. . . .
Truth About
Your Birthrights 
. . . Moorish Divine & National Movement
Of The World (3
Important Documents)
. . "Addressing Misunderstandings"
If you
are looking to clear up concepts and gain truth in fast moving times of consciousness raising, this is a MUST READ! Covers areas you probably have not considered. . Includes Official Audio CD "Simple Science Soldier", mixed by DJ Supreme. Also found
on "Order Publications Page" - Active Civics.
. . . Moorish Literature
. . . . 101 Questions For Moorish American . . . . . . . CIrcle 7 Koran & Pocket Size
. . . . . . .Oral Statements Of Prophet Noble Drew Ali

"Simple Science Soldier" Audio Mixed
by D.J. Supreme .

. .
"Caveat Emptor" - Prophet Noble Drew Ali -- PDF
....as the Moorish hordes increase here in America. All of the Moors are active not passive.

. . 
Religious Controversy -- Prophet Noble Drew Ali-- PDF
...and though the Sun hangs at high noon, they comprehend it not. .

. Addressing Misunderstandings of Purpose Concerning The Prophet Noble Drew Ali The Moorish Divine and National Movement Of The World —By Taj Tarik Bey
. , I have always
found it troubling to see and recognize that many sincere and / or seriously interested natural persons have displayed an
air of disillusionment, confusion or misunderstandings concerning the direction and purpose of the “Moorish
Divine National Movement” [M.D.N.M.] It must be emphasized to all people who receive Moorish Culture Class
instruction that Noble Drew Ali was a “Universal Prophet”! Because Noble
Drew Ali is a “Universal Prophet”, public airing of his literature and message is directed to the “people”
of North America “at large” and not just to the fallen Moors, his people. The Prophet Noble Drew Ali made a firm and compelling “Plea To The Nation”,
and presented to us the specific grand principle of Love, Truth Peace, Freedom and Justice. Upon making this
historically famous “Plea”, the Prophet addressed the people, qualifying their loyalty. This is the specific order
in which he [The Prophet] clearly addressed three [3] specific bodies of the people, who make up the citizenry and / or “Body
politic” of North America: 1. All Loyal, faithful Moors, 2. Members, [Nationality
Card-Holding Members of the Temples] 3. The American citizens. . Warning: Remember
that the Prophet directed his “Call” to the above-mentioned peoples in the public arena. Look
at the order or sequence in which those he addressed is placed. Do not allow anyone to try to convince you or your children
[off spring] that he [The Prophet] did not address the above—said peoples. Let no one without a challenge, try to imply,
in any way, that any of the above stated persons have no right to possess the Prophets’ literature or writings or that
they cannot or should not talk about, analyze or discuss those things which our Prophet brought to us! If anyone has any doubt
to the correctness of what I have just said, then go to the Prophet’s own words, which are written in
his “Moorish Literature” booklet, under the editorial, “A Divine Warning by The
Prophet For the Nations”. It is upon this “document” that “The Moors Order
Of The Roundtable” bases its origin and purpose! This is why I have set about the task of producing literature to counter
the subversives among us. It is not personal — it is for the Nations and the Moorish Divine National Movement. . The social
spiritual and political “proper person” concepts and “proper conduct” initiatives
which The Prophet encouraged the People to “Act" upon, must be made common public information and should be readily
available in every public library and on display in any of the various book stores. However, history and the records
show that a few subversive characters / persons deceitfully presented themselves as honorable and sincere members within the
Moorish Temples and thereby, successfully gained positions of authority and power within the Moorish Movement. Some of these
traitorous, disingenuous and selfish persons set about their work and intent of “slowing down” or “neutralizing”
the “Moorish Divine National Movement”.
Upon analyzing Moorish literature and information, the oral
and written words of many honorable Sheiks and Sheikesses; the limited records made available by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
[F.B.I.], a pattern of negative intent and actions can be easily discerned and recognized. The following are a few of those
recognizable acts or actions which are derivative of the above-said patterns of negative intent. - Any and all attempts
made at neutralizing the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, by way of suppression of the exposure of his “Pleas” “Messages”
and “Literature”, as it was all directed to all loyal, faithful Moors and to the people at large.
- The
artificially injected divisions and schisms presently existing among “Moorish Holy Temples Of Science”, The Moorish
Science Temples of America, and The Moorish Divine National Movement, in all its manifest branch institutions.
- The
false claim that Moors do not vote in the National elections [qualified] and in their “proper person” status.
- The
false claim that Moors are not to be civically active.
- The false claim that Moors are not to study and / or act upon
the National Constitution of and for the governance of the United Sates and for the governance of the United Sates Republic,
North America, which was prepared for all free national beings.
- The false claim that Moors are “not” part
of this said government, i.e., The United States Republic of North America.
- The lack of “refined” instruction
on and about the social and political effects concerning the “truth” about the theft of, and the suppression of,
the Moorish Nationality and Birthrights issues, etc.
- The lack of recorded documents and accountability to the Moors
concerning the collection of, the accountability to the People for, and the proper dispensation and spending of the People’s
- The lack of study, analysis and truth about the legal and/ or lawful implications concerning the alterations
of words of a document; or the deletion of words in or from any established “Constitution” or lawful or legal
document. Note should be taken that the “Divine Constitution Document” of “The Moorish Holy Temple
of Science”, as presented to the Moors from Noble Drew Ali, our Prophet, was altered by someone within the Movement,
when Noble Drew Ali was in the midst of institutional pressure and violations from persons within the Movement. Take note
of an important and often overlooked alteration which was made at least three times within the “Divine Constitution”
document, which alters its meaning and purpose!
The original Divine Constitution of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science” states the legal term: “Part and Parcel” The altered “Divine Constitution
of the Moorish Science Temple of America” reads: “Part and Partial”
Do you hear Moors analyzing or discussing the circumstances upon which these obviously serious, yet un-addressed
changes were made? Noble Drew Ali commanded the Moors to “study, study, study? Can not the Moorish American read?
Why has no one of importance to the Moorish Movement pointed out this flaw to the Moorish National citizenry? Why has
no correction been made? Who is protecting the Prophet and the Moorish Movement? Will the honorable
Moors please stand up?!
The issues relative to the undermining works instituted against Moorish American progress in North America
and initiated by and or through the subversives amongst the Moors are not limited to the foregoing. However, I feel
the above are well worth mentioning for the purpose of warning those who become conscious of their Moorish Nationality
and Birthright issues.
Many newly conscious Moors may inadvertently find themselves amongst un-welcoming, exploitive, opportunistic
or cliquish Moors. Be aware that such are not the “programs” as presented by the Prophet, nor is such the
mission of the Moorish Movement. The above also applies to the Europeans among us who may oft-times pretend not to know the
true and illustrious connection and influence of Moors to the founding of this great Republic and of the “constitutionally”
undermining subversives on their side of the Nation. All parties must confess, support, enforce and uplift our free National
Constitution, and declare one free national name! Remember that the name, America applies to two major continents, an isthmus
and the adjoining Islands! What is your nationality? Upon recognizing that critical misunderstandings about varied
and yet vital issues involving Moorish American history, law and government existed and exists also among many conscious Moorish
Americans, I feel the need and obligation to, at least address the same to the best of my knowledge and ability. I also
recognize that this includes members of my own direct “Nationalized” family. This is why I have prepared
a few “Moorish Children’s Lesson Books” for my daughters, my sons, my nieces and my nephews to share some
of those studies with you, trusting to do some good.
If one would wonder or desire to have a clearer understanding of focus and purpose of and for their own actions
and purpose of involvement and connection to the “Moorish Divine National Movement”, then I would advise the following:
Thoroughly read, analyze and Etymologically study, “in word” and “in law”,
Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s “Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations”; the “Prophet Makes Plea To Nation”, the Moorish Leader’s Historical Message To America”, etc. Therein, unerringly, you will be informed of the Moorish Mission; instructed and directed of and to the true purpose
of the Mission’ and given a solid foundation upon which to base your studies, your actions, your dedication and your
associations. With a clearer understanding that the Moorish Movement in North America is the great legacy left to us by our
Prophet, you will recognize that the “Movement’ belongs to “We, The People”. With a solid background knowledge of
the above stated literature, your acts, your obligations and connections to your “Moorish Divine National Movement”
will be firm and unshakable! And to this great humanitarian cause, honorable Moors pledge their allegiance! Peace,
Prosperity and Progress. .

. There are many Institutions, Movements and Organizations that came
directly out of, or are under the universal “umbrella” of “The Moorish Divine and National Movement”.
Many have studied Noble Drew Ali’s words and works and teachings and have applied them well. Many have not.
Some people came into the Moorish Movement to help. Others came into the Moorish Movement to profit off the suffering
of the People and to cause divisions and problems. Some were agents of enemies to the cause of uplifting the People
and others were trying to undermine Noble Drew Ali’s efforts to “raise” the economic, social, spiritual
and political conditions of the Moors. Noble Drew Ali said, “The half has not been told! If I told
you everything, you would go back to sleep! Study yourselves”. By reason of progressive development and
by reason of countering the “Stagnation” and “sell-out” natured corruption that has always plagued
The Moorish Divine and National Movement” many “studied” Moors developed expanded informational approaches
to facilitate solving the many negative problems facing the Nation. There were, in the past, as are in the present,
positive and progressive Moors dedicated to the cause of uplifting fallen Humanity. There are many people, however,
who sought out positions of power and authority for the purpose of deliberately hiding and nullifying the National Political
Application side of the Moorish Movement. Without government structure and civil activity, the proper benefits of the reclamation
of the Moorish Nationality can never be realized for the lack of true economic security. This is why those who opposed Noble
Drew Ali’s Universal Moorish Movement usually feign ignorance to the “civic” nature of the Moorish Movement’
or condemn those who are working to protect the unalienable political rights of all Moorish Americans, etc. If one studies
the universal principles of government, national and international, one can quickly surmise who and where
opposition and deception against the “People’s Rights" exists. Keep in mind that the “freeing”
of a people from usurpation, Color-of-Law, false history, tyrannical religious dogma, brand appellatives, etc., also directly
and indirectly affects the profits and political power of those who have benefited from the status-quo conditioning. The Moorish
nationality issue is a threat to slave-holders and their “negro-bred” overseers, alike. Be aware and study
the positive and the negative history of the “Moorish Divine and National Movement” so as to enable oneself to
recognize those who would seize upon the ignorance of the people. Such persons will often misuse the presentment of “government”
activities without teaching of the “Contractual” nature of the same. Such misrepresentation serves the intent
for selfish gain whether finance or other forms of benefit or power. A well rounded knowledge of CIVICS,
LAW, and HISTORY will quickly expose any and all leech natured
opportunists and traitors to the cause and principles of uplifting the fallen Moors and Humanity at large. Where there
is “Just" government, there is accountability to the governed. Look for Constitutions, Covenants, Treaties,
By-Laws, etc. Among other things, if they are absent look for fraud and theft. This is a list of some of the many active
Moorish Institutions and/or Organizations formed which much can be learned. They are all over the Country.
Seek them out and research in your course of travel and study. - The Moorish Holy Temple of Science
- The Moorish Science
Temple of America
- Moors Order Of The Roundtable — New Jersusalem Territory (New Jersey)
- The Moroccan Honor Society of New Jerusalem Territory (New Jersey)
- The Great Seal National
Association Of Moorish Affairs. (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia. Maryland, Louisiana, Ohio Territories, etc.
- The Circle of Mothers and Sons, Cleveland, Ohio Territory
- The Moorish Institute of
Ohio, Studies of the works of C.M. Bey,
- The El East Moors of Florida Territory
- The Washita Dedugdamoundya of Louisiana Territory —Empress Tiara Verdiaci Goston El Bey
- The Lessons of the Living Widow — Sis. Atikia Bey, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Territory.
- Journal Of The Moorish Paradigm — Bro. Hakim Bey of New York Territory.
In Moorish culture, you are encouraged to read, research and study as a normal state of custom, duty and general affairs.
You have a responsibility to self and to your Nation to feed the mind and dispel ignorance.

. For Your Review, Reading and Study. . About 3 Important Writings By Noble Drew Ali If one would wonder or desire to have a clearer knowledge, understanding of focus and purpose about
the Moorish Divine and National Movement in North America - then study the words of the Prophet and founder of the Moorish
Movement. It is, therefore, presented and subscribed, in the best interest of the People, to read these documents
for themselves, instead of being preoccupied with non-productive, and unfounded opinions or debates. . 
1. Divine Warning For The Nations
2. Message To America
3. Prophet Makes Plea To The Nations

National Notice and Alert! Read This! .
. . Author’s Note: The above text is the first paragraph and an excerpt from a highly- volatile and impacting, plea, proclamation, and
notification expressed through Noble Drew Ali’s Letter of January 18, 1929. Continue
critical analysis below: . To All Loyal Moorish Americans of Northwest Amexem / North America! ,
Author’s Note: This is a Pertinent Commentary about the historically – important and suppressed letter,
issued by Noble Drew Ali, and dated Day 18 of January 1929. . Keep in mind that
(only months later) Prophet Ali suffered highly questionable injuries, and his eventual physical demise, after a ‘false
arrest’- set-up at the hands of Chicago policemen, in collusion with others, who are not directly named in this treatise.
The purpose of which is to make an examination of the subject matters of honor, credibility, and integrity, concerning those
who have claimed to respect, support, and love the Prophet and “The Moorish Divine and National Movement” of North
America, etc. Consider what we can do, in these days, to regain the respect for the Temples and the sincere members, who have
worked for years to keep the doors open for the coming generations. The good among the Moors should not
suffer the ‘lack - of - credibility’ problems, which were created by a few underhanded and ‘dirty’
Moors! They should not be allowed to overshadow the good and loyal Moorish Americans. .
that Noble Drew Ali was abused and beaten, then eventually released into the hands of awaiting, disingenuous
traitor Moors, and other subversives, who had formerly infiltrated the Moorish Science Temples of America, and who were secretly
working to undermine the Moorish Divine and National Movement at the behest of President J. Edgar Hoover, through channels
of the F.B.I. and C.I.A. Take Note that a ‘Death Certificate’ was issued upon the instance
of Noble Drew Ali’s veiling his form, and was dated July 20, 1929. .
There were various less – than – honorable
activities, initiated by some disingenuous Moorish Americans, who were working against Prophet Noble Drew Ali, during that
volatile period of time, in the Nineteen – Twenties (1920s). Communications made between Demo-government agents and
some of these subversive persons, and some members of the Temples. Some of these communications can be gleaned from redacted
F.B.I. papers, which were released years ago under the “Freedom of Information Act”. . At
this point I would refer the reader to statements made by Noble Drew Ali, concerning
the most powerful weapon in the hands of group (Moorish Americans) for our intercommunications and social / political defense.
All Scholars, Amanuensis Masters, Adepts, Grand Sheiks, Temple Members, and the Erudite of Jurisprudence, should note a very
important fact and point of history to examine and critique the following statements with a supportive, yet unbiased mind! .
The letter (attached below in full), is a purposeful and revealing excerpt
from a speech made and issued by Noble Drew Ali. It was also published in1929 in the Moorish Guide Newspaper. There is something,
however, that is very strange about Noble Drew Ali’s position on matters referred to in his speech, when considering
the lack of support on these newspaper – maintenance matters. Isn’t it an interesting and troubling
fact that you rarely hear of any statements in organizational support of Drew Ali’s position on the Press? Particular
curiosity should be rightfully directed towards recognizing the absence of many (otherwise) vocal Grand Governors and Grand
Sheiks who had been in authoritative control of administrative seats of government within the Moorish Science Temples of America!
Note that many of these “so-called” persons were instrumental in seeing that the newspapers which were started
by Noble Drew Ali (for the Moorish Americans) were not maintained; were quickly shut down; and were not resurrected in any
serious or meaningful production or manner? Read Noble Drew Ali’s Statements and consider why many
natural people, who have become conscious about their Moorish Nationality and Birthrights, have displayed limited confidence
in the leadership of the Moorish Science Temples of America before and at this current period of time (1982 to 1992 +). .
Read for yourselves and consider what you are able to do to aid and assist
in helping to uplift fallen humanity, by producing literature and newspapers, etc., to assure national communications for
all Moorish Americans, etc., as instructed by our illustrious and dedicated Prophet, Noble Drew Ali! . .

. ..
4. Full Letter From Prophet -- Commanded To Be Read At Each Meeting

Now after reading this often-suppressed letter, written by Noble Drew Ali, which he commanded to be
read at every meeting, please review the following statements and make comparisons of purpose to the spirit
of his charge and plea to the loyal Moors to counter internal subverters. ..

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