
“The age we enter is the
preparation age; and all the schools must be designed in a simple way that men may comprehend.”

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TRUE HISTORY LESSON . By comprehending
the below two documents "Articles of Confederation 1643 and 1777", it will be clear to you that all of the 'names'
given to the land by foreigners are nothing more then sales territories (paper only) utilized after coming to work on the
original slave plantations, of which the orginal slaves were the european slavics inclusive of indentured slaves, and those
who came direct from the galleys and jails to do fur trapping,fishing, share cropping, etc. They came at the hands
of, and under the jurisdiction of the Brutish (British) Moors, referred to as England today. Those groups of people
came to be known as colonies, charters, unions and states, loosely referred to as 'states of america' and finalized or formalized
as the 'united states of america' - but is NOT America. Those 'names' (corporate tags) possesses no
dominon, no 'Territorial jurisdiction' over the land, they operate upon the land. This is the ancestral estate / national
domicile of the aboriginal and indigneous Moors, who do in fact and in law, have territorial jurisdiction. Thus, the
call to come and hear the truth about YOUR Nationality and YOUR Birthrights!! is not
about processes, corporate procedures, statutes, ordinances, policies and legalities that do not apply to you. KEEP
IN MIND: All that is lawful (substance of law) is legal, however all that is legal (form and
process) is NOT LAWFUL!! Truth and Falsehood is STRANGELY MIXED!!! .

posted 3/4/14 2- Comprehensive Readings and Test Questions for Articles of Confederation of 1643 and 1777 . The two PDF's below are the Articles of Confederation of 1643, and Articles of Confederation
of 1777 with accompanying Comprehensive Test. Both are in regard to the colonist and their banning together amongst
themselves to create a bond against the tyranny of the England Crown -- the British or Brutish Moors, of which they were running
from AND evenutally the native Moors who were at first receving of giving them solace and and later became intolerable of
the colonists. Both are for your review and a set of Comprehensive Test Questions, to challenge your comprehension.
Keep in mind that plantations were locations wherein 'colonist' resided. You will see that as you read wherein they
say 'at' such and such. These plantations later became companies and then became the present day corporate
States of.... It is a matter of study to become conscious, as conscious means having knowledge. This class was
given by Anaidah El at the MHHS Class 'at' or near New York. . 
Colonist Articles Of Confederation 1643 -1684 --- pdf
Test Questions For 1643 Confederation

Colonist Articles of Confederation 1777 - pdf
Test Questions For 1777 Confederation

posted 3/5/14 Quiz
Constitutional Provisions 4th, 5th and 6th Amendment . .Below is a PDF with a Quiz on the 4th, 5th and
6th Amendment of the American Constiution of 1790-91. Most of the answers are in the reading
of the Quiz information and the Constitution itself as well as a good Law dictionary, preferred 4th edition or earlier and/or
Bouvier's Law Enclyclopedia. It is NOT suggested to utilize Law dictionaries beyond the 4th, the 5th is not bad
and anything 6th and up is not good to get the foundation of law definitions. As you may already know, many current
day law classes do not teach from the American Constitution, which is the Law of the Land, that any and all state's
constitutions derive their authority and must abrogate, as all governments an government entities, courts, both administrative
or otherwise are established for the purpose of securing, protecting and preserving the liberties of the people. Most
current day law classes don't even talk about or review "Status' yet status is the very first issue at law.
Who are you? and what is your relationship to the community?, which is not a mere relationship , but is a legal one.
Most current day law classes teach 'Color-of-Law', which by the way is a lawful definition. Up0n reviewing it, you will
determine if it applies to you, the natural living breathing "In Full Life" being, as opposed to
being "Civil Liter Mortuus", both are law terms to review. .

Comprehensive Quiz - 4th, 5th & 6th Amendment - pdf
3 pages .

. Source of King George, III Photo used in this Website
. Some
have inquired as to the authentication of this depiction of King George, III. We provide here the source
as the Science Museum of London Exhibition Rd London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom. We are aware of
the hidden truth of history, particularly in the North American Schools and Institutions, especially corporate state public
school curriculums. The full article we posted regarding this photo can be found on the "What's New Page", associated with "Declaration of Independence". . . . .

The Moors
Heritage & History School was
established by Sister Rahsmariah Bey, in 2006 ccy, to assist in the moving of information
surrounding the Moors Divine and National Movement Of The World. The Moors Divine and National Movement was established by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who
raised the consciousness of the people regarding their already existing, yet unknown, Nationality and Birthright principles
and protections, and the impact it has on their economic security. This translates to the importance of
one’s natural person status, derived at birth, which
entitles them to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, as Natural People (Persons), as opposed to Corporate Persons.
Corporate entities (Persons) have no rights, only privileges. Thus at Law they are considered fictitious and cannot
be injured. For that reason they are being injured daily. It is necessary for them to proclaim their Natural Person
Status and begin exercising rights of birth, which are secured by the Constitution. It was necessary to bring this information
to the forefront because it had been hidden, although in plain sight, through deceit and usurpation, particularly to those
in the Northern portion of the American Continent. Drew came to the forefront with the establishment of
the Old Canaanite Temple in 1913. Later, the Moors Holy Temple of Science/Moors Temple of Science 1925/26,
and then adopted (15 years later), the Moorish Science Temple Of America, in 1928. He passed form in 1929. . The remedy was to uplift fallen humanity and bring the
people back into the Constitutional Fold of Government, as stated in Drew’s
writing, “Divine Warning For The Nations”. He informed many, and formed unity, amongst those who have been labeled
and branded Negro, Colored, Black, Ethipoian,
Indian, etc. This usurpation
and birthright theft was done in the spirit of ill intent and greed. There were false claims to that which
was/is the illustrious estate of the Aboriginal and
Indigenous people who were branded negroe coloreds black, and who are correctly Moors with a myriad of family names, referred to as Tribes over the course of history. . The Moors Heritage & History School also recognizes the work of C.M. Bey who taught Moorish Science (Cosmology).
The Zodiac, Astrology wheel is the ancient template left by our ancestors to teach us of the energies and the characteristics
of man’s relationship with nature. His work,
Clock Of Destiny 1 and Clock of Destiny 2 was filed in the Library of Congress. The Moors Heritage
& History School is aware that anyone identified
by brands and labels, do not have rights. They have privileges, which are controlled by the very ones who usurped
their birthrights and created the jurisdiction of Negro, Black, Colored, etc. These
brands claim them as chattel
property. Being chattel property,
they will NOT receive any honor, reparations, respect, or dignity from the human family. They also do not
honor their mothers and fathers by name and principles. This, being the foundation concept of the lost
so-called “Black” people in North America, who as long as they are black and “in the black”,
they will perish from lack of knowledge. Mainly because they do not know themselves. These
are our brothers and sisters and in this manner, and greater sense, we all are our brothers keeper. New
Wine In Old Skin Noble Drew Ali came to bring birthright and nationality principles to the consciousness of the people for
their earthly salvation. He planted a tree with strong roots, whose branches have grown. Today,
these branches are likened to the younger generation, the children, the fruit of the tree. In fact Noble
Drew Ali said “This is for the young and yet unborn, the elders can come IF THEY WANT TO”
This is what is meant by putting new wine in old skin. Wine is the blood, the new blood.
The old skin is the physical bodies who are enslaved to earthly unimportance. Although they are
aware and make claim that their body and earthly matters will perish, most live inside a world that enforces these unimportant
earthly matters, which lack spiritual completion, onto and into the “new wine”. The new wine
(generation) is conscious of this and they know earth is their indigenous mother, which provides for them and all of nature,
in their earthly journey and the journey of their progeny. They vow in their psyche and their spirit,
not to abuse or prostitute mother earth. The psyche of the “new wine” is to honor their Mothers
and Fathers so their days on this earth will be lengthened. They are aware that their bodies (bottles)
are the first Temple, Sol-o-mon’s (soul of Man’s ) Temple, built in the darkness, in the silence, with no tools,
and no hands, by the grand architect (Mother) in her womb. They know they are the new wine destined to
fill the cups that shall runneth over, if they seek first the kingdom of heaven, (the haven of the mind), then all else shall come unto them. Inconstancy We must be able to recognize
the difference between those who “will
to do” and those who “will not to do”. In this way, we recognize inconstancy. Inconstancy comes
when one is not on a steady path of their own intentions. Man operates from his intent. The
best thing to ask someone, or yourself is “what are your intentions?” With that, one could recognize inconstancy in self and in others. You must wake up each morning with
a focus and a plan based around your intentions. If your intentions are floundering and inconstant, you
are possibly a plotter and a schemer, or someone else is plotting and scheming for you, as you have no knowledge of your own
thoughts and intent. This is probably why Noble Drew Ali wrote “Caveat Emptor”. .
Recourse and Remedy Those who are not willing to assist in the uplifting of fallen humanity, which is for the good of themselves
and their progeny, cannot interfere with those who are willing and working
to that end. There is a recourse and a remedy that will visit upon them for their actions (cause &
effect / retribution justice). Retribution justice comes much quicker now than ever before in these recent
times. Those who interfere are indicating who they are in the spirit. Possibly they
are the spirit incarnate of tyrannical energies that fought against each other in the past, which was/is an action of “fallen
humanity”. It became a modern lethal potion, with the memorialized and demoralizing intentions of
“Willie Lynch”. The fall of humanity created the basis of this spiritual war we are now in.
It is a task and a journey to fight that which you cannot see with the human eye. The 3rd eye or
spiritual eye must be open in order to see (“All Seeing Eye”). Now that consciousness is rising, so shall the consciousness of the tyrannical souls. If they
were disagreeable then, they are disagreeable now. This is probably why Noble Drew Ali said “those who were against
me then, are against me now, and those who are with me now, were with me then”. Because we now live in the enlightened electronic age of information”,
“Age of Aquarius”—the water bearer, who pours waters of knowledge onto
the world (Pisces), likened to the walls of the womb that swell with water and burst, then the birth of the new child (psyche)
is born. “He who sits in the East” is Aries sitting on the horizon indicating the moment a
new born rises and enters the earth plane, (ascendant). The statement that there will be one who comes
from the “east” to save humanity, needs to be rethought as the metaphor that it truly is. . The
Importance of Erecting Schools and
the Literature “In order to change the people, you must change their literature”. . Noble Drew Ali, incited the importance
of “changing the literature”. This would likely be done amongst those who enter into the Adept Chamber of the
Temple to receive degrees. However, changing the literature and receiving degrees is not limited to one
who is in the Chamber or not in the Chamber. Adepts are born. To be Adept
means one is astute or expert at whatever it is they do, teach, or instruct. Typically, whenever one receives
degrees, they have to produce a written dissertation indicating their knowledge and viewpoints. It is safe
to say, those who are Adepts in the Chamber are certainly held to the standards of providing literature. With
this action they would in fact participate in “changing the literature”, just
as Drew said. Their viewpoints and knowledge would be made available for review
and studied by anyone who is willing to accept or at least review information for their understanding. If literature has been written from the Moorish Science Temples,
it may have been distributed only to those who are in the Adept Chamber, or a part of the Membership. This is being
said, because not much has been made public, except for that which was written by Noble
Drew Ali over 90 years ago, and publicized by him in The Moorish Guide Newspaper. Clearly his intent was
for information to be made available to the public. The secretiveness of not exposing his information,
is a great part of why many do not know of Drew Ali, or his works, coupled with the infiltration by the government and their
subversive acts. Drew said the Moors Temple of Science was a civic organization with a Rotarian complexion. (read Message To America).
He made his position very clear in his articles. Today, that information is often kept secret or
limited in its distribution even amongst those who join the Temples. Thus the words of Noble Drew Ali are
brought to life when he said: “in order to change the people, you must change their literature. He also said “the most powerful weapon amongst the Moors, is the newspaper”. . Here, at the Moors Heritage & History
School, we are aware that everyone may not write an article or a book, however, they may be able to present or share information.
We open our doors to instructors who wish to do that with sound mind and good intent for the uplifting of fallen humanity. . Sacred and Secret Often we take what is sacred and turn it into a secret, thereby succumbing
it to subordination. That which is sacred has been made secret. Now, that which has
been made secret must be returned to being sacred with proper protocols and order, and disseminated amongst the people.
It is not expected that information about nationality and birthright principles will be taught in the public schools,
institutions and associations. The conquest intent is to suppress such information. Yet, there are written
documents from the International community that were supposed to be disseminated and read in public institutions, schools,
associations, etc., which speak to national principles, such as “The Declaration of Human Rights”, (Article
15), and the “Rights Of The Child” (Principle 3). These documents are civic instructions. Although
they were supposed to, as stated in the preamble, they have not
been made available in the public arenas. In fact the educational system has been purposely dumb-downed.
It is appropriately coined as the “public fool system”. Review the 1895 “8th Grade Public School Final Test” from Salina, Kansas, wherein it clearly exposes
how far the public educational system has fallen. This is probably why Drew said all Temples must erect
a school aside from the Sunday School
instructions, and the Friday Holy Day instructions. It is NOT necessary to ask anyone for permission to teach your own children
and erect schools. Parents have a right to teach their children and to decide what is best for them, as
also indicated in the Declaration
of Human Rights and the Rights of The Child. We have
been waiting and complaining for someone else to teach our
children about their heritage and history. This indicates that we fail to recognize that those who don’t
treat you right are not going to teach you right. This is because most of us have a “victim”
frame of mind, and possess victim frame of references. The lack of teaching our own children the truth
in heritage and history, results in great failures in the expectations, encouragements and positive participation of our children
in society. Our condition was purposely, intentionally imposed upon us. The same system(s)
that kept it from us, are the ones we keep complaining to, protesting and insisting that they fix things and educate us better. We are the hypocrisy. This makes the point of the importance of investing in our own progeny. Our
children, the ancestors returned, are aware of our failure to respect (re-look, re-view), to honor, dignify and maintain our
own blood line. . A New Heaven and A New Earth This heaven (state of mind) and this earth (physical being(s), must
be destroyed, then a new heaven and new earth shall come. If there is anyone who wants to help the people
come out of the
darkness into marvelous light, it would be to invest
in institutions of learning. The elders usually trip over what to teach the children.
They typically don’t know enough about their own heritage and history to teach because they were given the dumb-down
education as well. The children know when they hear the words of truth; as it speaks to their soul,
to their "spirit man", and feels good in their heart.
. .

.. Established
September 2006 C.C.Y. 1426 M.C.Y. .
The People who saw
the necessity to honor their Mothers and Fathers by name and principles; The People who are willing to proclaim the same for their posterity so they
may gain back their lost estate and return to the mindsets of their ancient foremothers and forefathers, who were/are the Mothers and Fathers of civilization and civilization principles; The People who are aware that they must learn from this cycle and never be content in physicality only, as they are: magnetic, chemical, spiritual, electrical and divine, and are aware that the universe needs them to return to their higher
self; The
People who are also aware that they are part of a recycling of life’s energies, which is done in the order of retribution justice. (re-con·tribute, re·dis·tribute, re·turn); The People who
recognize they must begin at the highest
they can reach to give the best of themselves; and recognize the lowest of themselves, so they can correct and complete themselves in the cycles of their evolution; The People who absolutely recognize, at the very base of
their present existence, that they must exercise governing
principles (govern the mental), and return to the constitutional fold of govern·ment,
and to the family of Nations wherein national principles are
the guide and held within them are the protection of rights derived from birth (natality); Thus
the People recognize the Spirit of written Divine Law, and proclaim their 'Natural Person status so they may exercise the
unalienable rights of births that cannot be sold nor transferred
into a crime of man in the flesh; Thereby
the People aspire to live under the 5 principles: Love and Truth,
wherein they will find Peace and the inherit chaser to Peace, Freedom; then Justice will be done. . .

. Black, Negro, African
American History Month . App roximately around 1994 A. D., the attached list of [so-named]
“African American Inventors and Their Inventions”, was widely publicized. For most, the publication
brought about a “long – denied” feeling of pride. We began using such publications in
our children’s school reports, and lecturing on them during “Black, Negro, and / or African American History Month.”
At the same time, such publications served as a political and social diversion to our minds. We
were so fascinated by the publications that we didn’t stop to think that a great deal of these inventions took place
during the 16s, 17s, and 18 Hundreds. Clearly we already knew how to read and write. If we were slaves who could not
read or write, and would be punished [and sometimes put to physical death] if we [the branded and subjugated people]
tried to read or write – then what is the real truth?
. Question:
If the [so-called] Negroes / Blacks were slaves and could not read or write, then how could they / we have been astute enough
to invent so many complicated machines and other complex things, which definitively marks, contributes to, and strongly identifies
North American Culture?
The answer
is simple. There are many inventions that makes and absolutely identifies the American
Culture”. Some of these inventions date back before we were officially branded and labeled, Negroes,
Blacks, Coloreds, Latinos, African Americans, West Indians, etc. We were the Inventors, Scientists, Doctors,
Law - Makers / Law - Givers, Chieftains, and, in fact, the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization.
the Original People of the Land, often think that occupying Europeans callously stole credit for these inventions,
as such thefts were more common than not. In most instances the suppressed people suffered theft of their inventions,
by conniving “slaveholders” and this is the absolute truth. In another way, and with further analysis, this
is only partly true; and this position must be examined, explained and qualified. The colonizing Europeans did, however,
hide the truth of both the national identities of the Natural Persons who really created many of these and of many other inventions,
which are not mentioned herein. Accreditation and identity thefts of inventions and other “false image”
acts, against history and legacy, where also initiated through what has been known as the “Reconstruction Era”.
By threat, deception, coercion and default, due to forced servitude, the Europeans fraudulently claimed and held ownership
of these inventions by way of the “negative” social and political “status” imposed upon the true “Inventors”.
The “subjected Natural People” were forced to transact their “life affairs” using the “imposed”
European family names and surnames. This, by coercion and duress, constitutes a malevolent “fraud” and was and is cited as such. Name denotes possession as well as pedigree. This “misleading” and
servile use of the European family names, as customarily forced upon, and used by the “so-named” Negroes / Blacks,
created then [during openly practiced slavery] and now, under bureaucracy, a “nom de guerre” social status. Thus, this “de facto – brand-name status” made it difficult to prove, by Law, that the Europeans had wrongfully stolen and taken these and other inventions from the Negroes
/ Blacks [due to their “colorable” status]. After all, these inventions were registered in European names!
However, by this legal chicanery and by fraudulently claimed ownership and “power of attorney”, the thefts were
legally successful. The past and present “ignorance-
of -consequences” usage
of European surnames, by the “branded” people, puts them [legally] into the “corporation / slave” and “colorable”
social position, which constitutes a “Legal Error” and “No Standing At Law”. Such a status is not
unlike the “Docket Sheet” status notation as was presented in the “Dred Scott Case” of 1854 to 1857 A. D., wherein “Plaintiff
in Error” is plainly stated.
Therefore, that “Civiliter Mortuus” status must not be ignored nor denied,
and official nationalization activities and a proper education, concerning these matters, is definitely needed and necessary
for the so-called Negroes / Blacks to understand and “reason” to correct
their / our “artificially - created” negative status, and return to our own free national names. One’s “Proper Person”
name indicates your “pedigree / lineage”, heritage, and the “geographical bounds”, indigenous
to you and to your nationality. “Proper Person” identification also changes [from negative
to the positive] one’s social and legal status “At Law”. With further
emphasis put upon the issue of identity, also be clear that America is NOT a nation, nor a nationality – America is a continent – not
a national identity. In fact, America is the name of two [2] of the [7] major continents. America
also encompasses an Isthmus and a multitude of independent nation - Islands [Americana]. .
No one who, with devious and usurping intent, “alters”
or “reconstructs” geography and history, can truthfully claim to be an American, without their specific national identity and political jurisdiction specifically indicated and verified by jurisdiction, country,
geographic location - North, South, Central or Island. America is a continent /s, not a nation nor a country. Another example of political and deceptive misrepresentation of the name, “America” is as follows: When the / a President of the U. S. political order of central North
America says that he is the “President of America”, he is making a fraudulent, encroaching and deceptive statement; and is, definitively,
being untruthful. American is “properly”
defined as: “a native or
aboriginal inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere”. However, the name, America, as usurped by European colonizers, does not determine Nationality
nor does it determine Pedigree. Example number 1: Europe is
a continent. England, France, Germany, Ireland, Deutschland, Belgium, etc, are nationalities of Europe. Colonization
does not, [legally, nor factually] change the bloodline, nor national pedigree. Example
number 2: Africa is a Continent. Within Africa are lots of nationalities [approximately 54] having specifically different
national names, such as: Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Somalia, Egypt, etc. A natural person from Africa never says, “I am African”
– he or she will declare, “I am Nigerian”, “I am Somali, from Somaliland”, “I am Moroccan,
etc. In like form, the Natural People of the Americas, who have been falsely labeled “Indians”,
never say, “I am Indian”. They will say, “I am Cherokee”, “I am Apache”, “I
am Cheyenne”, I am Moor, etc. India [properly, Hindustan] is in the Continent of Asia. Indians are from India. And even
in this case, the word, “Indian” is a misnomer. America is not India! The
word, “Indian” was also another European social - engineering - originating
“tag” and “label”, given and non-mutually put upon the true ancient “inhabitants” of the
Americas, who are also descendants of our Forefathers / Ancestors, and were of natural dark olive and brown / bronze complexion.
One must keep in mind that the “Natural Peoples” historically called the colonizing alien Europeans, “pale-face”, meaning the natural people were not of pale faces. All of the above valid points
should begin to “jar” and reorient our minds back to a more keen level of “consciousness” and realization,
which exposes the “compromised” educational system, as imposed and handed down upon us and our children.
The children are not getting an honest and “unabridged” education, but are being given a subjugating indoctrination,
which is not beneficial to their rightful position in life, nor is it conducive to a fair, unhindered and balanced “pursuit
of happiness”. After examining and researching true “world history” for yourselves, you will, with a more
honest outlook, make a clearer and more “sound” conclusion about the “truth” of the beneficial “cultural”
developments in the Americas. In order to change the People – you must change their literature!
. Invention Notables . The modern “golf tee” was
invented by a dentist- using the name, Dr. George F. Grant. In 1892, O. E. Brown received a patent
for the horseshoe. In 1899 L.R. Johnson received a patent for the bicycle frame. Ice Cream was invented
in the year 1832 - Augusta Jackson. Cowboy, Bill Pickett invented the rodeo sport called “Bulldogging”.
In 1889 W. H. Richardson received a patent for the “children’s baby carriage”. Garret
A. Morgan invented the “gas mask” and the first “electric stop sign”. Chief Justice Ben Bey [Benjamin
Banneker] institutionally taught the Europeans of the Ancient Moabite / Moorish Constitutional and Governmental Principles
- Isonomi [Sometimes called Egyptian Mystery Schools]. Ben Bey, in accord with the mathematical
and geometric “principles”, being organic of Moorish Culture, laid out the intricate “geometric” design
for The District of Columbia [Washington D. C.]. Chief Justice Ben Bey gave a manuscript of his “Almanac” to President
Thomas Jefferson and to other Europeans as a gift. He also created the first clock to strike the hour. Lloyd
Augusta Hall revolutionized the “meat packing industry” by inventing “curing slats” for preserving
and processing “meats”. In 1891, John Standard invented the “refrigerator”. Otis
Boykin created the “stimulated control unit”, an important “component for artificial hearts”.
Charles Drew invented the process used to “preserve blood plasma”, necessary for blood transfusions. Unfortunately
Charles Drew was, himself, refused entry into a hospital and denied a “blood transfusion”, which resulted in his
death. Cornelius Langston Henderson revolutionized the building industry by constructing the “first all-welded factory”
for the General Electric Company in Petersborough. Selma Burke sculpted the image of President Franklin D. Roosevelt [a Master
Mason] that appears on every U. S. dime.
. In
one research there were over 130 entries of our [the Moors] contributions to North American Culture, ranging
from and including; Inventions, Business & Industry; Science; Medicine & Education; History; Literature; Politics
& Civil Rights; Performing Arts; Sports & Music, etc. Comprehensive studies of music are beginning
to focus on the uniquely non-European nature of music, and it has been found that our music is not limited to Spirituals,
Jazz and Blues. These studies go back as far as two centuries ago. Much of what the
world at large has known and considered “uniquely American” in the Performing
Arts can be traced directly to us [the Moors] including Drama and Literature. And so, some of the major inventions, which
have greatly contributed to and formed North American Culture and uplifted the world, can now be “rightfully”
[as far as information goes] credited to the true “Natural People” who actually brought them into being, to the
advancement and benefit of millions of people, on a universal scale.
. And so, in keeping with the spirit of the “Aquarian”
informational history occasion, attached
below “Inventors and Inventions Of
America Culture” is
a list of a few of the many inventions and contributions,
as were made by the Indigenous Natural Peoples – Moors [whether
conscious or unconscious]. Some of these listings have been considered notable favorites amongst North American Social and Cultural
Activists / Activities. , ,

1. Inventors and Inventions List
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