root Quest n. a seeking; adventure;
those who make search collectively. n. act of asking; interrogation;
inquiry; discussion; debate; invesigation; v.t. to inquire of by asking
questions; (as to question a witness); . Answer:
A reply as to a question, call, or argument; also, a correct reply. a
reply to a charge; specif., Law, a counterstatement of facts made in reply to the charges of the complainant
in his bill; The solution of a problem. v.i. to act
in response, to be accountable or undertake responsibility ; to be in conformity or in correspondence;
as, actions that answer to his appearance, to be adequate; to serve the purpose. v.t.
to make answer to a question, remark, charge, etc.; to act in response
to a request or, to meet sucessfully by way of explanation, justification, or the like; to comply with, fulfill,
or satisfy, as a claim or need.
, , , 33 Questions For Children . . Ideal For Adults

Important Excerpt from Preface of "1895 - 8th Grade Final Public School Test." Preface written by Taj Tarik Bey . It is inviolably impractical and non–productive for any suppressed
and oppressed people to properly analyze and understand world history, or their own history, without having knowledge of the
linear processes under which forced servitude and literary destruction took place. Keep in mind that illiteracy was artificially
induced upon those held to servitude in North America. . Those
held to ‘forced – servitude’ in North American Territories, by the occupying Inquisition
Colonists from Europe, were severely suppressed and denied any formal education for generations. Even informal forms of education
were prohibited. The intended effect was to eliminate future generations, of those made subject, from any intelligible ability
to counter the misinformation and altered history imposed by the European occupying forces. Heavy yokes
were placed upon the young subjugates
at the earliest stages of their lives, so that they would not contemplate a questioning of their conditions, nor of those
hostiles exercising authority. Thus, ‘ignorance
– by – design’ became a ‘hallmark’ of the U.S. Demo educational institutions – directed
at an unprotected people. The ‘Codes-servile’ children were, and are, groomed for the purpose
of serving as State-bound ‘chattel’ and are being cultivated as ‘straw-man - pawns’ for corporate
slavery. They are being prepared for use in hard-yoke labor and as war-fodder. In order to create such
expendable personages, a low mental
state must be carefully groomed. To meet this end,
‘colorable’ conditions, artificially - induced poverty, taxation without representation, and designed miseducation
serves its controllers, administrators and their employed pseudo-teachers. .

. Answers
To Frequently Asked Questions: .

1: WE our starting our lecture series and study about Nationality and Commerce, and Law down here in Louisville.
I had a brother show me his travel card and Identification that he received from information from lecture series when the
Brothers (rather not say their names) was in INDIANAPOLIS. Is it necessary to have a travel card and, how can we( Ancient
Kemetic Moors) in Louisville get more information to get up to date with processes of the I.D. So far I have all of my paperwork
in my permanent file with the county and Apostilles with the STATE. The I.D. I have now (compared to the INDIANAPOLIS brother)
appearance is not as prestigious of his. Can anybody help so we can unite and have one I.D.? . ANSWER: We have
a uniformed card, that has been available for 7 years now and as a result of what it expresses allodially, it is accepted
in many places across the planet. The more ID's in your Moorish nature, the better. One can certainly have a
Temple Card, meaning you are a member of a Temple and a National ID, a Student ID, etc. The key is that it expresses properly
those allodial characters. Anything in writing, or published is but a brief that expresses your position regarding
a matter, whatever that matter may be. Inclusive of the National ID, which is printed, therefore published, therefore
valid as an identification. Also refer to USC 1028 to be better versed, therefore more secure (yourself) as to what
you are presenting and that what you are presenting is in fact valid. Then you will see how your nationality card
changes in your pocket. ANSWER: The variations in Moorish – American Identification Cards came about with some of
the many newly – conscious Moors (after making efforts to obtain them from some Temples) and being unable to acquire
Moorish Identification Cards from the Temples, or with some of them, becoming frustrated by limited communications or other
roadblocks, began making their own Moorish – American Identification Cards by studying and operating under the Self-Authority
of ‘Birthright – Actuation’. In due time, however, and as Moors become more educated,
organized, and adept in their Moorish Science and High Culture, their consciousness will ascend to an even higher plane or
level of social and governmental understanding, and many of these troubling things and unbalanced circumstances will dissolve.
The progressive Moors among us will then have the credibility to communicate the already – existing foundation Gnosis
of Moorish History, Law, Spiritual Philosophy and Culture. This is a part of the cycle of human development,
from a state of debasement to a more Allodial self – preserving recognition of Nationality. In the social and political
realm of human endeavors, the word, ‘Unity’ and the word, ‘Nationality’ are synonymous in organizational
and associate function. When the newly- conscious Moors learn of the Ancient Principles, they, themselves will agree, and
encourage unity of form and structure. Meanwhile, as we tread this journey towards Freedom, Justice, and
Sovereign Right, we must acknowledge and address the reality of the need to teach our people those things which are necessary
for their - and our - becoming better citizens of our redeemed Moorish Nation, and having a functional knowledge of the benefits
and the responsibilities that are assigned to that corrected Status.
. .

2: I'd first like to tell you how great this website is. I domicile in the Bronx. I wanted to know if you offer
any classes on Birthright and Nationality for someone like me who is just learning. I am reading as much as possible, but
would like additional information...particularly what steps I need to take to claim my nationality & birthright. Thank
you so much for the information here. .
After completing 12 years of
civic classes in the National Theatre at New York, and currently broadcasting 5 Programs under
MHHS—Eyes Wide Open Blog Talk, every Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. and every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; we are just about
reading to provide a new live classroom experience. Most classes will be broadcast over Blog, however, there will
also be closed classes. You will have to pre-sign up for them and when announced, you will receive instructions via email.
In the meantime and between time visit the site and continue to study.

QUESTION 3: After studying the Moors Order of The Roundtable,
I am of a national mindset and conscious, to perceive in obtaining my nature rights, birthrights, and rightful name.
I would like to become a bonifide and legitimate Moor, carry the Name with the El on it, and the entire rights associated
with my rightful name. Can you assist me? . ANSWER:
Thank You for your interest and activity, however, the universe thanks you more. Nationality is not
really a process except for if and when it starts in the mind, as you now already know, if you didn’t before.
It has apparently awakened in you, thus Declaring it is to be clear yourself and does not necessarily require any paperwork,
but does require study to be clear yourself, as you can only be what you know. Proclaiming is the publishing, and
that is where the 'paperwork' comes in. Anything in written form is but a brief expressing your position regarding
a matter, whatever that matter may be and that includes the card itself, which is a brief and lawful claim. . ANSWER: Your Moorish
Nationality belongs to you, and resides with you, now, and whilst you were gestating in your Mother’s Womb, as She expressed
the building of a ‘Temple of Life’ from the Elements of the Earth, filtered through the Gates of Her magnificent
form, and molded that Constellation – marked Temple for your Spirit – Man to acclimate to, during this particular
Cycle of you ongoing sojourn towards ‘Perfected Man’. Know now, that your Physical Temple (body) is genetically
– coded, coming down from your Ancient of Ancient Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers. Your Divine, Natural Person Being is
manifested to express the Monad - Spirit on the Physical Plane! Your (and my) Moorish – American Nationality is a fact,
without doubt or contradiction; and descended down from your ancestors, the ‘Ancient Moabites / Moroccans / Moors /
Muurs’. Thus your Nationality is a ‘Bona-Fide’ Birthright Inheritance, and is a Pedigree reality. The issue
before you and many others is that of a lack of consciousness of Identity, status, and the probable misrepresentation by others
who may have created ‘Straw-man’ fiction - creature instruments, to make claims upon you under the allegations
of ‘Abandonment’; and thereby initiated fraudulent ‘Power-of-Attorney’ assertions against your body,
your lands, and your inheritances. This has been a long – lived practice by corporate – State Europeans, used
to steal the Natural Peoples’ Hereditaments. The subject matter of consciousness of these anthropological
and inherited facts must be resolved in your mind, and begin to be reflected in your activities of social, legal, and commercial
interchanges. Expect opposition from traitors amongst us, and from racketeering European politicians and from anti-constitutional,
‘Color – of – Law’, State, City, and Municipal officers. These types of legal crimes are at the heart
of Colonialism and are practiced by its secret – society members. .

4: I am really confused, I want to be nationalized so bad, but it seems to be so many scams out here. I have been
doing a lot of reading on Moorish history, as well as watching a lot of videos which are on you tube. I know they
have temples, but when i call i get no one. I tried to email them but nothing, no response. I really am searching for some honest answers
sister. I just want to make the right decision. The most important thing is I will be a moor. So my question to you is when I do join,
the fact that I'm a Moor will remain regardless if I'm with the Moorish Science Temple of America or with any other group
right? Nationalized is Nationalized right? . ANSWER: Nationality is Free! It is yours by Consanguine
Birthright, Primogeniture, and Inheritance! Study, and you
will be qualified to separate the Truths from the Falsehoods; know that which is Valid from that which Invalid; and recognize
that which is Constitutional from that which is Unconstitutional. . . ANSWER 2:
If you study the principles of Nationality, typically no one can "scam" you, however it happens.
I believe that every 20 years or so, there is some major re-direction and de-railing of the forward movement gained in the
rise of the consciousness that leads one to have a conscience of national principles. It scatters the people, confuses
them and there you have classic infiltration. You must study to have eyes to see and ears to listen. I also believe
the basic fundmental thing to be clear of is that the U.S.A. is not an authoritative government over natural people because
it is a Company, a Union Company or corporation. The first thing is to KNOW this to be true and then we would not be
so focused on what they do with their company operating on the land and may be more focused on what we need to do in order
to be who we say we are. The Chronological history MUST be told and must be received, as it is documented as such. This
does not mean you are 'bucking' the government or think you are above the law, not at all, as a Moor, you are to know the
law, therefore be able to recognize when someone, some entity, anyone, any entity, company, corporation, enclave or agency
of same is violating the law against you. Thus, again, must study to know. Anyone can have a government or be a governor
of whatever they are governing. That does not mean they are above the Law of this Land.

5: I am having some difficulty in my life and I need some guidance, I’ve been fighting with
Rome for sometime now, and I need to make the right moves to shut some of these agencies down. I really need to talk
to someone sit down and discuss some very important issues in my life. I need to get an overstanding of my situation.
I'm fighting now but I feel like I am getting nowhere. Peace and love. ANSWER:
Natural Peoples’ enforcement of the Constitution is what will shut the fraudulent agencies down.
Continue to visit RVBeyPublications.com Website, and study. We will be adding more
constructive and progressive information on a timely basis. If you come to the Classes,
which will now be in Vineland, New Jersey, we will provide access to speak with you then. Otherwise, based on geographic
logistics, mail communications are our best communications at this time.

. QUESTION 6: I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. I am currently an avid listener of Moors Heritage and History School on Harlem Rising Radio.
I've only been made aware Moors about two months ago and am amazed of the Truth that is being disseminated. It was Brother
Taj Tarik Bey and brother Sabir Bey that has led me to the Truth about Sovereignty and Nationality. I was registered as a
Metis with the Manitoba Metis Federation in the municipal district known as Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, but withdrew my status
with them last week finding out that being registered with the MMF as Metis would put me under Corporate Ward Status. . I want to become
part of the solution and really don't know where to go from here. As Taj is married to the cause, well so am I. If there is
any organization in Winnipeg that anybody know of that I could get involved with it would great if I could get that info.
I just want to say thanks to bother Taj and brother Sabir for opening my eyes to the truth about Sovereignty and Nationality.
-Peace . ANSWER: Manitoba
Province / Territory, a political subdivision of Canada, is still, in fact, a Northern part of the Moroccan Empire –
Land of the Ancient Moabites / Moors. Thus, this is also Moorish land that was usurped by European Inquisition
Colonists. Being Moorish – American, you can refer to the “Writs of Freedom” for use, study and application,
as placed on the RVBeyPublications.com Website for all Moorish – Americans. Read them all and clear up your concepts
on Identity, Status, and gain a concept of basic Protocols for protecting and standing for your Substantive Rights. Also see,
acquire, and study the booklet entitled, “Confused about Taxes” and "Correcting Positon of the IRS".
Remember that Aboriginal Natural Peoples are not to be taxed by the foreigners. Study!

QUESTION 7: I am writing
a court in Virginia in which I reside in Kentucky, an affidavit demand for dismissal default judgment. Is it necessary to
writ KY Secretary of State and others about this, or wait until I write a ‘Writ of Mandamus’? How long do I write
a ‘Writ of Mandamus’? . ANSWER: Do not abbreviate States and
locations in your correspondences. Always address these colorable Ministerial Courts and Court Officers with your Judicial
Proclamations and Ticket Dismiss Writs, etc. The reasoning for c.c. inclusions, to other government department
officials, are to make them (in their official capacities) aware of the criminality that is taking place in these Municipalities,
by the unclean hands of their employees, court officers and Magistrates, etc. Review the laws coving ‘Color
of Law’ activities, Racketeering, and ‘The Rico Act’. Their failure to act upon notification this criminal
information (reports of a crime) establishes a future legal Suit and Claim of Conspiracy, Arbitrary, Fraud, and Collusion;
which (of course) with their long history of corruption being apparent by their profiling practices, most of these ‘colorable’
- officers have already practiced in the past. As you know, a “Writ of Mandamus” is
a command issued from the higher Courts, and addresses the officers of the private-law and municipal courts, being inferior
and out of order, to perform according to the Law of the Land and to correctly perform their Fiduciary Duties in accord with
their limited and specified delegated political, ministerial, or judicial positions. And the Rights of the Complainant (You)
must be restored. Logically “Writs of Mandamus” should be common instruments issued from our Moorish communities.
They should be activated on a more regular basis, and early in the legal processes, due to the rampant corruption plaguing
the cities, boroughs and towns of the country. You must always remember that abbreviated designations,
used by the (“State of”…) operatives, is cribbed to subvert the State Republics. These acts are done to
convert the Republics into foreign, colorable, Demo-Jurisdictions, and under foreign law. The ensuing corrupted status of
your correspondence is the used against you! These grammatical alterations are designed to steal your Unalienable
Rights and to violate your Birthrights. Do not abbreviate. .

an I proclaim my nationaltiy? So I can teach my kids about their rich history and their birthrights. I want to
teach them at an early age so they don't go through the things I went through. You can contact me by phone or email.
I am truly sincere. I want to nationalize and lear how to apply it. . ANSWER: Noble Drew Ali founded the “Moorish Divine and National Movement” of the North America
and the World, in order to address the Nationality and Birthrights issues of the fallen Moors / Aboriginals of the Northwest
and the planet. Visit the nearest Moorish Holy Temple of Science or Moorish Science Temple of America, and I am sure you can
begin your redemption journey. If you run into difficulties (which sometimes occurs), then continue to study, and
remedy will come to you. Just as the wind moves across your face, to awaken your cellular consciousness, so comes, again,
the Love from your Ancient Mothers and Fathers. A conscious Sister or Brother will come to your assistance, and your
request will be granted in accord with your honor. NOTE: Do not call the children "Kids".
It means billy goat. Remember that juris = right and diction = words. .

QUESTION 9: Regarding The
U.C.C.'s ISLAM, Good-day. I want someone to work with me in regards to U.C.C. Codes and U.C.C. Financing. I
am also interested in becoming sharp on judicial notice and proclamation. I've always felt up right and close to the creator,
but wasn't knowledgeable about things and therefore felt victimized and left broke without understanding why when I work so
hard!? I live in Louisville Kentucky. I am working as a Master Barber and study very hard but can't find others like myself
to work with. Any suggestions or advice would be great! --Love and Peace
. ANSWER: Keep in mind that the ‘Commercial Codes’ essentially and factually
means, ‘Codes for Trafficking’ and
‘To carry on Trade’. My first question to you is, “Do you have a clear
understanding of what Birthrights and Unalienable Rights are?” Are you aware that Unalienable Rights cannot be transferred
to, or sold to, another? I am sure you are aware that the Commercial Codes did not become ‘Uniform’ until about
1968, with Texas State Republic officials bowing to pressure and agreeing to play the ‘State of Texas’ fraud game
of ‘Commercializing or ‘Trading the natural peoples’ Rights, in collusion with the other compromised State
Officials and Politicians. I suggest you study and enforce the constitution for the United states Republic of North America,
and enforce the Laws relative to your Nationality and Birthrights. NOTE: Do NOT confuse commercial
activity with Nationality - blood line. . Also keep in mind that the Constitution for the United States of America
is the Supreme Law of the Land; and is derived from Ancient Moorish Jurisprudence. U.S. Demo- Politicians,
educators and many other corporate persons, operating at North America, (are members of the ‘Demos’; are subversives
and against the Constitution; having no allegiance to the Republic! They do not want you or any other Aboriginals or citizens
to be cognizant of this binding fact. Verily, many of the officers of the various Ministerial Courts /
Tribunals (not constitutionally -sanctioned) are traitorous Racketeers, who are (working together with others) to rob and
to steal from the Natural People. They are using their (bought and sold) ‘Seats in Government’
to enforce fraudulent, private, ‘Color – of – Law’; and systematically connive to substitute the ‘Supreme
Law of the Land’ with their foreign corporate policies and ordinances. This is at the root of most of the common peoples’
economic problems, and the current ‘lack of due process’ railroading that is used to feed the Penal Industry.
Many of the politicians (and Judges of the Ministerial courts) have invested interests in these profitable domestic P.O.W. Camps
/ Prisons and Jails. These
anti-Republic institutions, and the colorable acts of these officers, are constructed to cause injury; and to place
their fraud – based, and non-substantive, implied contract - originating debts upon the Natural People.
Now that they (European occupiers) are aware of the Natural People becoming aware of the truth about Nationality and
Birthrights, some of them have been promoting the use of the Uniform Commercial Codes (U.C.C.s) as a remedy for attaining
sovereignty. Logically, anyone and everyone should be educated in the areas of ‘Contract
Law’, due to the fact that we ‘contract’ every day in some form or another, when we are interchanging with
others. However, I will remind you and others recognize the integrity of the Nation, that the Sovereignty
that many of the Europeans are arguing over is not their own, but is (actually) the Sovereign Rights of the Aboriginal and
Indigenous Moors, whom the Europeans have colonized and usurped. The misrepresenting Europeans are debating among themselves
with their corrupt rulers, who have (in cabal with them) robbed the Moors of their Lands and of their Birthrights. This Land
(Amexem / Africa / Americas) is not Europe; and the Sovereign Powers over the Land and the Resources are not theirs, and never
was theirs to possess, nor to claim Jurisdiction over! Their claims are all of a corporate – fiction character, artificially
– created on paper, and fraudulently propagated to the world! Their success has root in blind faith and fiction altogether!
The present, Fiat-corrupted, fake-economic political conditions, the defrauding of the people of the United States
and the world, etc., arises from their foul, entrenched Inquisition policies. They know this, and work diligently to keep
these Masonic secrets from you, the rightful Heirs! Their inner-working conflicts over our Silver, Gold, and Commerce, reflects
a truth that the divided and conniving thieves among them are bickering over ill-gotten Booty and Prize spoils; and are seething
amoral arguments over Escheated Hereditaments. Let this first be made clear to all Moorish - Americans! This
is your lost estate! The Land, the Gold, the Silver, and the Commerce belong only to the true, Primogeniture
Heir citizens of the Land, and to them alone! Nationalize! As for the U.C.C.s, know that Section 8 and
Section 2 relates to those important aspects which govern ‘Securities’. Most of the people who sell U.C.C. packages
to the unstudied among us, usually fail to emphasize this important fact! They will usually put highlights on Sections 1 and
3. However, remember this:
A U.C.C. 1 is to be filed only by one who (in commerce) already has
a valid contract in the first instance! If this is not the pre-condition, then
one has just created the jurisdiction of commercial trade of self (Personum Jurisdiction), which is not the intended outcome
of the chosen U.C.C. initiated action. In due course of time, all instruments (built upon the fraud must fail). Declare your
Nationality and enforce the Constitution! The seller gets your limited ‘energy regulating bookkeeping
certificates’ (Fiat), and the corrupt corporate – State operative get windfall profits in filing fees. Tell me
now, who has the advantage? Nationalize! Study all the aspects and implications of its political and social
remedies! . NOTE: A
birth certificate is NOT a valid Contract. It is the instrument that proves human trafficking and your Mother did not agree
to it as a conscious contract. .

10: The state
of ky is trying to force me in court and show them a driver license. I want to file an affidavit before my court date
appearance...help!!! . ANSWER: Do not abbreviate the States and / or other locations and entities.
Capitalize where grammatically correct! That grammatical violation creates a deceptive and foreign jurisdiction.
Refer to the ‘Writs of Freedom’ sector of the RVBeyPublications.com Website, and use the Writ entitled,
“Judicial Notice and Proclamation” and another writ which is entitled, “Ticket Dismiss”. Read ‘Drivers
License Fraud’. When filing Evidence and Exhibits, always place the ‘Case Number’ which
is assigned to the Municipalities’ usually misrepresented accusation – instrument(s). Mark each of your correspondences
as Exhibits of Evidence in the case. Always have your Affidavits of Fact or Writs introduced and filed
with these Ministerial Courts and or other quasi-agencies, before you make your ‘Special Appearance’ before their
anti-constitutional, and foreign – law tribunals. Send certified copies of your Proclamations and
Writs to the Prosecutor / Accuser in the case; to the alleged Judge; and to the Clerk of the Courts,
etc. Know that ‘licenses’ are required of commercial, corporations, and not of the Natural Persons, nor of the
Natural Beings of the Land. Study some of the Supreme Court Cases, which we have places in the text for your approbation.
You should also issue to the Prosecutor and Judge in the Case, an “Averment of Jurisdiction”. Remember
that the ‘Sovereign Power’ is not inherent in government. The ‘Sovereign Power’ Right and Power resides
in the true natural citizens and in them alone. Being conscious of your Moorish Nationality and Birthrights, and being active
in your Proper-Person Status (being yourself) confirms your competence to exercise such Rights without the fictionally implied
‘power of attorney’ or unauthorized ‘leave’ assumed by the less-than-honorable, officers of the Municipal
Courts. .

. QUESTION 11: I want to get my paperwork done, and learn. Get true KNOWLEDGE. I truly want to
study with Taj, I'm in Delaware, Do you give classes anywhere near DE or PA .
ANSWER: Do not approach this Moorish Humanitarian Movement
with a naïve mind and get caught up in the contemporarily – practiced misjudgment of what has come to be known
as, ‘The Paper Chase’. You need to have a sound, testable, and functional background and knowledge about the evolution
and developmental ins and outs of this Moorish Movement in North America. It is vital that you also be grounded in basic Ancient
American and World History, to boot. Know that you will be tried and tested by the corporate – State
operatives; for they are Masons and Eastern Stars, etc. Most all of them will play dumb when dealing with you, but know for
a surety, that they are aware of your true Nationality, and of the fact that they are enforcing Colonial extortion policies.
Most of them are Secret – Society Inquisitionists and Crusaders. This is why legitimate Moorish –American Organizations
will also teach you Civics, Jurisprudence, History, Moorish Culture, and fundamental Constitution Law. The paperwork, concerning
the activation of Protocols for issuing (Legal Notices, Affidavits, and Writs, etc.) are necessary aspects of a broader nationally
– active, spiritual, and civic plane of development and involvement. Let it be known for the record
that subverting Opportunists and Con-artists are all over the country, working to undermine the positive activities of the
Moorish Divine and National Movement. The Demos did not end their works with the Coolidge and Hoover Administrations of the
Union States Society Anti-Constitutionalists and with their misguiding influences amongst traitor overseers operating among
our own. . Some of these less – than –honorable persons
are seizing the informational and consciousness advantage over some of the newly – conscious Moors, who have (by whatever
means) discovered the truth about their Nationality and their Birthrights. Study yourselves, and
remember that ‘Unalienable Rights’ cannot be transferred to, nor sold to, another. Governments and organized clubs,
etc., do not give Rights! They have no Rights to give! Governments and Civic Organizations exist for one
purpose, and that is to preserve and to secure the Divine and Natural ‘Birthrights / Unalienable Rights’
which are (by Nature’s Law, and Nature’s God Principles) the pre-existing Rights of all Humanity.
Know that your Moorish Nationality and Birthrights are not for sale; as these Incorporeal Hereditaments are of Primogeniture
Inheritance, and Heirship, coming down from your Ancient Mothers and Fathers; and they are also of a consanguine nature.
Study the roots, purpose, and the development of the Moorish Movement initiated by Noble Drew Ali (Sheik Sharif Abdul
Ali) in Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America. Study World History (and the Inquisition /
Black Codes) and be aware that whenever someone amongst the Aboriginals establishes order amongst those who have been, or
are, suffering oppression and mental slavery, the Romans / Europeans / Albion have always sought to infiltrate, undermine,
and to destroy such organizations and natural persons. Keep in mind that the Roman Colonists have never
forgotten their ‘Inquisition Mission’, in spite of the fact that many Aboriginals have forgotten that they are
Colonists and Extortionists by social and political agenda. The passage of time will never change that fact! Nevertheless,
in the face of the Europeans’ Demo-corruption, the Moors have made substantive strides and success, which have come
about, due to the principled Moorish Divine and National Movement. This is to remind you to keep on your toes and to be diligent!
Get a solid foundation (knowledge) about the Moorish Divine and National Movement’, founded by Prophet Noble
Drew Ali; and accentuate your knowledge about World History; about Contract Law; about Jurisprudence; about Etymology; about
Unalienable Rights, vs. Licensed Privileges; about Status and its relationship to Estate;
about the ‘Law of Evidence’ concerning Identity; about the study of, and the enforcement of,
the Constitution for The United States of America, and why. Learn about, and study the ‘Spanish
Inquisition’ initiated and operative for centuries, and institutionalized in U.S. Demo-Operation in these days
(against the Moors and Yehudi (Jews). Learn about the enlightenment brought about for Europe, through, and by, the Renaissance
of the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries, initiated in Italy by the Moors; etc. Then (but not
limited to the foregoing) you will have an unshakable and qualified understanding and resolve as to the purpose and the functions
of these Moorish Name / Attribute and Status – Correcting Documents, Affidavits, and General Writs, etc. You will also
have greater and more profound understanding of the roles that these Documents play (at this time) to the benefit of uplifting
the Moorish Nation of the Western Hemisphere and the World. In the interim, and with the Right – Law and Allodial considerations
about the true Nationality and Birthrights of my people, I have placed a few Affidavits and Writs on the ‘RVBeyPublications.com’
Website for the free access and for the rightful free use of them by all Moorish-Americans. The reasoning is for reaching
out to the nation (in spite of economic and political oppressions) initiated by the corporate State quasi government agencies
who are violating (by conspiracy and color) the Law of the Land! These Writs and Judicial Notices, etc., are to give ‘Notice’
to the nations of the earth, that we (the Moors) are aware of our Nationality, our Birthrights, the geographical longitudes
and latitudes of our lost Estate, and that we are active in our efforts to display our claims to our Inheritances and to our
competency to attain to self authority (Sovereign Right). The initiating of valid lawful defenses of the
Moorish Nationality and Birthrights, are expressed by the Allodial Rights to issue these Writs of freedom. Study these Writs
and the nature of the presentments made therein. Use them rightly; with a consciousness of their emendatory
declarations. Embrace them, and apply them with integrity. These Public Record, and Publication communications
are for the support of, and are of Moorish – American prerogative, invoked as an ‘Affirmation’ of, your
and my Moorish ‘Birthrights’, and of our Divine Rights to acknowledge, to possess, to exercise and to enjoy the
said Rights. As you (and we – the Nation) develop and evolve in your / our degrees of knowledge,
understanding, and insights into your / our Moorish affairs, we will become more adept in our skills and abilities to contribute
to uplifting of all humanity. When the mind changes to the positive, the conditions will follow!
The current negative conditions are obvious! Work toward Justice for and with, self, man, and the nations; and prepare
to take your proper – person place amongst the greater family. With the exercising of the mind, you
will be well – qualified to produce your own Writs for the defense of that which is right, true, honorable, and socially
and politically correct. – Brother Taj
Tarik Bey

. QUESTION 12: I need some advice how should
I go about addressing the Municipal Court of whom I contracted with prior to me waking up and getting ‘Nationalized’
through my Temple. Also the other issue is Motor Vehicles with the surcharges that I have been paying
them. My main question is in your opinion, how should I address the situation with them. I contracted with the
Municipal Court under (T.D.C) and the straw-man was obligated to pay that court a certain amount of Fiat a month.
Next through extortion they contracted with Motor Vehicles so I ended up paying both of them off at certain times of the month.
I have stopped paying them both for a few months now. The question is do I send them an Affidavit of Fact?
I just need some advice on how to go about both of the situations.
I want to put them in check but I want to come correct. WHAT SHOULD I DO? .
to the ‘Writs of Freedom’ sector of the RVBeyPublications.com Website, and use the Writ entitled,
“Judicial Notice and Proclamation” and another writ which is entitled, “Ticket
Dismiss”. Always place the Case number which is assigned to the Municipalities’ accusation
– instrument(s), and mark each of your correspondences as Exhibits of Evidence in the case. Always
have your Affidavits of Fact or Writs introduced and filed with these ministerial courts and or other quasi-agencies before
you make your Special Appearance before their foreign – law tribunals. Send certified copies of your
Proclamations and Writs to the Prosecutor / Accuser in the case; to the alleged Judge; and to the Clerk of the Courts, etc.
This is a fundamental establishment of Status, and the entering of Evidence in the Case, is a Rights-preserving activity,
relative to the protocols of liberties. These, or related protocols should be actuated by all Aboriginal, Natural Person citizens
of the Land, since we are suffering under the occupation of the foreign European exploiters of the planet and Natural Peoples.
A ‘Diversity of Nationality’ and a ‘Diversity of Citizenship’ is (in fact) a true, political reality
in our intersocial relationship with the European immigrant descendants. Be clear on your consciousness and connection to
your Moorish Nationality and of the civic responsibilities which it commands to the enforcement of the constitution contract,
which binds those in government to the Law (Constitution and Treaties). – Taj
Tarik Bey .

QUESTION 13: Peace Sis.
Thank you for your time and social duty of answering my quest of freedom. In your response you mentioned my
being a national and not under their jurisdiction, what documents and forms are there available for me to present for the
record? Also upon me presenting them how do I stop them from extracting the finances from my income. No I am not
one who's attempting to escape my responsibilities of my said child. I am the father of eight and I just want to have
my cipher complete, I just don't to have a financial relationship with my seed but a uniting of family. You also spoke
about the null void of B-cert for use could you do a audio on how to live within contracts as well.
and thanks in return. . ANSWER:
Refer to the “Writs of Freedom” placed on this site for
all Moorish – Americans. Read them all and clear up your concepts on Identity and Status. Also see and acquire
the booklet entitled, “Confused about Taxes”. Study! ‘Income’ refers to profits made from the stocks,
capital gains, and investments of Corporations only. Personal compensation for labor, work, or private service contracts,
are NOT ‘Income’. These are categorized under ‘Personalty’ and are NOT lawfully
taxable. Someone is acting under misrepresentation, misprision and a fraud. .
Remember that the I.R.S. is a foreign corporation, connected to the ‘Papal Government of the Vatican’.
The I.R.S. is not sanctioned by the United States Republic Constitution. Not one debt note, or penny, collected under the
current Constitutional – Fraud, go to the support of any services for schools, streets, housing, health, etc. Nor does
any financial or government service initiated by or from the I.R.S., contribute to any positive benefits for the Natural People. -Taj Tarik Bey

QUESTION 14: Peace, to whomever
may be reading this. I have become very interested in the Moorish Divine and National Movement. I some how stumbled across
Taj Tarik Bey’s lectures on Yu – Tube (no one told me of them) and from there it was on. Now
I know of great teachers such as Hakim Bey, Ali Muhammad, Queen Renita Bey, Sabir Bey, Rahsmariah V. Bey and many others,
in jus a few short weeks. My point of contacting you is to find out do you offer anything to southern regions
of the states, I live in Atlanta. I know there is a temple here but I am not comfortable with the one here
for reasons that may be explained in a more personal conversation. I've listen to lectures and have found
how much I didn’t know, I am only 20 so no surprise; but I agree with Taj and others, that law is the issue at hand;
and I would like to learn more about law and our history especially concerning claiming my nationality the correct way. But if possible I would
like the helping and of an Elder, for I am willing and eager to study to better my self my family and Nation as a whole.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could contact me regarding my concerns. --Thank you. . ANSWER: On the site I trust that you will find enough to enhance your
journey back to ‘Self’ and to your Birthrights, Hereditaments, and lost Estate. Seek out active Moorish – Americans in your territory and begin
to re-associate yourself with those things necessary to become a better Natural person citizen of the Land! The information
needed by you for your connectedness and social / political development will come your way! When the student is ready, the
Master will appear! Sincerity is a vital key to your quest

15: I want to understand more about claiming my national status.
I have been to a few moor meeting but have not been able to commit to going every week because of my schedule. Where should
I begin my journey follow in the steps of my ancestors. . ANSWER: Attend a ‘Moorish Science Temple of America’ or ‘Moorish Holy Temple of Science’ in
your area (when possible), so you may get a strong foundation, relative your inherited connection to the Ancient Moabites
/ Moors (The Ancient Ones) of the Land. Learn of your ancient Moorish Culture and Customs, etc. Definitely, and without delay,
acquire and study Noble Drew Ali’s written and Oral Statements. Search out, and read the treatises written by him in
the old ‘Moorish Guide Newspapers’. This will take some scholarly work, due to the subversives amongst us. This,
however, must be done and respected, in order to recognize the geography of your lost Estate and the actions and patterns
prescribed for graduating advancements and activities for the improvement and advancement of Self, of family, and of the Nation.
Remember that the Prophet said to the Moors “The half has not been told! If I told you everything, you would go back to sleep!” Imprint that statement in your mind! Do not be surprised when
you discover that your learning curve gets saturated on the elementary level. Your spirit in the Movement ascends to a higher
plane, when you learn to pay attention to the details and nuances, coupled with your improvement in World History studies
and the Philosophies. This requires more disciplined reasoning and an advanced acclamation to Metaphysical analysis in ancient
religion, civic studies, and unity activities. A change of conditions and circumstances, demands a change of mind and a social
cleansing, and emphatic motivation to higher, nature - validating Culture! Knowledge changes conditions! Study! .

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