a State Issued ID - NO!!  In fact the states are pressed to establish a REAL ID with a final deadline of 2017.  The drivers license instrument is NOT an ID. ID's must have the Nationality of the being, of which a member / citizen of a corporate state is NOT a Nationality.  Besides, Natural people, and espeically aboriginal Moors/ Americans cannot have an ID issued from a quasi-national domicile.  ALL Union States (U.S.A.) are quasi-national domiciles. Be careful about what is presented to you, just because it is presented, does not mean you have to accept the offer.  Analyze it and SEE where and how it does NOT and CANNOT EVER apply to you.  Yes, that takes knowledge, and to have knowledge takes study and once you study to gain knowledge you must apply it in order to gain wisdom.  Therefore, it cannot be given to another by another, as the gaining 'back' YOUR heritage and estate will be done in a conflict that cannot be told in words, as it is YOUR experience that happens first, then you can talk about, but cannot give it to another.  We must build together, however that cannot be done if we come with no tools to build.

 Ball in Middle Spinning



Child ID Card or Not? - PDf

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Food For Thought Message:


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The Science Behind Friday the 13th

by Mizraim Aleph El - A Free True and Living Moor

1.  Willie Lynch TEST



Click Here For Science Of Friday the 13th - PDF

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posted 5/6/13 - Posted here 11/15/14


New Article for Hertiage / History Consumption:  "The Monopoly and Asiatic American Connection to the Continentl Americas" by Morpheus Ashahed El

 Ball in Middle Spinning

Asiatic American Connection To The Continental Americas" - PDF

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posted 2/7/14
1.  Willie Lynch TEST

Divine Truth About the Rudder, Buddha and Nobility--pdf

by Morpheus Ashahed El


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Interesting Read

For those who study the Facts, attest to the facts and Congressional Records, in regards to "Who Is Who" and What is What".  Be sure to read a most interesting letter in regards to John Adams request, wherein he wanted to have a Commerce Treaty and was informed with no uncertain terms that there MUST BE a Treaty of Peace, and proof that the European colonist had to request their Independence from Britian BEFORE any agreements could even be considered.  Click here to review it.


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posted 5/31/13
New "Food For Thought" short article by Morpheus Ashahed El entitled "Mathematical Message"

"Mathematical Message" -- PDF 1 Page



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Red Spinning Circle Quartered with Ball in Middle Spinning

"Defacto Agent Activity"

   by Maroc Bey

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posted 12/5/12

Red Spinning Circle Quartered with Ball in Middle Spinning.


"Moors, Temples and Membership"

   by Sheikh Minkah Aha Hu El

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Revised 10/30/12 - MUST READ!!
Red Spinning Circle Quartered with Ball in Middle Spinning

A Response To Finch and Flowers Poverty Law Report - On Sovereignty -revised

   by Rahsmariah Bey

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posted 3/6/14


For the 'Ma-sons' of the World

 Ball in Middle Spinning

A Brotherhood Against Motherhood - pdf



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Why A Moor CANNOT Naturalize!  Why the 14th Amendment Is Not Necessary, thus no need to Address It.  Check out the below PDF


 Ball in Middle Spinning

Why Is 14th Amendment NOT Necessary? - pdf



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As A Reminder:  Who Is American? -

Why are the Oldest Bones found called Lucy? by Morpheus Ashahed El

Red Spinning Circle Quartered with Ball in Middle Spinning

click here to review and / or download this Article: "Who Is An American" --PDF

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posted 3/4/14

 Ball in Middle Spinning


"Lies You Tell" -- PDF

Analect by Anaidah El in regards to 'Americans'  OR 'Modern Europeans?'


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In Regards To 'Nationalizing' -- 2015

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  Ball in Middle Spinningposted 3/3/14




Who Is Fallen Humanity? -- PDF

Analect by Anaidah El  "Who Is Fallen Humanity? - Are you working to uplift it?



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The Following is a response Letter.  It may be of old news to some.  It shows the division in the Family, however such division is usually by those who do not , or will not study;  and are looking for someone else to study and think for them because they do not or will not study and are ACTIVE DISRUPTERS  of those who do.  Many of them think they are in the position to teach others, not recognizing they are teaching them to do and be the same.  In the end the struggle is between Angels and Demons, which TRANSLATES to a struggle between "Higher Self and Lower Self."


Greetings of Peace,                September 27, 2016 ccy 1436 mcy                                                           Page 1 of 2

Grand Sheik Way-El and Brother C. Harrison (Ali) Bey.   You have both shown that you are NOT astute in Law, but are astute in thinking  that those who propose to be officers, officials and Law Makers and enforcers, are actually  Officers, officials, Law Makers and Enforcers, when they are NOT! 

EXAMPLE 1:   A police is NOT an officer, he or she is not an Official, nor are they Law Enforcers.  They are policy enforcers, private security guards, working for corporations to protect corporations and those who are members of corporations and break corporate codes.

It is NOT the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers.  (Sapp vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff vs.City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247).

