"Study, Study, Study!, and when you have studied well and would ask me what to study next, I would reply; Study Yourselves!  --Noble Drew Ali

“We must take back what is ours and it cannot be done until we study enough to know what is ours and feel comfortable with making such assertions.”  -- Jose Pimienta Bey

The following are excerpts from the book, A History of the United States by Harry Williams, of Louisiana State University, Richard N. Current, University of Wisconsin and Frank Freidel, Harvard University. Second Edition – Printed 1965:
The Republican Party in each Southern State rested on the basis of the Negro voters. [pg. 23]
... Republican power in the South depended on three supports: the Negro vote, Republican control of the national government and particularly of the presidency, and the presence of federal troops in the South. [pg. 25] 
Reconstruction was the transforming changes that occurred in the entire nation between 1865 and 1877, the year when Southern whites overthrew the last Republican state governments in their section and ended political Reconstruction. [pg. 7] 
All attempts of the rich whites to dominate the Negro vote failed, and finally the promoters joined the general white opposition to Radical Reconstruction. [pg. 24] 
By one method or another, legal or illegal, every white man was to be forced to join the Democratic Party or leave the community.  By similar methods, every Negro male was to be excluded from political action; in a few states he was permitted to vote – if he voted Democratic.
[pg. 28] 
Lincoln’s Proclamation asked the South to recognize the reality that slavery was dead – but it did not require that a State formally abolish slavery as an institution. [pg. 12] 
The Black Codes were the South’s solution for the problem of the Negro laborer and its substitute for slavery as a white-supremacy device. [pg. 6] 
Some States passed their laws for the specific purpose of forcing the Negroes back to the plantations and farms.  Socially the Codes were designed to govern relations between the races to define the position of the former slaves in the Southern Society, and to invest the Negroes with a recognized and legal although subordinate status. [pg. 16] 
Those who contended that education and economic progress was inadequate, and advocated more militant methods, expressed themselves through a somewhat loose organization known as “The Niagara Movement”.  But in 1909, after a race riot in Springfield, Illinois, they came together to establish the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [N.A.A.C.P.] although most of the officers of the new society were whites, the guiding spirit was W. E. B. DuBois. [pg. 445]  

The Nigger Problem

Where / How  It Began.




How To Study




Moors And Mexicans


























































































































































































































































































































































































































This page contains various articles, philosophical statements, word definitions, and encyclopaedic research, involving Sociology, History and Law.  It also addresses many important facts and law terminologies.  We sincerely hope to inspire you to start thinking - particularly in a critical and logistical modality.   History and Law have always been taught together, and never separated.  These disciplines have been taught, and mis-taught in separate venues by European colonial policy-makers for the purpose of instituting mis-education and solidifying social controls.  

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"From the Halls of Montezuma

To The Shores Of Tripoli"


The above are the opening liricks to what has been adopted as the Marines / Mooreens / Maroons Song. The picture is representation of Muteczuma.





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"If I could just get you all thinking again,
you would save yourselves."
-Noble Drew Ali

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Getting Started With Comprehending
Nationality and Birthrights: 
Suggested and advised Tools / Books to CORRECT the many Mis-concepts that have been socially engineered to purposely run your train completely off the track.  
1.  Unabridged Dictionary 1936 - look at the definition of American.  
2.  Henry Campbell Black's Law Dictionary 4th edition - review definition of  Nationality. 
3.  Cross reference definition of 'Rights' in Bouvier's Law Dictionary
     (Rawles 3rd revision) with emphasis on Political Rights. 
4.  See definition of Domicile and all of the sub-definitions of domicile in Black's Law Dictionary 4th Edition.     
The two key attributes of Nationality are Domicile and Political Status. 
5.  See History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, Vol. 1,2, and 3.    
Note:  Law and History cannot be separated. 

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These archaeological finds, date back as far as 1300 B.C. (before christ) and are of the ancient natural people in South West Amexem / Central Africa / South America.  These lands are anciently Old Central Amexem, anthropologically referred to as 'Old Mex' (Olmec).  World Historians and Anthropologists are aware that the land masses (the continents) were all connected.  What is known as Africa today, in the east is ancient Tamari.  What is known as North, Central, and South America were modernly called Africa.  


31.  What is the modern name for the Moabites?  Moroccans.

32.  Where is the Morroccan Empire?  Northwest Amexem.

33.  What is the modern name for Amexem?  Africa.

.            Above from the '101 Questions for Moorish Americans' by Noble Drew Ali


   Some European Social Engineers (and reconstructors of history) have exercised their Demo-intent to distort history and disclaim many of these ancient artifacts; denying their relationships to the Original Ancient Meso-Americans.  Attempts have been made to misrepresent these stoneheads and other artifacts, scripts, and instruments as being unrelated to the true forebearers – being the (now mis-named) natural people who have been branded as negroes, blacks, and coloreds, etc.  These artifacts do not relate to an alleged ‘other people’ - and stand on their own evidentiary merit. Truth needs no apology.  A few misled Asiatics amongst our own continue to support the seperation tactics initiated by Europeans, and propagate teachings that separate their brother Moors of Old Amexem (Old Mex / Olmecs) from the peoples known as Asiatics/Africans today.  The Mayans, the Incas, and the Aztecs of Ancient Central Amexem / Africa / America are anthropologically known as the Nauhautian (mixed) Moors.  They too, are descendants from Ancient Moabites / Africans / Asitatics.       
     Other compromised divisionists seek to create divisions  amongst their own people.  Nevertheless, true world History, and knowledge of pre-Columbian historical evidence consistently proves their claims to be void of validity or truth.  Sincere and studious research counters and shows contradictions in their euro-centric claims, and counters their failure to acknowledge the Ancient Asiatic / Africans / Moabite / Canaanite ProgenitorsThese same disclaimers admit, on the other hand, that the so-called Canaanites / Africans are the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization.  Note the Clear Contradiction!


Ancient Cosmology Temple Ruins at Palenque.


These ruins (and others) at Piedras Negras, Yaxchilan, Tikal, etc., and the Ancient People

and builders of these Complexes, long predate the later Mayans known today.


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Moors In America
      The word Moor comes from the Latin word Maures and the Greek adjective Mauros, meaning dark or black (denoting skin color) Circa 46BC.  See:  The Oxford English  Dictionary (New York, Oxford University Press, 1977, p. `846.)  The term Moor is also used as a transitive verb (to moor a ship). 
See:  Webster’s New World Dictionary
(Third College Edition, 1988), p.881. 
     The word Admiral comes from the Arabic word Ameri, meaning commander (Moorish navigator). See:  The Rudder and Sextant (Second Revision March 1st 1989), p.6.   The root Amir is Amer, meaning Anerican!  See:  Websters New World Dictionary (Third College Edition, 1988), p.44.   The word American, means a native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored race, found here by the Europeans; but not applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.  See:  Noah Webster’s Original 1828 ed., of American Dictionary of the English Language.  The term American, etymologically is;  Commander Loves Riches.  Amir Commander (Arabic word), Amor. Love (French word), Rica:  Rich (Spanish word)  
Circa 480 A.D., The Monastic Brotherhood (Catholic Moors from Morocco) landed on present day Connecticut (North America), near the coast of Long Island Sound.  The inscription found on granite outcrops in Cockaponset Forest, CN., and the inscription on Haj Minmoun Rock located in Figuig toward the east of Morocco, confirms the voyage.   See:  Moroccan daily Newspaper (Le Matin D Sahara Et Du Magred, September 16, 1995).  For more info contact  The Permanent Mission for Morocco in New York. New York.
Circa 700-800 A.D., Several Muslim Schools in North America; Valley of Fire (Nevada), Mesa Verde (Colorado), Mimbres Valley (New Mexico) and Tipper Canoe (Indiana).   North African Arabic and Old Kufic Arabic scripts are engraved on rocks, test, diagram, charts including writing, reading, arithmetic, religion, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy and sea navigation.  For more info, contact:  Dr. Barry Fell, at Harvard University.   Circa 1492 A.D.,  On Monday October 21, 1492, Christopher Columbus admits in his papers, while sailing near Cuba, he saw a mosque on top of a beautiful mountain.  The ruins of mosques and minerats with inscriptions of Quranic verses have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.  The dress of the Indian (Moorish) woman long veils” the men “Breedclothes painted in the style of Moorish draperies” in Grenada and Trinidad…  See: Precolumbian Muslims in the Americas by Dr. Yousef  Mroueh 
The descendants of these North American Moors are the present day Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam, Olmec, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohawak, Naca, Zulu, Zuni… These words also, derive from Arabic and Islamic root origins.            See:  Precolumbian Muslims in the America by Dr. Yousef Mroueh. 
The word INDIAN is INDIA like the INK it means, Black Pigment.              
See:  Webster’s New World Dictionary (Third College Edition, 1988), p.686 
The status of the descendants of the Moorish Inhabitants of Spain and Portugal on American soil is FREE WHITE PERSONS (natural men and women).  This status does not apply to the Caucasian Race, Aryan Race, or Indo-European Races under the Naturalization Act (Amended by Act. July 14, 1879), I Stat.103,c.3          See: Black’s Law Dictionary (Fourth Ed. P. 797) 
Circa 711 A.D., The Moors that ruled Moslem Spain and Portugal for centuries were black or dark skinned people.  See:  Golden Age of the Moors, Edited by Ivan Van Sertima, pgqe 337. 
Circa 1503—1517 A.D., An estimated 3,000 Aborigina-American (Moors) were captured from the eastern seaboard of Terra Nova (North America) some of their names are Ali, Melchor, Miguel, Manne, Juan, Pedro, Antonio and Juan-Amarco.  A record of that account can be fond in the Slave Books of Seville, Valencia, Catalina Spain.  They were classified as Negro (Negro means Dead) and Black (dirty and evil).   See:  African and Native American by Jack D. Forbes, page 24. 
Circa 1676 A.D., The Europeans that arrived in New England (North America) described the Aboriginal-Americans (Moors) to  be BLACK AS GYPSIES
Circa 1763 A.D., On October 7, 1763, King George R., of Great Britain's, Treaty with the Indigenous People (Indians) regarding land acquisitions and demarcation lines in America.  The FOUR Colonies distinct and separate governments are called Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada.          
See:  Washitaw de Duglahmoundyah Empire, Newspaper, December 1998, Front Page. 
Circa 1774 A.D., The five pointed green star in the center of a field of red is the Moorish flag was the alleged cherry tree that General George Washington, chopped down.  See: Moorish Civic Relations Concepts, Volume 14, Page 37.
Circa 1774 A.D., On October 20, 1774, British-American subjects of the British Empire form the First United Stated of America perpetual Constitutions in the Thirteen Colonies called, “The Articles of Association”” recognized Moors as Moors not Negroes or Black-A-Moors.  See:  Journals of the Continental Congress, 75—78. 
Circa 1774 A.D., Noah Webster and his associates branded the Moors Black-a-Moor, Moor was dropped and replaced with the customary term Nigger, Negroe, Colored or black.  The use of the word Nigger or Negroe represents the spiritually dead people and not the Nigritian People.  Black-A-Moor, n. [For black Moor] A black man or woman, esp. an African negro; any very dark-complexion person.   See:  New Century Dictionary of the English Language 1927
Circa 1775 A.D., The first President of the Untied States of America under the Articles of Confederation was John Hanson, alleged Black-A-Moor, a Maryland Shanwnee Native American patriot who fought in the American Revolution.  See:  Nuwabic Moors Newspaper, August 7, 1991. 
A Moorish-Mason by the name of Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali a/k/a Benjamin Bannaker, was the architect who designed the streets of Washington, D.C., with masonic codes and astrological glyphs.  See:  Americas Oldest Secret the Talisman, U.S. Mysterious Street Lines of Washington, D.C. by the Signature of the Invisible Brotherhood.  The autobiography of Benjamin Bannaker. 
Circa 1787 A.D., Assisted by England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Finland and Sweden the United States of America ended their war with the Moors (Moroccan Empire) and signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the Emperor Mohammed III (Moorish-Mason).  The aforementioned treaty is the longest unbroken treaty in the history of the United States.  See:  U.S. Moroccan Relations, by Robert G. Neuman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco (1973--1976).     
Circa 1789 A.D., On December 1, 1789.  The Ninth President of the United States George Washington, apologizes to his Masonic Brother Emperor Mohammed III, for not sending the regular advices (tribute: a payment by one ruler or nation to another  as acknowledgment of submission or price of protection, excessive tax).   Also, President Washington asked the Emperor to recognize their newly formed government.  The Moroccan Empire (Moors) were the first nation to recognize the thirteen colonies as a sovereign nation.  Allegedly the Emperor agreed to their recognition because 25 Moors were members of the first Continental Congress.   See:  The Writing of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Source 1745—1799, Editor John C. Fitzpatrick, Volume 30, pages 474—476. 
Circa 1790 A.D., On Wednesday, January 20, 1790, A petition was presented to the House of Representatives from the Sundry (numerous) Free Moors, Subjects to the Prince under the Emperor of Morocco in Alliance with the United Stats of America.  The Sundry Free Moors Act states that all Free Moors may be tried under the same Laws as the Citizens of (South Carolina) and NOT under the Negro Act.  See: South Carolina Department of Archives and History:  SC House of Representatives Journal, 1789—90, p. xxii, 353—364, 373—374:  In Re. Sundry Free Moors. 
Circa 1857 A.D., The DRED SCOTT Case from the United States Supreme Court; holds that Africans [Moors] imported [captured in an undeclared war of enslavement].  Into this country [Territory of the United States and Several States] and SOLD as [perpetual} Slaves, were not included nor intended to be included under the word “Citizen” in the Constitution, whether emancipated or not, and remained without rights or privileges except such as those which the government might grant them.  See:  Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (How.) 393, 15L Ed., 691, Blacks Law Dictionary 6th, Edition, Page 495. 
The reason why Moors/Africans can not be U.S. Citizens because the Moroccan Empire has a business arrangement with the British Empire [European Corporate Contract Citizens Caucasian Men].  The United States is a foreign European corporation conducting trade and commerce in foreign lands.  See:  In Re Merrian’s Estate, 36 N.Y. 479, Affirmed in U.S. v. Perkins 163 U.S. 625. 
The Hidden History of the Moorish People with the United States of America is recorded on the back of a Federal Reserve Note.  There are two seals on the back of the $1.00, Federal Reserve Note (U.S. Currency) on the left side is the Great Seal of the Moorish Empire and on the right is the Seal of the United States.  There are over THIRTY THREE (33) passwords on the $1.00 (Note).  The INDIGENOUS SOVEREIGN PEOPLE (Moors) were snaked (betrayed) by some of the European Colonial State Citizens who enslaved the Moors and branded them nigger, negroe, black, colored, afro, hispanic, west indian, etc.,  In order to conceal their true identify.   See:  Annointed News Journal, June 1998, Page 23.  America is the code word for Africa d Morocco is in Africa.    
See:  AmeRICA decoded is AfRICA and MoRoCo decoded is aMeRiCa. 
Circa 1913 A.D.,  Knowledge of our Moorish Heritage would have been lost if it was not for the Moorish-Mason, our illustrious Brother Noble Drew Ali, who founded the Moorish Science Temple, in Newark, New Jersey (1913).  For the unconscious de-nationalized Moors i.e., negroes, blacks and coloreds, Moorish represents our Nationality.  Science represents our Ancestors Spiritual Arts maintained in Esoteric Free Masonry, and the Temple represents our Body the dwelling place of the Creator of the Universe.  Also, Noble Drew Ali, is responsible for the Moorish flag flying once again on American (Moroccan) soil in 1913.  The State of Morocco was not allowed to fly the Moorish flag until 1956 A.D., after their independence from France. 




Circa 1933 A.D., The city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, recognize the Moors domiciling in America and their Moorish Titles:  El, Bey, Ali, AL, Dey, ect.       
See:  House Resolution No. 75 Legislative Journal (Philadelphia) May 4, 1973, page 5759. 
Prior to Circa 46 BC., the Ancient Moors were referred to by their National names like Washitaw, Almoravides, Almohades, Moabites, Canaanites, Yisraelites, etc… See:  Circle Seven Holy Koran. 
The copper colour American Hebrews (Yisraelites) kept the Passover called the Green-Corn Dance.  See:  History of the American Indians by James Adair (1775) page 80, 101.  The Ancient Ones or Mound/Pyramid Builders of North America (over 150 unearthed some Egyptian styled are up and down the Mississippi River) according to the U.S. Bureau of Ethnology was built by copper-hued skin (Asiatics/Moors).   See:  U.S. Bureau of Ethnology. 12th Annual Report, 1980—1891. 
The Aboriginal Americans or Mound Builders of North America built ceremonial mounds that date as far back as 5,400 years ago.  The oldest mound in North America to date is found in Watson brake Louisiana, 32 km South-West of Monroe.  See: “Japan Times Newspaper”, September 20, 1997, reported by Joe W. Sanders. 
Circa 500 B.C., The above photo is a stone head of copper colored Aboriginal Americans, from the Hopewell Mounds in Ohio, North America. Photo Source:  Journal of the Moorish Paradigm by Hakim Bey. 
Circa 1848 A.D., On June 6, 1848, a Supreme Court Decision read by Theo H. McCaleb (Judge).  Declared that the United States DOES NOT own the land of The Ancient Ones (Uaxashaktun) Mound Builders of North America (more than 1,000, 000 square miles of land).  Also, the Court declared the lawful land owners are the heirs of Henry Turner (Washitaw-Moors/Muurs).       See:  Case No. 191, U.S. Supreme Court, United States vs. Heirs of Henry Turner 
Circa 1993 A.D., The present day Empress Her Highness Verdiacee Tiara Washitaw Bey, she is the living heir of the Ancient Ones (Empire of Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah);  they are recognized by the United Nations as the oldest people in the world.   

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 Excerpts from
:“Are You In Denial Of Your Ancestry?” and
  “Still In Denial Of Your Ancestry?” (Not yet published) By R. V. Bey
It is no longer a question as to whether those who have been branded negroes, coloreds, blacks, etc., are descendants of Moors.  Upon reading the Bull Inter Caetera, and the “North American Exploration”, (from Columbia’s Encyclopedia) one can figure out why this truth has been suppressed from the natural Peoples of the Earth.  Upon further review, one can also clearly see that our struggle is within the principles of Law, and not within the farce called racism.  Yes, the symptoms of racism and slavery are there, however it has no nickel in the dime in regards to the solution, and the earthly salvation of you or your children. 
If we stand, we stand as ONE.  If we stand, we stand on the rules of engagement laid out by our ancestors to preserve our posterity.  These same rules are embodied spiritually in most written National and International documents, which upon pondering, we find they were written as a ‘message’ to us, to assist in our awakening.   Such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1959, and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1948.  It’s almost as if the International community was reaching out again, since it appeared we didn’t wake up in 1948, maybe we would wake up in 1959, if they addressed concerns involving human law through the children.  That didn’t exactly work either, at that time.  Besides, Drew Ali came in 1913, and made wonderful strides regarding Nationality and birthrights, jurisdiction and Law.  However, if we don't claim our Status as Natural People, we will remain consciously, yet unconscioulsy, fictitious chattel property, and claimed as such through the 14th, 15th amendment Negro Acts, which is the point and purpose of creating them, to claim a people who don't make claims themselves, as property with privileges, but not with rights.  There is a difference between a 'privilege' and a 'right'.  If you don't claim yourself and your children, they are devoured!  Mothers, if you are in proper person status, your children are in that sames status by default, because the condition of the child is based upon the condition of the MOTHER.  
It seems our biggest culprits are ourselves.  It is good then, that Drew's work is, as he stated, for “the young and yet unborn”, as they are the ones who will assist to preserve mother earth, and uplift fallen humanity.  It is not that the solution regarding Law, Writs, or written documents, is not availed to us.  The problem is we don’t utilize the written information, and we don’t enforce it.  Mainly because we don’t study them, most haven’t even read them.  Yet they were left for us, they pertain to us, and they do preserve our RIGHTS OF BIRTH.  Hopefully information provided on this site, which is only a portion of the information now readily available worldwide, will help us to move in unison toward meeting the ends of the struggle we so proudly say we are in, yet we don’t seem to be able to claim, or recognize the resolve.   
We already have the biggest weapon there is — The TRUTH.  If it didn’t seem to matter before, it matters NOW.  For those of you who say nay, you are probably the very ones who claim you are spiritual, and say you have the spirit of the ancestors with you, and probably go through the rituals pointing out the truth that we manifest our own realities.  If this is you, you must recognize your own contradiction.  You may also want to take into consideration the population we have, and the population of our people across the globe, who are waiting for us (the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization) to “wake-up”, and get this house (earth) in order.  As far as concerns about bloodshed, if we pay close attention, we recognize there is already much degradation and bloodshed, across the entire planet.   So don’t worry that there may be bloodshed -- there already is.  
We cannot continue to be arrogant, self righteous, while all along are acquiescing and blindly "believe" Law is not meant for us;  when in fact we are the Law.  We either authored, or authorized the information that others are crookedly, dishonestly using to suppress us.  That is what makes it such a travesty. 
You may ask then, How are they doing that?  It is simple, they are making false claims, and putting it in writing, (which is a spell, as in spelling).  They are making false claims that we don’t rebut.  Maybe it is because we think we can't spell.  The irony to that is, if we continue to let our children be erroneously educated, and purposely dumbed-down, we can’t have much expectation to change their ability to spell — can we?  The fact that we have been mis-educated is unfortunately no excuse, even if we want to use it as an excuse, because “Ignorance  of the Law is no excuse" --  a statement which is very real.  It is a sad scenario, and a lack of our willingness to take responsibility, when we recognize we taught the world math, how to spell, to read, and, we taught Law, we taught the 7 Liberal Arts.  Yet, we don't know that Law is eloquently reserved for us, expressed, implied, verbal and written, as in the "Book of Law". 
Many of us use ignorance of the law as an excuse and add insult to the injury when we say Law is the “so-called” white man’s Law.  It is not!  What he is exercising upon us is "color-of-law", a semblance of that wich is real.  Thus, it doesn't matter what he is doing, what matters is what we are doing for us, and consequently for the World.  Besides, all along the so-called “white-man” is taking a verbal and written Oath to the principles of Law our ancestors left to preserve our Rights, and the perpetual Rights of our progeny.  They are universal principles, which apply to all natural people.  If anyone takes the Oath, and then steps outside of it, the Divine Constitutional Principles, then he has absolutely no JURISDICTION over you.  And there is remedy (See Title 18).  Don’t think he doesn’t know that.  What he does know is, he can continue to take the Oath, and break the Law, break the Oath, because we don’t know the difference.  Without him taking the Oath, he has no authority of Law, although he portends to.  Suddenly, or rather hopefully, if not already known, the issue of jurisdiction becomes a very real issue -- doesn't it?
We ought to be shamed to allow anyone to make a mockery over that which our ancestors preserved for us.  This is why we must unite, and we will, but it appears not until we have had a great deal more  pain.  To ask one to ‘study well’ is an overstatement at this point.  By studying a little, we can find answers.  The information exist, however it is cloaked, meaning you must seek and you shall find, and you must have 'keys', key words, key phrases--knowledge.  (My people suffer for a lack of knowledge, as stated in the scriptures by Yeshuah (Jesus).  Bits of information act as keys upon which you can study, research and unveil the truth, even in an attempt to disprove it, one finds they affirm it to be so.  We all know that truth is the light that shines and sets us free.  At the very least, a  knowledgeable and conscious people certainly cannot be enslaved by lies, unless willfully.  So we speak to those who really want to be free, and at the very least want their children to be free.  If that is not the desire and intent, then they need not talk about, complain, or say they are in a struggle  to fix the abuses and mis-uses bestowed upon us all, as they continue to identify the problem, and the solution incorrectly.  If we know the root causes, then we can exercise the cure.  Correction cannot come about without accurate knowledge of the problem.  If this describes you, it is necessary for you to know you are not in "the struggle".  You are however steeped in emotions and how you "feel" about it, thus you may be struggling to come to terms with the truth.  You are spinning your wheels, being led to think you have made some victory, but have not, as is evidenced by the condition we are in, which by the way has gotten worse, as evidenced by the condition of your life, and the life of those around you, even those who "thought they had it all together".  Save those who do.  
We are the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization across the planet, we are World History.  I will prove this with a few easy questions in the test that follows at the end of this Article.  The answers prove we have been written out of history, yet only because the ones who have taught us, and, who we allow to continue to teach us and our children, have decided by the stroke of the pen, to write us out of that which they put before us to learn from.  This happened after they burned the books, resonstructed the history, and would punish us if we were caught reading; thus we did know how to read.
“The Pen is Mightier then the Sword” — another profound statement.  Veiled behind it, is the sword, which is translated into the written word, and the spell-ing is caste.    
Excerpt from "Are You In Denial Of Your Ancestry?":
Let's look at information that came from an encyclopedia regarding World History, regarding Moors.  This information is in reference to Charlamagne (known as “Charles The Hammer”), and Alphonso the 1st  thru 6th.  There were actually 12 generations of Alphonso’s.  I have only researched herewith, 5 or 6 generations of them fighting Moors to gain power and rule over the land, and the people.   Notice the dates are as far back as 600’s, 700’s.  In fact by doing the math wherein the Moors Civilized Spain in 832, and reigned for over 700 years, it brings you to 1500’s, or so, and to Christopher Columbus’ voyage, nearing the 1500’s. 
Charles Martel (mar tel) [O.FR., = Charles the Hammer], 688? —741, Frankish ruler, natural son of Pepin of Heristal and grandfather of Charlamagne.  After the death of his father (714) he became mayor of the palace in Austrasia and Neustria, having previously crushed all opposition.  He extended his rule to Burgundy, Aquitaine, and Provence.  Having subjugated many of the German tribes across the Rhine, he encouraged the activities of St. Boniface and other missionaries among them.  Charles Martel halted the Moslem invasion of Europe by his victory over the Moors of Spain in the battle of Tours or Poitiers (732), one of the decisive battles of the world’s history.  Although he never assumed the title of king, he divided the Frankish lands, like a king, between his sons Pepin the Short and Carloman.
Author’s Note:  If this is one of the most important battles in WORLD HISTORY, Why haven’t we learned of it in schools?  Any person, particularly Scholars, clearly know about this battle with the Moors, they don't  mention it,  nor do they  come back from their studies and call us Moors, as we rightfully and historically are by heritage.  
Moors: nomadic people of the northern shores of Africa, the original inhabitants of Mauretania.  They mixed with successive conquerors and are now a dark-skinned race chiefly of Berber and Arab blood.  In the 8th cent. They were converted to Islam and became Moslems.
Author’s Note:  this indicates that Arabs and Berbers are Moors and Moors are associated with the creed of Islam and Moslems.  Islam is a way of life, not a religion.  I Self Law Am Master. 

711—Under Tarik they crossed into Spain in 711 and without difficulty overran the crumbling Visigothic kingdom of Roderick.

  Author’s Note:  indicates these same dark-skinned (melanated) people are in fact the Moors of Spain.  The Visigoths are Christian Crusaders.  
732— They spread beyond the Pyrenees into France where they were turned back at Tours by Charles Martel (732).
Author’s Note:  Once again, the “Battle of Tours” is mentioned, the most decisive world battle fought between the Moors and the Christian Crusaders. 
756— In 756 Abdur-Rahman I, established the Omayyad dynasty at Cordoba. The emirate became under Adur-r-Rahman III the Caliphate of Cordoba.  The court there grew in wealth, splendor, and culture.  The regent Al Mansur in the late 10th cent. waged bitter warfare with the Christians of N. Spain, where, from the beginning, the Mohammedan conquest had met with its only opposition.  The cities of the south, Toledo, Cordoba, and Seville, speedily became centers of the new culture and were famed for their universities and architectural treasures. (See Moslem Art and Architecture). 
Author’s Note:  indicates: 1.  The Moors taught high civilization principles and established the well-known best universities ie. Cordoba and 2.  Christians (Christiandom, then a political term, later turned to a religious order), were and still are, the only opposition of Moors.  
With the exception of brief periods, there was, however, no strong central government; the power was split up among dissenting local leaders and factions.  
 Author’s Note:  indicates the Moors fought with each other for ruling power.  
.1031— The caliphate fell in 1031, and the  Almoravides in 1086 took over Mohammedan Spain, which was throughout the whole period closely connected in rule with Morocco.   
Author’s Note:  indicates an Empire was in place and Moors continued to fight with each other.  Almoravides are Moors.  
1174— Almoravid control slowly declined and by 1174 was supplanted by the Almohades.  These successive waves of invasion had brought into Spain thousands of skilled artisans and industrious farmers who contributed largely to the intermittent prosperity of the country.  They were killed or expelled in large numbers (to the great loss of Spain) in the Christian reconquest, which began with the recovery of Toledo (1085) by Alfonso VI, king of Leon and Castile. 
Author’s Note:  indicates the fall of the Moors.  Almoravides and Almorahades are both Moors who fought each other for political control. 
Almoravides—  Almoravids, Berber Moslem dynasty that ruled Morocco and Moslem Spain in the 11th and 12th century.  Its real founder was Abdullah Ibn Yasin, who by force of arms converted some Saharan tribes to his own reformed religion and then advanced on Morocco.  After his death (1059), Yusuf Ibn Tashuffin and his brother Abu Bakr came to power.  Marrakesh was founded in 1062 and was the center of a powerful empire.  Yusuf was called by the Moors in Spain to help stem Christian reconquest.  Ysuuf entered Andalusia and defeated (1086) Alfonso VI of Castile.  Later he subdued the local Moslem rulers and governed Moslem Spain with N. Morocco (Abu Bakr had S. Morocco).  The Almoravides were rough and puritanical, contemptuous of the luxurious Moslem culture in Spain  Their rule was never entirely stable and in the 12th cent. was attacked by the Almohades, who finally (by 1174) won both Morocco and Moslem Spain. 
Almohades—  Berber Moslem dynasty that ruled Morocco and Spain in the 12th and 13th cent.  It had its origins in the puritanical sect founded by Mohammed Ibn Tumart, who (c.1120), stirred up the tribes of the Atlas to purify Islam and oust the Almoravides.  His successors, Abu-L-Mumin, Yusuf II, and Yakub I, succeeded in conquering Morocco and Moslem Spain, and by 1174 the Almohades had completely displaced the Almoravides.  With time the Almohades lost some of their fierce purifying seal; Yakub had a rich court and was the patron of Averroes.  Yakub defeated (1195) Alfonso VII of Castile in the battle of Alarcos, but in 1212 the Almohade army was defeated and Almohade power in Spain was destroyed by the victory of the Spanish and Portuguese at Navas de Tolosa.  In Morocco they also lost power, there to the Merenide dynasty who took Marrakesh in 1269. 
 Author’s Note:  The above shows that Moors fought against Moors.  Both the Almoravides and the Almohades are described as being of Berber Moslem dynasties.  The definition of Moor is those who are Berber and Arab with an Islamic and Moslem creed. Take note read the lines of all the other political names of the For anyone to say the don't know who Moors are would be an out an out untruth.  Lots of information has been burned, yet with that, one can still find reference to Moors being in the most decisive world battle, as well as many other historiacl events, which by the way, still go on today.  Moors are sleep, ye tthey exist in body on the planet.  The purpose was that they would forget who they are, and fail to recognzie they are the aboriginal, indigneous inhabitant of this earth, the amothers and fatehrs of civilziation on this planet, and forget what that means, what to do to preserve themselves and their progeny.    
Alphonso Led The Reconquest 
Now lets look at who “Alphonso” and his people were, you will find this most interesting.  The first define will show that the Moors were in strife as a result of fighting.  Alphono's family spent at least 6 generations conquering the Moors.  The lands, castles, estates, etc., of which they conquered were obviously the Moors.  This also led to the Magna Charta Codes of 1200, and the reason we have Landlords. This is why no one ever owns their property. (unless they have an Allodial Title)  Moors are the Title holders. The Titles are El, Bey, Dey, Al, and Ali.  Translated as the 5 civilized so-called Indian tribes during the battles on the Western Frontier, here in North America.
Alfonso I (Alfoso the Catholic), 693?-757, Spanish king of Austurias (739-57). He was the son-in-law of Pelayo.  Strife among the Moors facilitated his conquest in parts of  Galicia, Leon, and Santander. After his father’s death (1114), his mother, Countess Theressa, ruled the county of Portugal with the help of Fernadno Perez, until in 1128 young Alfonso, allying himself with discontented nobles, took power and drove her into Leon with the still-faithful Perez (Alfonso did not in spite of the popular legend, put her in chains at Guimarais) Beginning a little more than a quasi independent guerrilla chief, Alfonso spent his life in almost ceaseless fighting against the kings of Leon and Castile and against the Moors to increase his prestige and his territories. In 1139 he defeated the Moors in the battle of Ourique (fought not at Ourique but at some undetermined place).
Alfonso II (Alfonso the Chaste), 759?-842, Spanish king of Austurias (739-842), grandson of Alfonso I.  He continued the struggle against the Moors and established his residence at Oviedo, which his father, Fruela I, had founded.  His alliance with Charlemagne and Emperor Louis I met opposition among his nobles.  Alfonso II built the first church on the site of Santiago De Compostel.  His reign was spent in struggles with the Church and his brothers and sisters.  His measures against the Church holdings and the bishops led to this excommunication (1210).  Though he was himself most unwar-like, Portugeuese soldiers took part in the battle of Navas de Tolosa and pushed conquest against the Moors. 
Alfonso III (Alfonso the Great) 838?- 910?. Spanish king of Austurias (866-909), The kingdom was consolidated in his reign, though after his forced abdication it was divided among his sons. 
Alfonso V (Alfonso the Noble), 994?-1027, Spanish king of Asturias and Leon (999-1027). While he was still a minor, the Moors under Al-Mansur were defeated.  Alfonso gave Leon its fuero {charter} and was killed in the siege of Viseu. Alfonso VI, 1030-1109, Spanish king of Leon (1065-1109) and Castile (1072-1109).  He inherited Leon from his father Ferdinand I.  Defeated by his brother, Sancho II of Castile, he fled to the court of Al-Mamum, Moorish ruler of Toledo.  After Sancho’s assassination (1072) he succeeded to the throne of Castile and took Galicia from his brother Garcia (1073), thus becoming the most powerful Christian ruler in Spain.  He raided Moslem territory and penetrated as far as Tarifa.  After the conquest of strategic Toledo (1085), he took many other cities and reached the line of the Tagus.  Aroused by his advance  Abbad III (see Abbadides) and his Moslem allies called to their aid the Almoravide Yusuf Ibn Tashuffin, who defeated Alfonso in 1086 and again in 1108, when Alfonso’s only son was killed in battle.  Alfonso’s reign gave a tremendous impulse to the reconquest of Spain and was also notable for the exploits of the Cid.  His court at Toledo became the center of cultural relations between Moslem and Christian Spain, while French influence also grew strong through his many French followers.  At this time the Cluniac reform was introduced into Spain.  Alfonso was succeeded by his daughter Urraca. 
Author’s Note:  The references to the Alfonso I thru Alphonso VI shows that they spent lifetimes fighting the Moors for the purposes of converting them and taking over their land and resources.  It also shows that even though Moors may have fought each other, they would often come together to fight the Christian Crusaders when called to each others aid.    
1212— The great Christian victory (1212) of Navas de Tolosa prepared the way  for the downfall of the Moslems. 
Author’s Note:  continued fall of the Moors, noted here as Moslems fighting Christians. 
1236—Cordoba fell to Ferdinand II of Castile in 1236.  The wars went on, and one by one the Moorish strongholds fell, until only Granada remained in their hands.    
Author’s Note:  indicates that Granada was the last Moorish stronghold.  And after it fell the Treaty of Granada gave Columbus the authority to travel West to this North American continent and conquer the Paradise, the Algonquian Civilizations here in the Americas, North, South and Central.  This is when Moors by name were called “Blacks”, hence the names Black, Negro, Colored have been made part of history and the connection to the name Moor was ended, and the descendants took on the slave brands, just as they did in Spain, prior to coming here when they conquered and called them Morescos or Moriscos and then called them Spaniards.     
1487— Milaga was taken (1487) after a long siege by the forces of Ferdinand and Isabella, and in 1492 Granada was recovered.  Many of the Moors had accepted Christianity; these, called Mudejares, were now joined by new converts, the Moriscos.  They were allowed to stay in Spain, but were kept under close surveillance.  
Author’s Note:  Moors were forced to convert to Christianity, edicts were put out by Queen Isabella of which one was that they were not to wear Moorish Garb, etc.  Moors were and still are known in Spain as the Moriscos, those who converted to Christianity out of force, the mighty melanated dark-skinned people who fell—the great Fall of Humanity.   
1568— They were persecuted by Philip II, revolted in 1568, and in the Inquisition were virtually exterminated.  In 1609 the remaining Moriscos were expelled.  Thus the glory of the Moorish civilization in Spain trailed out.  Its contributions to Western Europe and especially to Spain were well-nigh incalculable— in art and architecture medicine and science and learning.    
Author’s Note:  As you can see again, the Moriscos were the Moors. This above paragraph indicates the persecution and extermination of the Moors in the eastern hemisphere (holocaust).  Many status quo scholars have written this as a complete extermination when in fact it was not.  This is intentional for the scholars to write this to make the descendants think they are in fact not descendants, to make them think there are no more Moors, and that is exactly what has occurred.  The descendants are still today, lost for their identity.  This holocaust they are speaking of happened in the eastern part of the globe.  However, Moors were in all corners of the earth and the descendants have not been virtually exterminated.  They have been fruitful and have multiplied.  This is why studying is so important.  The Moors that they labeled indians when they came here did not just vanish off the earth.  Some survive today, intact with full melanation in their skin.  Some were murdered over the years, other were amalgamated into fair skin, and amalgamation is how they will return as they are aboriginal and indigenous to this land.  They are you!  
King Alfred Plan —”Silent Weapons
For A Quiet War”     
In reference to the extermination or holocaust, it is important to know that this is not without possibility today.  I would think that when the people of this land realize how they are still enslaved, they may, because of their emotionalism, resort to the usual gatherings of marches and protest, a typical signature of revolt for change.  I however, urge that they do not turn to these emotional activities that are absent of fact and not founded in proper civics,  as there is a plan for control of such activities.  That plan is called the King Alfred Plan, “Rex 84” .  It has been in effect for a long time, documented in 1947 and is coined the “Silent Weapons for a Quiet War”. The homeland Security Act is an extension of that plan.   Do not resort to marching in the streets against these inequities.  Do resort to Nationalizing yourself and your country.  Much like Castro did when he nationalized Cuba.  This is why the American demos/democracy don’t like Castro.  They are more then aware that you are bound to this continent by heritage.  The King Alfred Plan is a presidential executive order #11490, that began its written instructions approximately 1947.  
The following are excerpts from that plan: 
Memo:  National Security Council: ...The Minority has adopted an almost military posture to gain its objective, which are not clear to most Americans.  It is expected, therefore, that, when those objectives are denied the Minority, racial war must be considered inevitable.  When that Emergency comes we must expect the total involvement of all 22 million members of the Minority, men, women and children, for once this project is launched, its goal its to terminate, once and for all, the Minority threat to the whole of the American society, and, indeed, the Free World.—Chairman, National Security Council
Preliminary Memo:  Department of Interior.... Under King Alfred, the nation has been divided into 10 Regions (see accompanying map)  Incase of Emergency, Minority members will be evacuated from the cities by federalized national guard units, local and sate police and, if necessary by units of the regular Armed Forces, using public and military transportation, and detained in nearby military installations until a further course of action has been decided.
Preliminary Memo:  Department of Defense: …...There will be many cities where the Minority will be able to put into the street a superior number of people with a desperate and dangerous will.  He will be a formidable enemy, for he is bound to the Continent by heritage and knows that political asylum will not be available to him in other countries.  The greatest concentration of the Minority is in the Deep South, the Eastern seaboard, the Great Lakes region and the West Coast. 
The operative question to ask is:  Are You A Minority?  People who are not a Minority, don’t think with Minority minds, and upon discovering  that Minority is a legal terminology for those who cannot think for themselves or handle their own affairs, they wouldn’t allow their rights and their children’s rights to be abridged.   
 Nobody likes ignorance—not even you.  I urge that you do not confuse religious creeds and belief or solace systemscultural philosophies or blind faith, with Nationality which is bloodline, pedigree, consanguine issues.  The names negro, colored, black, indian, latino, white, indicate people who are ignorant of their true historical, lawful, contributions to society and it indicates persons who are property of the European slaveholders, a compromised people, subordinate to European psychology— a bureaucratic slave.
 It is certainly time, now, to reconsider your social and political position!
  Here is the undertone of what is happening today: 



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