Plea To Nations (Plea To Women)
The Plea To The Nation is also found on the "About Noble Drew Ali"
page on this site. However, we put it here recently as an ancillary to the "Sistars Standing On Law"
Blog Talk , as we recognize a plea to a nation or any nation is absolutely a plea to women because she comes here with the
nation in her womb. This being done to 'wake up' the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters into recognzing their
necessity of being involved in this movement and activity to "hear the truth about 'nationality and birthrights, as both
elude to women being involved as she not only builds the body (temple) for the soul of man during the 40 weeks in her womb,
she also is where one's nationality is determined from by nature, natural law and International law, supported by maxims of
society starts with family - so does the authority to govern family"
depicted on the cover of the 101 Questionnaire, she is unconscious physically and her son is
holding her until she wakes up. When she wakes up, "the great meeting will be on".

Test for those who participated in Sisters
Standing On Law Class:
The American National Constitution of 1790"
For all those who
listened to, studied, participated in the 13+1 month study of the American Constitution 1791 and would like to take the test
for this series, you will need to download the below
“1774 Letter to the People of Great Britain”
and analyze it for all references made
in the Letter to the People of Great Britain that are embodied
the American Constitution 1791, consisting of the Seven Articles and Ten Bill of Rights and the Eleventh and Twelfth
Bill of Rights Reiterations. Once you have completed this you will need to email it to
mhhseyeswideopen@gmail.com and put ‘Completed Test’ in the subject line. .
know this is not something to rush, as the Letter is extensive and the American Constitution of 1791 covers all violations
of the liberties of the People.
Good Luck with this project. I
trust it will be as exciting for you as it was for us.
and Love
MHHS Eyes Wide Open
In association with R.V. Bey Publications, Moorish Nation
Public Records, Moorish News

Letter Addressed To People of Great Britain 5th Sept 1774 - pdf

On the "Sisters Standing on Law" page.

Added 5/18/14 in Support
of the Blog Talk Show. Thank you for your participation.
Case Law In Regards to ""Waivers of Right"
“Waivers of Constitutional Rights, not only must they be voluntary, they must be knowingly intelligent acts done
with sufficient awareness.” Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742, 748.
Note: This
means YOU must either say on a record that you DO IN FACT WAIVE A RIGHT OR you
must put it in written form stating the same. If you HAVE NOT DONE EITHER, then someone, somewhere is assuming
you have. HOWEVER, in law there are NO ASSUMPTIONS. This is a good indication that who you may be dealing with,
i.e a so-called court of Law, is NOT LAWFUL!, instead they are using 'trickery and deceit' and the fact that you have NO knowledge
of self or of law. If someone has made an assumption regarding you, YOU must clear that up as a matter of fact.
In Addition: If you are dealing with someone who says you cannot enter an Affidavit, or that you must enter written documents
on a certain size and type of paper, etc., then you MUST NOT allow that to occur either, as they are denying the law, taking
jurisdiction over you and seeing if you are going to submit to their jurisdiction by doing what they tell you to do and if
you do, that means you do not know and you ABSOLUTELY think they have a power and authority that they do not have. Their
limited statutory jurisdiction simply does not apply to you, but only to their corporations, members and employees.
Any establishment whether government or not, serves the people and cannot deny the people's rights while doing so. WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEADED MOORS!!!!
Fraud: Fraud includes any intentional perversion
of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender
a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact... which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that
he shall act upon it to his legal injury...It consists of some deceitful practice of willful device, resorted to with intent
to deprive another of his right, or in some manner to do him injury.. (Emphasis added) - Black's Law Dictionary Fith
Edition, page 594.
Click the below PDF for Information
"In Regards To Fraud"

"In Regards To Fraud" - 1 Pg. PDF

Added 4/14/14 in Support of the Blog Talk Show. Thank you for your participation.

Definition of 'Constitution' -- PDF 1 pg
Above PDF contains the Definition
of Constitution and Supporting Case Laws. The American Constitution is based on 'Res Judicata', as that is the substance of and purpose of the Constitution to secure, protect and preserve those already
existing 'Rights of Birth' -- Birth Rights! Therefore, when someone challenges those already secured Rights, the
Supreme Court stares at the Law (American Constitution of 1790-91) and decides in support of it. Supreme Court
case laws are also called 'Stare Decisis' Case Laws.

Click Here and check Young Sister's Message To YOU!!
Beatutiful! When the Sistars
get it, it is gotten! Because what comes out of her womb already knows what she knows. "For the young and
yet Unborn". It is time for everyone to worship (work their ship) under thier own vine and fig tree. .

Posted 8/14/2013
out this Addendum to the Primal Purpose of Sistars Standing On Law.
Click the PDF Below for the information regarding it and share it
with your Mothers, Daughters and Sisters.
Click here to review and / or download 1 page Article -- PDF

The Opening of the '7' Seals and Purpose
of 'Sisters
Standing On Law'
Above 'Purpose' Of Sisters Standing On Law - PDF

Secret Teachings of John
It is also highly suggested that all Mothers, Daughters and Sisters read the "Secret Book of John",
also referred to as 'The Secret Revelation of John" and The Apocryphon Of John. It is important to acknowledge
that most religious text are writings of the Ancient Ones that have been adopted into various religious sects, without
recognizing the source is the same -- 'The Ancient Ones". The Secret Book of John can be found in a book "The
Secret Teachings of Jesus", wherein there are 5 other books inside of it, none of which were included in the commonly
utilized King James Version of the Bible (Biblios Heliotech - record of the Sun). We have provided it below in
PDF format (11 pages). It is in support of how and why the Opening of the 7th Seal is the awakening of Wombman
and absolutely assist in concepts of creation and civilization in heaven and on earth. "As Above
-- So Below".
"Humanity is Born and the Child of Humanity"

The Secret Teachings of John - PDF

"Who Are The Sons Of Light"?
There are
many sons who have the light and that is because it was given to them by their Mothers. They are called the "Sons
Of Light". They will be amongst the first to tell the news of good will to men and peace on earth because
an age has passed and a gate unto another age flies open in preparation for the 'age of soul'. Many refer to this
as the 'New Paradigm'. The vibration in the cosmos and here on earth has quickened as the gate flies open at a
seemingly touch of time. We refer you to read Chapter #2 of the Circle '7' Holy Koran divinely prepared from ancient text by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, tailored
to address immediate issues of today. Chapter II is called "The Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan,
Egypt." .

The Tools You Will Need -
Must Have!!
click here to download "Tools You Will Need" -- PDF

Participatory Information Request
The following is a participation form to be filled out and emailed to the email
address on the bottom of the form. Your email is important because it may be utilized as part of your code to enter
into certain pages that are only for participants.
click here to download "Participatory Form" -- PDF

Current Class Syllabus
Sunday, February 28th 2016 at 1:pm.
This Sunday at 1 p.m., we continiue with
Part III of the discussion of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 and its absolute National and International
importance. It is still standing perpetual and is considered one of the agreements made prior to the Constitution of
1790, valid against the Constitution to this day. Treaties can ONLY be made by Nations and NOT by quasi-national States.
One of the problems is that no one wants to speak the word Moor, nor do most who are Moors, want to confess that they are
'Moors' nor recognize Morocco - the Empire proper, which is NOT to be confused with Morocco - the Kingdom, as it is subordinate.
Study the definitions and be prepared to answer the questions.
Part III - Treaty of Peace and Friendship
Congressional Records Treaty of Peace and Frienship 1787

“The Constitution is a written instrument. As such,
its meaning does not alter.
That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now.”
S. Carolina v. U.S., 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905).
“We are bound to interpret the Constitution
in the light of the law as it existed
at the time it was adopted.”
Mattox v. U.S.,
156 US 237, 243.

American Constitution For United States of America - North Continent (1790)
Also found on the 'Forgotten Scrolls' page

Statutes At Large 1790 American Constitutution
From The Congressional Records - Footnotes of the Statutes At Large - American Constitution

Syllabus Archives:.

1. Class # 1 - "Getting To Know The Law of The Land" held on 3/10/13
2. Class #2 - "About Obligations and Responsibilities"
3. Page 1 of Class #4 - "Mail Fraud" -- PDF
4. Page 2 of Class #4 - "Mail Fraud" -- PDF
5. Sistars Standing On Law Class #5 - "The Creation and Fall of Man" --PDF
6. Sistars Standing On Law Class #6 - PDF
6a. Addendum To Class #6 - Chapter II - Education of Mary and Elizabeth In Zoan, Egypt
7. Sistars Standing On Law Class # 7 -- "Comprehending the Constitution - Class I - PDF - (2 pages)
December 15, 2013
8. Sistars Standing On Law Class #8 - Part II - Article 1 --PDF
January 19, 2014
9. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #9 - Part III Article II - Pdf 2 pgs.
Article II of Constitution - Addendum to Class 9
Feburary 16, 2014
10. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #10 Article III - PDF 3 Pgs
Article III of Constitution -- Addendum To Class 10
March 16, 2014
11. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #11 - Series #5 - Article IV & V - Pdf 4 pgs.
Article IV - Addendum To Class #11
Article V - Addendum To Class #11
12. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #12 - Series #6 - Article VI & VII - Pdf 7 pgs.
Article VI of American Constitution
Article VII of American Constitution
13. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #13 - Series #7- Amendment 1 - Pdf 3 pgs.
Amendment 1
14. Sistars Standing On Law - Series #8 - Amendment 2 & 3
Amendment 2
15. Sistars Standing On Law - Class #15 - 6 Pgs.
Amendment 4
16. Sistars Standing On Law Class #16 - Series 10 - 5th Amendment
Amendment 5 - Addendum To Class #16
17. Sistars Standing On Law Class #17 - Amendment 6
Amendment VI - Addendum to Class #17
18. Sistars Standing On Law Class #18 - Amendment 7 & 8
Amendment 7
Amendment 8
19. Sisters Standing On law Class #19 - Bill of Rights 9 & 10- PDF 3 pgs.
Amendment - Bill Of Rights #9
Amendment - Bill of Rights #10
20. Sisters Standing On Law - Bonus Class #20 - Bill of Rights 11 & 12
Bill Of Right XI (Amendment 11) - Addendum to Class #20
Bill Of Right XII (Amendment 12) - Addendum to Class #20
21. Sistars Standing On Law Class #21
Plea To Nations (Plea To Women)
22. Class #22 - Introduction to Treaty of Peace and Frienship - held 1/3/16
#23. Class #23
Part II _ Treaty of Peace and Friendship Analysis
Addendum To Class 1/3/16 and 1/31/16:
Introduction - Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787
Family Services Administrations and You!!
The Lawful Meaning of Genocide - PDF

The first classes of "Sistars Standing on Law" were broadcast from Civil Alert and we have much gratitude
and respect for those broadcast. Below we have information regarding Civil Alert - Third Eye Opening.

"About Civil Alert Rising"
The roots for Civil Alert Rising lie within
Civil Alert Radio, a show that aired on AM Radio near corporate Philadelphia from 2000-2008. Civil Alert Radio was founded
/ran /operated /funded / hosted by Mahdi El, El Shafiq, Latif, and Sabir Bey and co-hosted by Taj Tarik Bey and Rahsmariah
Bey. Civil Alert was created by the people for the people. Civil Alert Radio was resurrected
on the Internet via BlogTalk Radio in December 2011 and evolved into Civil Alert "Rising" as of
May 2012...... Click Below PDF for full Article.
"About Civil Alert Rising" -- PDF