. .
Res Judicata A matter
adjudged; a thing judicially acted upon or decided; a thing or matter settled by judgment.
A phrase of the civil law, constantly quoted in the books. Rules that final judgment or decree on
merits by court of competent jurisdiction is conclusive of rights of parties or their privies in all later suits on points and matters determined in former suit. And to be applicable, requires identity in thing
sued for as well as identity of cause of action, of persons and parties to action,
and of quality in person for or against whom claim is made. The sum substance of the whole rule is that
a matter once judicially decided is
finally decided
Writs on this Page, and throughout this site, unless otherwise stated,
are typed on 8.5 x 14" paper. The history of legal paper is based on the scientific fact and anatomical harmony that if you were to hold up any
paper, including a roll or scroll, the range
of ease of reading, as it relates to eye, hand, and arm extension coordination, that could be read comfortably, does not extend beyond the scope of 14". .

law & Supreme Court cases apply to state court cases.” Howlett v. Rose, 496 U.S. 356 (1990) .


. Continue further
on this Page for other Writs, articles and information, of which there are many, already prepared and provided free on this
page, for your Study and for your use. .

Click here For Collective Violation Warning Form

posted 18th day of December 2012 . In Regards to "Boiler Plates" and "Paper Terrorism" . It has come to our attention that many of
the usurping defactos, municipalities (Roman Venues), courts, government entities, etc. have declared that "Moors"
are utilizing "boiler plates" from websites and such "Writs" are not to be received by 'them' for that
reason. Let us with a reasoning mind, think about the FACT that there exist nothing but boiler plates when dealing with
those same entities. When utilizing an attorney, when going on a so-called government web-site; what is there but "Boiler
Plates" and forms to be filled out? These are assertions intended to discourage one from moving forward with
exercising their rights and remedies. . However, the most important and impactive problem you may experience is to submit a Writ that you
yourself do not overstand, inner stand and understand. This is usually
because you have not read it. Many think there is a 'silver bullet' that they can shoot, yet do not
know how to operate the device. This is attributed to a mind set that is looking for a saviour outside of themselves
studying and casting their own 'spells'. This is the direct effect of the 'spell' of the Christian Crusades, in other
words a European mindset and not a Moor National mindset. . Note:
When ask "Do You Understand" in a court, know that that question in its terminology is a 'lawful' question, answering
it 'yes' means you stand under the jurisdiction and thereby submit to their jursidiction. At the point that they
realize you are NOT submitting because you have answerd "No I don't undertand", they then turn the question into
a comprehensive question and will suggest that you need a psychological evaluation because you don't understand.
DO NOT be shook by this, as this is the trickery, deceit and fraud. They just attempted to flip the script.
The answer to that from you is "I object, I am not suffering from constitutional psychopathic inferiority. Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority: Individuals who show a lifelong
and constitutional tendency not to conform to the customs of the group, and who habitually misbehave, and have no sense of
responsibility to their fellow men or to society as a whole. These individuals fail to learn by experience and
are inadequate, incompatible, and inefficient. . Per the definition, many of us have and still do in fact suffer 'constitutional psychopathic
. About Paper Terrorism and Frivolous Claims? . If you have relied on prior decisions of the Supreme Court, you have the perfect defense for willfulness. U.S.
v. Bishop, 412 US 346 .
We the people, are not anti-government! There exist many so-called government
entities that are in fact anti-government. We support and encourage support, of the North America Republic Constitution
for the United States of America. The only lawful form of government in this modernly referred to ‘American’
Land, and in all the states in the Territory, is a Republican Form, which is guaranteed protection for all as stated
in the Constitution, Article IV, Section
IV. To affirm for yourself, review the oaths of
any and all Trustees/ Public Officials in your local city hall, county, municipalities, state and federal operations, et
al. Each and everyone of the agents, representatives, public officers are Trustees and they take
an Oath to uphold the law of the land. Their 'authority' is derived from it. They CANNOT create
ANY ordinances, statutes, rules, etc., that violate the laws already established as their guide as to how to behave and interact
with the natural people and other 'citizens'. (See Article VI). Their Oath is a public obligation. State Governments are but Trustees acting under a derived authority. 4 Wheat 402
Anyone who denies or abrogates the law of the land is the "LAW BREAKER". Taking the Oath to the Constitution
is what gets a Government Official / Trustee/ Public Servant in the seat in the first place. Failure
to uphold the law and the Oath to it, and any violation made against the law of the land, is warring against the people. “ . No
state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.” Cooper
v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958). . “The court is to protect against any
encroachment of Constitutionally secured liberties.” Boyd v. U.S., 116 U.S. 616
. “Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a Constitutional
right, from liability. For they are deemed to know the law.” Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622 THE QUESTION IS ARE YOU IN
. LACK OF TAKING OATH Does not exempt
anyone from the Law
of the land. .
Whether they have or have not taken the Oath, they are bound by the Laws of the
land, (as are the people) and if they are sitting in the ‘seats of government’ ie. Public officials, Officers
of the Court, etc., and are violating the established rules of law, then they are Impersonating an Officer
of the Court / Inpersonating a Government Official / A Public Official / Impersonating a Trustee.
They are imposters, Therefore, they can be charged and found guilty of same, or guilty of Treason, which is
highly penal. (particularly by the International World Criminal Court) of such violations. Moors issues are IN
FACT International. If they have taken the oath or not and abrogate the laws of the land, then
they have no authority over the people what-so-ever and/or have quit their job, their fiduciary duty to the people.
Prima Facie evidence of same is found easily in the documents (paper) they submit in written form from their perspective
Offices which deny the people's rights and remedies. Even more impacting is when they submit judicial decisions
when they are NOT a valid judicial court and DO NOT possess lawful jurisdiction to adjudicate upon
the people. Their acts are 'paper terrorism'. The submission of such papers from them is frivolous and
is 'paper terrorism'. When they deny your rights and refuse to accept your lawful paperwork that scribes your
position on paper, they are committing paper terrorism because all lawful intent must first be given via 'Lawful Notice'.
That is why you MUST submit the same. you also must recognize that they give 'Notice", which is notice of their
intent, however you must Rebut it, if it is not supportive of your position or if it is unlawful intent. So, are they
afraid of getting a paper-cut?, is that what they are calling terroristic? Their refusal to acknowledge
Notice(s) / paperwork from you, the people, of which they are a public servant for, renders them treasonist, renders
them the ‘paper terrorist’ and renders
them as the law breakers. All who do not
know this are ignorant of the Law. All who do know and insist on proceeding outside of the established Law of the
Land, are anti-government and are committing Treason!! Let's look at the case laws
regarding Defective Writs. Upon doing so, you will see who the paper terrorist really are.
A Writ may be void
because it is defective in language, because the court had no jurisdiction to issue the writ; Big Torts 122 Nixon v. Reeves,
65 Minn. 159, 67 n.W. 989, 33 L.R.A. 506. See Bouviers
Law Encyclopedia Rawles 3rd revision Pg. 1182. . The Clerk of the court who issues a defective writ, or one not authorized
by the Court, is liable; and so is a judge who orders a writ which he had no right to issue or where he had no jurisdiction. Big
Torts 128 see Bouviers Law Encyclopedia Rawles 3rd revision Pg. 1182. .
Supreme Court decisions are “Stare Decisis” upon ALL Courts, including Municipal tribunal
inferior courts, one must take into serious consideration that most all of the paperwork received from these tribunals
are Void and are prima facie evidence of ‘Paper Terrorism”. Below
is a PDF containing what a Void Judgment is and Supreme Courts Decisions regarding Void Judgments.
After reading it, you will ascertain on your own that those courts, tribunals who are submitting Writs of Judicial Decisions
are in fact submitting defective writs and frivolous documents and they are the "Paper Terrorist"!
The Natural people must begin to lien those who order them and execute them in both their private citizen capacity
and their professional capacity. Read the United States Codes: Section 15 for rules regarding adminstrative
processes. Keep in mind that these courts are adminstrative at best (unless they produce / show a Delegation of
Authority from Congress, pursuant to Article III of the Republic Constitution FOR the United States of America (The Supreme
Law of the Land). This Delegation tells you what they have jurisdiction over, if any, because it is already established.
The Legislature DOES NOT grant judicial authority to administrative courts, unless done via the Delegation from time e, to
timewhich means it could be a time senstive authority, only for a certain period or for a certain
situation for a certain time ONLY! Administrative rules are NOT for the natural people, and they must indicate who they
are for. Usually they are for federal employees --- , which are the public servants ONLY!
There is a sanction against them for instance as stated in USC 15, wherein if they have a Summary Trial and Judgement without
1. getting permission of all parties - that means you. and 2. If they don't produce (prior) the bonds of ALL Officers of the Court who are to be
involved in the summary trial. It is like a mal-practice insurance. The sanction is $10,000.00 per court officer
involved in the process. Yet, many who are perpetrating aren't even officers. What they have been doing all
along and still do is have Summary Judgements without due process, without a jury trial. This is probably the easiest
thing they could have perfected in the wake of lack of knowledge of the people, as the people have a responsibility to the
law and to upholding and enforcing it. Certainly in making sure they are not violated, as ignorance of the laws being
no excuse, works both ways. The definition of a civilian is one who is skilled in the law. The complexity is not
knowing what law is and what law is not, thus, not knowing that the law is really simple. The greatest right is the
right to be left alone, provided you do not infringe on anyone else's right to the same. Thus, there MUST be an injured
party / complainant / accuser / or there can be no sanctions against you. Someone MUST be sitting in the accusers seat
and it cannot be the State of anything. Besides, if it were the state, all controversies regarding a state are to be
held in the Supreme Court where original jurisdiction rest. .

Law of Void Judgments and Supreme Decisions Regarding Them
Additional Info on Defective Writs and Void Judgments

posted 2/8/15 Why
Moors DO NOT Petition and Cannot be "Petitioners' PETITION.
A written address, embodying an application or prayer from the person or persons preferring
it, to the power, body, or person to whom it is presented, for the exercise of his or their authority in the redress of
some wrong, or the grant of some favor, privilege, or license. Enderson v. Hildenbrand, 52 N.D. 533, 204 N.W.
356; Benton Coal Mining Co. v. Industrial Commission, 321 Ill. 208, 151 N.E. 520, 522; In re L.M.
Axle Co., C.C.A.Ohio, 3 F.2d 581, 582; State v. American Sugar Refining Co., 138 La. 1005, 71 So. 137, 140.
Who are you addressing to give authority and power to and asking for permission from?
You are always a Claimant or Counter Claimant or an Affiant, one who writes an Affidavit – A Writ. Respondent and Petition
are colorable. A Suit is assumption of violation
or breaking of agreement or of law and it is usually served upon you without due process.
Most Courts operating today, are a Private corporation doing business out of the Federal Court
or a building, sometimes a Federal Building (literally renting space there), but they are not the Federal Court.
They possess a tax ID number and an incorporation date. The 9 Supreme Court Justices have a mailing location at D.C.
The Supreme Court of Commonwealth at Philadelphia is the only lawful court in the land, as Congress adjourned in 1861.
However, you still need to be sure you are not in a rented meeting room that is not a lawfully sanctioned court room with
oath bound Officers. Also note to yourself the following: “Officers of the court have no immunity,
when violating a Constitutional right, from liability. For they are deemed to know the law.” Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622.

Posted 31st day of January, 2012 . . Islam Family, . We take this opportunity to remind you all again that the Writs on the ‘Writs of Freedom’
page are intended to serve as beacon lights and examples of expressing the Law. The Writs don’t necessarily
make you ‘Free’. It is your own Comprehension, Mental Status and ability to express the facts
that set you free. The divine lessons that are really at the root of the Moorish Divine and National Movement
of the World, helps a lot and are absolutely necessary. Such as the Circle ‘7’ Holy Koran.
The Noble Prophet Drew Ali is absolutely accurate in the instructions of Chapter 3 – ‘The Unity of
Life’, wherein he emphasizes the issue to “STUDY!, STUDY!, STUDY!, and when you have studied
well and ask what to study next, I would reply study Yourselves”.
. The lesson is impacting because a fact is a little bit
of information is dangerous. It is usually the half-informed who fall into the snares set for fools.
Therefore, we stress again, that the Writs assist you only. They do not necessarily
save you. You save you. If we look again at the Chapter ‘3’ lesson, Noble Drew
Ali stressed the fact, If man would find his Savior he must look within, his name is Self;
and if man were to find his Devil he must look within, his name is Self.
Thus, we honorably ‘state for the record’ we are thankful for any
assistance we may offer in making your life experiences Moor bright, and we urge you to remember in all of your affairs that
every Natural Person is held liable for the Documents they put their Pen on, unless their mental status is that of a 'minor'
who is incompetent. . Islam Family and always remember: “there
is no one that is able to change man from his descent Nature unless his power extends beyond the great God-Allah.”

Updated 18th day of
December 2012 .
About The Writs On This Page and Throughout This Site . These Writs are for
those with a National Mindset and Consciousness. They are made available for Study, Review and Application.
Proper use comes with overstanding, understanding, followed by the innate power of inner-standing, which means
you "got it", and you are not wrongfully thinking that paper-work defines you, or who you are; it is a brief regarding
you, who you are, and defines your position regarding a matter. . Being aware that there may be some who attempt to
utilize these Writs, without the innerstanding, thus may find "they don't seem to work", as only they will, if you
"wear them with honor", and are able to stand on them squarely, upon any challenge. You must know
in your heart what is being stated, as you are stating it, and you will be challenged spiritually as well. Words
have power, and assist in creating your reality. . The Greater Truth is that there ought to be (more)
Organizations, and Aboriginal Law Associations / associates that exercise the "Protocols Of Liberty".
The only true Lawyer, is one who upholds the true and Supreme Law, which is the Constitution. Thus, one may say
they are a Constitutional Lawyer, of which, there essentially is no such thing because the Rule of Law is derived from the Constitution
and is universal, common to all, thus commonlaw can NEVER be extinct, because the Law is based in common principles.
All Law and all authority is derived from the Constitution. All Judges, and Officers of the Court take an Oath
to uphold it and derive their Authority from it. The Constitution does not list the unalienable birth rights that
you are born with, it preserves, protects and secures them. Governments are in place for the sole reason of protecting
and preserving the rights of the people. .In Propria Persona: In
one’s own proper person. It was formerly a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be plead
in propria persona, because if pleaded by an Attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an Attorney is an Officer of
the Court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained 'Leave', which admits the jurisdiciton.
Once one becomes a client of an Attorney, they also become by default a 'ward of the court'.
A Lawyer is a "Law-Man" or Lay man and a civilian is one who is skilled in the law, therefore one
who is an attorney is not necessarily one who is skilled in the law. Things are considered simplified when one
says in "lay man terms....", meaning in "law-man terms". The Law resides with and within you, as
you are the Law. A good question to ask yourself is what is an Attorney-at-Law? It
is just what it states, one who is practicing Law, it denotes 'color-of-law, a symblance of that which is real, but is
not the Law. Law is common to all and there is no license to practice law, or to exercise your Rights.
Thus there is no such thing as a 'Licensed Attorney'. He or she may have a 'bar associatin membership card,
but that IS NOT a license. The definition (above) of one who is 'in propria persona' (proper person / natural
person), brings forth the truth regarding an Attorney. .
And there you have it. An Attorney is a Bounty Hunter with a suit and tie on. He brings
you before the Court and Leaves you there. Thus the Court has Leave over you (another way of saying
they have jurisdiction over you). An Attorney is an Officer of the Court,
thus his obligation is and always will be to the Court first and not to you. To add insult to the injury, or to
the corruption, the Court he is obligated to is a defacto court, a colorable court, operating in Collusion, and in color-of-law. This
is more reason why you cannot utilize an Attorney. An attorney speaks for inanimate objects, corporations, who cannot
speak for themselves. He or she possesses a Bar Association Card, which is a membership card -- it is not
a license, besides a license to practice law does not exist. As well a license is permission to
do something that is otherwise unlawful. Utilizing an Attorney admits you to their Jurisdiction, which is ABSOLUTELY
inferior, they have no jurisdiction over you. They are inferior Courts and as such they possess no delegation
of authority because legislation DOES NOT give administrative courts judicial powers. Boy, have we been duped! Municipal
courts, Administrative Courts, and Officers of such Courts, administrators, Agencies and agents alike, etc., operate under
Color-of-Law, even though they have taken an Oath to uphold the Constitution, and the laws of the United States (USC
Codes). They have created a colorable jurisdiction, as they have no Jurisdiction over the Natural Person. Colorable persons or fictitious, persons,
corporate persons, chattel property, fall up under their colorable jurisdiction. This is why it is so very important
to Declare your Natural Status. Their authority is over those who are in their Jurisdiction, who subscribe to them,
i.e.. Union States (U.S.) Citizens, corporations, those who are labeled Indian, Negroe, Colored, Black, etc. Thus it
is necessary for you to Declare that you are not a corporate person, nor are you a member of the Union States Society.
This is done through the universal process of Nationalization. First you must be a National, then you can Nationalize
or do Inter-national trade, activity, etc. and claim your inheritance, your lost estate. Declaring your Nationality indicates
your natural status and links you back to the human family and the Family of Nations. . There is a need for people to overstand
the "Rudder and The Sextant", which is an explanation of the operations or navigation of protocols
and governing principles, as the "Great Seal Association" was established for that purpose
to affectuate those measures. These principles must be activated as a group Association with qualified
associates. Dues can be taken, particularly for a "Defense Fund", for anyone who is in need of protocols
being expressed, i.e., they have been kidnapped, and (a National) on the outside can speak for them as Consul (Article
III). However, this doesn't mean they are actually a friend of such colorable Courts, which is why one must
be careful in making that statement especially for the record of a colorable, defacto tribunal. This means they
are a friend of Law and Due Process of Law. They can speak for another, however they can never represent another.
They can enter documents into the Court and make Lawful Demands to the Court, on their behalf. That
activity is what Nationhood is. . Writing is "spelling", casting spells, as has been executed
upon the masses for domination and control. (save the physical force), which is cloaked behind the act of making
offers in writing to coerce you towards making a commitment that you don't have to make. This makes the intent
of domination easier. Failing to respond in Law indicates that things stand, because there is no rebuttal,
no response. This is why often you are given 10 days, or so, to respond. . The offers that are
made to you do not have to be accepted by you. However, you must respond to those offers in
writing. Although the written documents you receive, or that are placed before you to sign, may be written with
an air of authority, it does not mean that the agency, association, etc., who wrote them to you, is the authority,
or holds any authority over you. One must prove such authority to you. Upon that proper request for them to prove
their authority, you will find the authority they appear to have, does not exist! .
Writs are a matter of Lawful correspondence. In fact always head everything as an "Affidavit"
-- not a "Motion". A Motion gives them the option to refuse it, as it is in most corporate
or social membership meetings, a Motion needs to be seconded, and if not, it does not stand. You must respond and
correspond in Law, in writing with Affidavits, as in an "Affidavit of Fact", or Affidavit of Truth, then choose
your subheading as it relates to the matter you are dealing with, i.e. "Demand For Dismissal", "Summary
Judgement", "Cause Of Action", "Right Of Action", "Judicial Notice', "Writ In Nature Of
Discovery", (Bill Of Particulars), Name Reclamation", etc. . A Ticket
/ Summons is a Suit against you, you must counter it Lawfully. Although it has been presented unlawfully,
because the person who brings suit against you cannot serve you too, and they certainly can't also be the witness for
prosecution. Many hats a simple police man (policy enforcer) wears while his actions are a violation of separation
of powers. By doing so, he is acting unlawfully in both his professional and personal capacity, and / is acting
under the Color-of Office and Color-Of-Law. Often, particularly regarding traffic, Officers are acting as "Collection
Agents, for other agencies, and are taking action against you for a supposed debt, or "failure to pay" a contract
(that doesn't lawfully exist), usually a surcharge, which in itself is an unlawful impost. Therefore, at the moment
of hindering you from traveling, he is acting as an agent for an agency, and not as a public trustee. This is the game
that has been used against the people to exploit them while also violating their substantive rights. .
There is Law (proper), and there is "Color-of-Law, a semblance of that which is real--yet is not. This they practice daily upon the
masses. There is a Corporate Person, (a corporation), and there is a Natural Person (You). A Natural
Person can be injured, and when injured, remedy exist. In fact ,unless there is an injured party, there is no violation
before the court for you to seek remedy for. You can only either injure a body, injure property, or breach
a contract. Anything outside of that is not an injury and it violates your right to be left alone, to do as you freely
wish, provided you do not violate anyone else's right to the same. Yet, a fictitious person or corporation cannot be
injured. There are two different "Persons" at Law, and you must know the difference and know which one you
are or are not. . A Corporation
is a "Person", (Corporate Person), and then you are a Person (Natural Person). In Law there is "Civil Liter Mortus" meaning "dead in the eyes of the Law", and there is "In Full Life" thus one has Rights, which are preserved in Law (Constitution). Start to utilize the
Constitution for your preservation of Rights and your immunities. Get a law dictionary to look up these terms. You
must be conscious of the fact that you are a Natural Person by Nature, not a branded or labeled Person,
such as Negro, Colored, Black, African-American (which is an identification of two continents),
and is a Corporate or fictitious Person. These brands and labels that you may claim, if that is what you are claiming,
are not a part of the human family, thus have no Rights to be preserved for them or for their posterity. .

Your acceptance of assumed authority and policies as Law, when they
are NOT Law, makes them stand, only for as long as you do not rebut them and when you continue to make and sign contracts
or agreements regarding them. They don't stand just because the agency, corporations, association,
etc. says so --they stand because you say so, by not rebutting, not responding and not rescinding signatures if
and when necessary. (See Rescission of signature). Therefore you become a party to them, a party to the fraud. If there is no response from you, it means things stand
as they have stated, assumed, or coerced and put in writing (spelled). Usually you then sign whatever
they have put in writing, therefore, again, you are a party to the fraud. When you do sign something,
it is usually under Threat, Duress and coercion (T.D.C.). Anything done under threat, duress or coercion cannot
stand in Law and is 'void'. See Law on Void Judgements and Info on Defective Writs. You must indicate the threat with your signature. If you do not spell it 'threat,
duress and coercion out, you can simply put 'T.D.C.' , which indicates you were under threat, duress and coercion
and your Rights were being violated by force. Generally and at a minimum, as a rule, you must
sign any and all things with "all rights reserved", or ou can put A.R.R.,
so that you can manage your way out of anything that in fact abrogates your rights, with hidden adhesions, meaning they
are under non-disclosed conditions and if something is done without full disclosure , it is by law considered a void agreement
or contract. , . Important Note:
some say they are told they cannot sign 'all rights reserved'. This is absurd!
No one can tell you how to sign your autograph. This is clear indication they those who told you this are intentionally
trained to deprive you. Even if it is part of their 'job-training' therefore they can claim they didn't know, still
they are depriving you, and ignorance of the law works both ways. What authority do they have to tell you how to sign
or autograph? They need to receive from you, a 'Notice of Color-of-Law Violations' to them personally. . Signature: The
act of putting down a mans name at the end of an instrument to attest its validity , the name thus written.
A "signature" may be written by hand, printed, stamped, typewritten, engraved, photographed, or cut from one instrument
and attached to another, and a signature lithographed on an instrument by a party is sufficient for the purpose of signing
it; it being immaterial with what kind of instrument a signature is made. Smith v. Greenville County,
188 S.C. 349, 199 S.E. 416, 419. Maricopa County v. Osborn, 60 Ariz. 290, 136 P.2d 270, 274. . And whatever
mark, symbol, or device one may choose to employ as representative of himself is sufficient. Griffith
v. Bonawitz, 73 Neb. 622, 103 N.W. 327, 339. . Signature
Manual: An autograph a signature; specifically, the official signature of a sovereign, chief magistrate,
or the like, to an official document as letters patent, to give validity. Webster, Dict; Wharton, Law Dict.
. You and I, are not intending to violate anyones policies, however,
we are not going to allow anyone's policies, statutes and / or ordinances that they may call Law, to violate our Rights.
This is upheld in the American Constitution, Article VI. They can make statutes, policies, and ordinances, that they call Law, all day long, however if
those statutes, policies and ordinances violate the established rules of Law in the Constitution, they are not
with standing (unless you are willing to agree they are).
. So state your position in writing,
and caste your "spells" well. Know that all contracts are an offer that you may refuse, counter, deny,
or accept, however it must be done in writing -- "The Writ" -- the Spell-ing. .

. Motions vs. Affidavits . It is ultra important to understand that you must head everything you submit in writing with
"Affidavit of Fact", because they can, and they do deny a "Motion", as motions
are discretionary and applicable to colorable courts, ordinances, statutes and codes, but not to LAW. Further
it applies to corporate, or colorable people (negroes, coloreds, blacks,etc.) because it is a discretionary action that can
be and usually is denied! denied! denied! . Note: As in a meeting, a motion requires a second and can be denied
without even being looked at, as these lower courts often do. An Affidavit of fact cannot lawfully
be denied, and must be visited and either answered or rebutted, otherwise it stands as Truth, or, if it requires an answer
by the court, it creates an injunction, and the court cannot lawfully move forward until answered. If not answered
the matter must be dismissed due to lack of due process of law, lack of prosecution. . The utilization of "Affidavit" MUST
BE THE ONLY FORM OF COMMUNICATION with the Court by a Sovereign or any person acting in a Lawful manner. . NOTE: NOTE: NOTE: Although a Motion is the proper form in a proper Court, as
opposed to Colorable Courts, most people are in fact dealing with and challenging the Jurisdiction of the Inferior
Courts, or COLORABLE Courts, who are NOT acting Lawfully or properly, and because a Motion ADMITS to the Jurisdiction
of the Court, and a Motion is DISCRETIONARY, the Court chooses not to honor the Motion, or not to Second it, thus
it is DENIED. . One must become sufficient enough in Law, and can, and does,
come into the Court with their flags, and fully know that while they could be Amicus Curae (a friend
of the Court) they can't be amicus curae if the Court is an unlawful court. How can they be a friend
of an unlawful court? They must be partial when it comes to colorable law. They can enter
the Court as Consul which is secured in the Constitution as your 'Right to Consul'. (Article III, Section
2 and in Vienna Convention, Article 36). In that position they are able to set the Court and the proceedings
in order within the bounds of Law, by their knowledge and their very being there in Special Appearance (not
general appearance). Special Appearance means they are NOT there in submission to the jursidiction of the
Court. General appearance means they are submitting to the jurisdiction of the court. How can you submit
to a court that has no jursidiction to adjudicate in the first place? Being present in 'Special Appearance' means you
are not there to be adjudicated upon, but only to clear up a matter(s). Once we get this innerstanding, we
may have possibly reached the goal for all Nationals, as they ARE THE LAW! They
are truly Law Abiding. The point, and the current challenge, is to know "What Law Is and What Law
Is Not". .

February 2023 We have been assured all Proclamations previously submitted are being processed via the Connecticut location. PROCLAMATION SEALINGS WILL NO LONGER BE DONE AT CONNECTICUT . 
PROCLAMATION SEALINGS - UPDATED These are the First Two Writs you want to effectuate and have Sealed Please Review the Samples Below Before Filling Out and printing . When filling
out the Name Declaration and the Judicial Proclamation, please DO NOT hand write your information. Fill -in where indicated
by boxes. Below are the Documents and the sample explanations of how your documents ought
be filled out. One is the 'Name Correction" (Document #1) and the other is the "Judicial Notice and Proclamation'
Processing Form" BELOW. These instruction are also found on the "National Identification Card and Proclamation" page along with instructions for card orders and a host of aditional and useful information. Proclamation Sealings will now be processed
at R.V. Bey Publications New Jersey location. Be sure to provide an email on the new updated processing
form (below) that you must send in with your Proclamations for contact and correspondence purposes.
This will assure expediency. These changes means Card orders and Proclamation Sealings are now sent to the same
New Jersey location. Once we receive your Proclamations, we will send an email confirming we have received them. Be sure
to provide an email on the updated processing form. We also added a direct link for payment via paypal OR you can use a money order. All Instructions
are on the NEW Processing form itself. Direct Link for Proclamation Payment via Paypal Proclamations MUST be mailed
with the NEW processing form below
NEW Process Form for Proclamations Sealings - 1 pg. PDF

1. Name Declaration, Correction and Publication
Sample Name Correction and Declaration
2. Judicial Notice and Proclamation
Updated March 2018
Sample Judicial Notice and Proclamation

Updated August 21, 2012 . WRITS OF DISCOVERY: In
General, a Writ of Discovery is for the purpose of you asking and obtaining information that they
claim they have against you, so you can lawfully prepare a Case for your Defense. (However, in most of
these colorable courts, there is no lawful Case and you are not a Defendant, but an Alleged Defendant). The
Writ of Discovery ask for information and gives a time frame for them to answer. All -- meaning each and EVERY question
asked MUST BE ANSWERED. To fail to answer any one question, is a failure to answer all questions. Thus, their
failure to answer is an automatic Default, as well, if they fail to answer, they are depriving you of the ability to
defend yourself against their allegations. (Prior to Default, you must put in a 'Notice of Default', as lawful
correspondence are a matter of 'Notice'. Even unto a so-called warrant from a municipal court (as a municipal court
cannot issue a warrant, what they are issuing is a "Bill of Exchange' as that is the definition of a municipal warrant. If
you read it carefully it says "Notice of Warrant', now they are waiting to see what you do thereafter to injunct their
process. Most agree that it is a warrant and most don't do anything to combat it. Read Article IV of the
Constitution to know what a warrant is supposed to look like. A warrant must be issued by an Article III judge,
not a Magistrate. Both the so-called Judge and the clerk of the court are responsible for defective writs; the magistrate
for ordering it to be issued and the Court clerk for issuing it. They make offers all day long, and if left unanswered
it becomes an action by Default, because it was never addressed by you for what it is, which is usually a threat and an unlawful
act on the part of the so-called Judge / Magistrate and the Court Clerk. Everything you do must be done
in writing and have the ticket/summons/suit number on it and an Exhibit number on it, as this makes it evidence in the matter,
and no one can tamper with evidence. Do so in writing and let what you spell (Writs) speak for you. More
and more we recognize that we are to ENFORCE THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND!, and not allow anyone to violate it against us,
as it preserves our Rights of Due Process of Law. . 
3. GENERAL Writ Of Discovery
3a. Foreclosure Writ of Discovery & Disclosure
. Update added 9/11/12: Also See Mortgage Myth Page for additional questions for Discovery and for the "Reconveyance Letter",
utilized to reconvey Mortgage. Very effective after not receiving answers from Discoveries, or can be utilized
at any time to essentially fire the Trustee for their misrepresentation, fraud and failure in regards to their obligations. .

4. Building Permit
prints on 8.5 x11" and is in landscape format. .

. Most
of these writs are written by, and compliments of, Sister Anaid El and Brother Taj Tarik Bey as co-editors (unless otherwise noted). .

UPDATE -- UPDATE: 7/17/11 The
Following 'Removal To Supreme Court', can be utilized as the 'Suit', and in replacement of "How To Build A Suit".
Upon your review of it, you will see that it is inclusive of all that is necessary to be stated for the Record. .
4a. Removal To Supreme Court

21st day of August, 2012 With the pace picking up due to Moors being active and acquiring knowledge, all correspondences to a ticket/summons/suit
that has been served upon a Moor, need be responded back with the Moor being the Claimant, as in counter claiming. Such
claim ought to counter the jurisdiction wherein they state "in the jurisdiction of whatever state,
county or municipality" with the Moor stating their claim with "in the jurisdiction of my ancestral estate /
national domicile --North America." This melts all corporate feigned paper boundaries, as the entire
continent is your ancestral estate. Please do so in your Writs.
We have replaced Plaintiff with Petitioner AND, we have replaced at the bottom of the page regarding #8 - 15), "Plaintiff"
with Respondent / 'Defendant". In #8, any Respondents or Defendants, Corporate or Natural, Parties
to be found guilty would be listed as 'Respondents' or; Defendants on 9 thru 15. . The use of Respondent / Defendant is contingent upon
whether you are making an initial suit, or if it is in regards to countering a matter or claim made upon you already,
therefore you are a counter claimant and not ever a defendant. If you were to use 'defendant' you would use 'alleged
defendant'. You would then become the counter claimant because you are countering their claim. If you are making
an initial suit, you are the Claimant (refrain from using Petitioner) and those who would respond to your claim would
be Respondents, as you are making your claim to sue them and they must respond. If you are responding to an existing
matter or claim against you, then they would be the Respondent or Defendant. ..

4b. How To Buld A Suit
4c. Certificate Of Service
. Affidavit of Financial Statement This Writ is to be used whenever you are requested to submit finances for court filings. Courts attempt to
hinder your judicial consitutional rights by requiring a filing fee. However this hinders your due process of law. The
Constitution states ALL debts must be paid with gold or silver. Filing "In Forma Pauperis"
affirms you have no gold or silver in which to pay, and thus relieves these restricting demands and ensures your
contstituional rights to due process. . 
5. Affidavit of Financial Statement (In Forma Pauperis)

Writ is a Financial Statement, however you are not a Poor Man Pauper. . WHEN YOUR "IN FORMA PAUPERIS" IS
DENIED! The following Writs are an
Answer to the Courts, who have denied your "Informa Pauperis. There are two Writs: a "Writ
Of Error" to the Disrict Court who insists on calling your "Affidavit" a "Motion",
which is "Tampering With Evidence". The Second Writ is a "Writ
In the Nature of Discovery" requesting them to produce their Delegation of Authority higher than
the Supreme Law. Of course, they cannot ever produce it, because there is no authority higher than
the Supreme Law, and that is where their authority is derived. It becomes clear that they are violating the
Law, and their limited authority (Amendment IX). They are acting or performing under "Color-Of-Law",
which is a semblance of that which is real. It is up to You (the People) to ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION against
anyone who violates it against you. . 
5A. Writ Of Error Regarding Denial of In Forma Pauperis
5B. Writ Of Discovery Regarding Denial of In Forma Pauperis
6. Records Correction

. Regarding E-Verify This Writ can be used for the following purposes: . 1. If
you have made a name correction at your place of employment, but have not made the correction at the social security, because
you do not wish to utilize social security. The Writ notifies terminatin of your social security. . 2. E-Verify:
If you receive a letter from social security indicating a name mis-match, this letter may also come through your
employer. You need to notify social security with the information contained within this Writ, and send a copy to
your employer for the record. It is already established that one does not have to utilize social security to work on
a job. It is also established by law that social security is not an identification. Therefore to force anyone
to use it, is a violation of their constitutionally secured rights, a violation of law, and is discrimination. . 
7. Response To Social Security / E-Verify

Demand for Default Judgment This Writ is utilized to demand a default judgment if the court has not responded in a set amount
of time. When you submit any "Affidavit of Fact" it is important to give a time frame for
them to respond (just as they do to you). They must visit the document and show cause and proof of their rebuttal
(if any), as an Affidavit of Fact stands as truth unless proven otherwise. If it is a questionnaire, such as "Bill
Of Particulars, or Writ In The Nature Of Discovery", etc., they must answer it by the amount of time, you have set. If
they fail to respond in that set time, which is usually 10, 20, 30 days, reasonably, they have defaulted.
You must follow up with a "Demand For Default Judgment". .
8. Demand For Default Judgment

Writ of Mandamus -- Enforcing The Law -- Notice To Higher Court This Writ is used to command the higher court's enforcement of the lower Court to adhere to the Law.
Therefore this is a Writ Of Mandamus. Therefore be sure to send a copy to the Higher Court, to the State Attorney's
Office and the Secretary Of State. Remember that your Writs are evidence as paper trail of any violations imposed upon
you. It is important to send the proper responses regardless to what the lower says, as it is important that you correspond
your position at all times. THe example below is in regard to the lower court refusing to acknowledge the Default
Judgment. .
9. Writ of Mandamus

. CONFUSED ABOUT TAXES? . REGARDING CEASE AND DESIST WITH-HOLDING TAXES , Employers take with-holdings, referred to as
"income taxes" from your payroll check. It is important for you to know that your Salary, or labor compensation
is NOT INCOME. Income is PROFITS from a Capitol investment. Many agree that their labor
compensation or Salary is Income by signing W-2’s and W-4’s. Thus they contract through the
With-Holding Agent (employer), with the IRS (a private corporation).
. You are contracting with the IRS, via
your Employer, and giving them the authority to continue taking finances from you. To pay, or not pay these
taxes is voluntary, therefore it is YOUR decision. When you violate the contract you made by not terminating
it properly, the IRS threatens to take you to TAX COURT, of which there is no such thing as Tax Court. It is usually an administrative hearing, held in some room or office. Thus,
in actuality they are taking you to “court” for breach of contract. See Book: "Confused About Taxes",
and Book: "How And Why Not To" . Below Is A Letter Submitted To a Payroll Department,
after they were supplied with the W4T form (termination form), and were given a Certification Of Exemption
(non-obligatory) from Federal With-Holdings. The
payroll department, who by the way has no judicial power, nor do they have the authority to make decisions regarding
your personal financial affairs, will often respond asking if the forms you sent in to Cease With-Holdings were Genuine IRS
Forms. These are a matter of "pattern and practice" for them and are intimidation tactics that
are with-no-standing lawfully. The following response has been utilized, and can be utilized by you, compliments
of Auset and Ausar, as they have already demonstrated successfully. ,

. Regarding Validity of Termination Forms Almost undoutbtedly, you will get resistance, if not due to curiosity alone, from your fellow
work mates, even the one who is in charge of making adjustments to your pay check. Don't take it personally, they
are often following through with their limited instructions, and sometimes there exist a bit of jealousy, as to why YOU don't
have to pay taxes, and they do. Their capacity is limited and they are not used to the request, and the
employer gets tax kick-backs, as well as interest quarterly on the finances collected from your pay check. (that
may not be brought out, admitted, or even discussed, and it doesn't have to be). This is not a fight
with your employer, it certainly is not supposed to be. These are YOUR financial affairs, not theirs.
You have not asked them to be your personal financial advisor, only to make a change regarding your finances, of which they
have no real authority to refuse your personal request. Upon asking them to provide a delegation of authoirty, you
will see that this is true. They cannot provide it, becuase they don't have it. They may talk about policies,
however you are talking about Law, of which they are obligated not to break the law. Do not engage using email
correspondence. Be sure to utilize the mail, certified return receipt requested. Also be sure to send a carbon
copy to whoever is over the department, over the person who has the title to handle your request, and be sure to request
in writing, a copy of your correspondence to be placed into your employee file. . . .
10. To Employer Regarding Validity Of Termination Forms

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