Please DO NOT use rvbey@juno.com when utilizing payments via paypal. Any attempt made,
please try again with rvbeyorders@gmail.com. We changed it earlier however overlooked it in certain
settings. We apologize for this inconvenience and look forward to your continued interest and activity.

how to get in touch with us:
Telephone: (609) 363-0292
We receive a great deal of inquiries
and emails, of which we are departmentalizing them for ease of response. We provide the preferred following
email addresses for inquiries:
Utilize this email if you are inquiring about a book order or any order
except for Identification Cards. do not use this for inquries regarding identification cards.
Utilize this email for all inquiries regarding identification cards:
National, Road and Student Card.
Utilize this email for all inquiries regarding Proclamations: Judicial
Notice and Name Correction, which are mailed to the Connecticut mailing location. Instructions are found on the "National
ID and proclamation page at Section 13 of that page. We suggest you read that page in its entirety for clarification. .
At THIS TIME, We are not taking request for lectures. We are in the process of setting
up a central location for classes, questions, lectures, etc. and will keep posted the progress towards an "open house"
tentatively set for the New Year (Spring).