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Moorish Organizations and Associations who are not directly affiliated with R.V. Bey Publications or any of its affiliates.
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In Light and In Truth,

We give special notice to the increased amount of women who are becoming not
only conscious, but active, in Civilization Principles, which is ultimately of great importance due
to the fact that civilization cannot even be eluded to successfully without the involvement
of Women, who make and raise the beings (babies) that are placed into society, to govern self
and society. This general consciousness has given rise
to a broader consciousness.
We have established a woman's law class on blog talk radio. Go to the "Sistars Standing On Law" page for information.

In This Electrifying Age of Information
We Now have 5 programs on our MHHS - "Eyes Wide Open" Blog Talk Radio Broadcast.
TUESDAY: 1. "National
Principles" Moors Heritage and History School - Eyes Wide Open Blog Talk Radio is hosted by Sister Anaidah
El, Mizraim El, Guest Host: Kudjo Adwo El and Rahsmariah Bey. It will broadcast information
regarding National Principles and Diversity regularly EVERY Tuesday at
9:30 p.m.
"Moors Heritage and History School Class" - Every Wednesday - Broadcast
begins 7:30p.m.
2a. "Circle of Readers" - Every 1st and 4th Wednesday.
Currently Reading and discussing "Ancient and Modern Britons"1: by
David McRitchie.
WEDNESDAY: 2b. NEW: "Cosmology
101 - "Let's Embrace Mother" - Every 2nd Wednesday.
WEDNESDAY: 2c. NEW: "What's Unconstitutional About This:....????"
- Every 3rd Wednesday.
2d NEW: "Body and Mind"
-All 5th Wednesdays
2. "Sons Of Allah" w/ Mizraim El and Kudjo Adwo El -- Every 3rd Thursday at
9:00 p.m.
SUNDAY: 3. "Sisters
Standing On Law" Hosted by Anaidah El
and Rahsmariah Bey. Every 3rd Sunday at 1:00 p.m. For student participation and monthly syllabus go to "Sistars Standing On Law" page.
Moors Heritage and History
School (MHHS) -"Eyes Wide Open"
In association
w/ R.V. Bey Publications, Moorish Nation Public Records and Moorish News
CALL IN: (347)
Email: mhhseyeswideopen@gmail.com
You can also find Press Releases and Updates on
Face Book at: