
Preliminary Study Regarding U.C.C.s Uniform Commerical Codes
. Posted July 26, 2010 . The Uniform Commercial Codes
(U.C.C.) are for COMMERCE, Commercial Contracts. There has been a wave of people who were attempting to
gain sovereignty through a U.C.C. contract. This is possibly the biggest carrot that has been placed before the people
to hinder them from true sovereignty and to coerce them into consciously transferring their birthrights, rendering them ineffectual,
because; you are born sovereign and you cannot transfer, buy or sell your sovereignty. Efforts
in doing so is called "slave Trade". . In the words of Drew:
"Be careful Moors, some of your own will put you back into
slavery". . Typically there are two levels
of U.C.C. filings that most have utilized. The
first one is the U.C. C. -1 filing, which allegedly secures the (straw) name. However, they essentially
place themselves into the fraud, as a party to the fraud. The proper lawful procedure in “not getting
rid of your straw” is to utilize Ex Rel (see Preliminary
study of Ex Rel on this page). This is what is
meant and how one lawfully holds on to the slave name without being the slave name, which has been constructed as a fictitious
entity by way of the birth certificate. All of these efforts have been constructed to keep you in the status
of a corporation, constructed by a corporation. These constructs are not contracts at all, therefore they
are void ab initio, meaning they have no lawful binding, other than that which you claim they have out of your lack of knowledge.
In other words it is your personal agreement that keeps them alive. . Regarding the statement by Prophet Noble Drew Ali: "Don't get rid of your slave name. Do all new business in your new name." . Many take the first part of that statement and run with it. If that were the case, there would
be no need to add Bey, El, Al, Dey, or Ali to your straw, and no need to say “do all new business in your new name.”
That means sign everything in your new name, even that which pertains to the old, that is old, as you are the authorized representative
of the straw (transmitting utility) and now you know so, thus when you are in your proper person and have corrected the 'name',
you have effectuated 'nunc pro tunc' meaning 'now for then'. The straw has ALWAYS needed someone to speak for it, and if you don't -- they will (as they have been
doing in your ignorance of that fact). When you add your title to your straw, it immediately places you under
the protection of your Moorish Nation. By adding any of those titles, you have effectively corrected your
name, and are instructed not to do business with your old name, do it with your new name. As you develop
you may unfold into a spiritual attribute and you could have many appellations. An attribute describes and since
you CANNOT have a 'name' you do have an appellaton (that is why you corrected the 'name', as names are for corporations).
You now acknowledge the straw as the fraud that has been perpetrated upon you, by them, therefore continued use of it,
without the use of Ex Rel, is admitting to the fraud.
. The U.C.C. -3 filing is where people
list their property and themselves as the first lien holder of said property. The truth is they are not the first lien
holder because they are usually still paying for the property, and being taxed by the corporation in such a way that if they
miss one payment, the property is taken away. To own property free and clear of liens is to have "Allodial Property".
The Constitution protects your right to be secure with your property, so you don't need a U.C.C. filing for that.
Mortgage means “dead promise”, and that is exactly what it is. You never own it, because
even after you have finished paying the mortgage, if you fail to pay the fraudulently imposed taxes, they will take the property
from you. You must have or create an Allodial Title in regards to Allodial Property. The
Mortgage Companies are nothing more than the third party, acting as a Trustee for what is YOUR estate in the first place. . U.C.C.'s are in regard to contracts, therefore
it is good to know them, and to know how to contract.
(See How To Contract on the “Open Readings Page of
this site). An interesting fact is if there ever is any dispute regarding the U.C.C.’s, it is gauged by
the established rule of Law -- The Constitution. Officers, government officials, judges, etc. take an oath to uphold
the Constitution. They do not take an Oath to uphold U.C.C.s. To have any dispute brought to Court, the Contract,
or Law in which you have violated must be produced, and then remedy is sought after. When dealing with U.C.C.'s you are dealing
with contracts, therefore first there must be a contract in place. Is there? The Section of the U.C.C.
that governs contracts, securities, etc., is Section 8. Most people don’t know this and they focus on Sections 1
and 3, however there must first exist a contract. Upon review you will see that there is no valid contract, however
all those who make these U.C.C. agreements are making a contract and binding themselves when they weren’t bound
before, as well they are doing so in a supposed conscious political and social status, and state of mind, which makes
it even worse. In other words, you are being seriously laughed at, while those you paid a filing fee to are getting
their pockets fat. It is pretty obvious and accurate that the U.C.C.’s have been a carrot that has not shown the
desired and lasting effects one hoped for. You must recognize who (government, corporation, state?)
you are contracting with, to hold and protect your property. You ought to know you are NOT the first lien
holder. . Some may have
utilized the U.C.C.’s and gotten what appears to be success, which was fleeting. They
simply have changed the game, in fact not long ago, after many began contracting their birthrights away, they changed the
index of U.C.C. 2-103 and 1-201. They changed one of them to 1-308 – See what I mean?
Since many were signing 103 and 201, and never read or knew what either of them really meant, they didn’t know
the difference and would follow to a certain demise. In short, or layman’s (law man's) terms, one
of them meant you will not enter into any contract that is not in harmony with common law, and the other
that you will not enter into any contract that has adhesions and is not in full disclosure. These U.C.C.’s
were only used at signatures for the purposes of bringing any contract back to the constitution and law. Thus,
the use of them was a safeguard to that end. The Constitution does not interfere with
anyone’s ‘right to contract’. They cannot change the constitution, which is the very
thing that gives them authority, a limited authority at that. This is why we have all been instructed,
divinely instructed, to enforce the Constitution. It is the Supreme Law of the Land – not the U.C.C.’s.
This is also why they steer you away from it, because they are bound to it, unless you wish to, and willingly enter
into a contract (contract being the operative word regarding commerce). And that is the purpose of this
article to let you know that you have the right to contract however you wish to, however, BE CAREFUL, and remember that
your sovereignty is not for sale, it cannot be bought, sold or transferred, it cannot be alienated. . There are groups who are instructing people to first Claim their Nationality and then rap
themselves and their properties in U.C.C.'s. They seemingly advertise this activity. Take notice
that first they want you to claim your National status, which, as a National is the highest ranking
status in the land, and Status is the first issue at Law. Then they ask that you demote your status, by
transferring it, and securing it in a U.C.C. commerce contract. How do you gain Sovereignty that you already
were born with? A better question; How do you lose sovereignty you were born with? Mmmmm!
Maybe you thought you were 'securing' things. Yet, the Constitution already secures your property (Article
IV). Everything we thought a commercial contract would protect and secure, is already done in the Supreme
Law of the Land. Why not follow it? Clearly there are true criminals abound, who are
trying with all of their might to make sure you do not find your hidden treasures, your lost estate, which is secured in the
Constitution. As established in the supreme rule of the land, if you actually have property, it is already
secured. . If you
are conscious and bear a free national name and then contract it away into U.C.C. package(s), you
now have a contract where before you did not. Thus you are consciously and willingly a part of the fraud.
The Young and Yet unborn, who will fair better as they will know not to entangle themselves with unpure contracts. .

. . . Regarding the U.C.C.s by Taj Tarik Bey . Keep in mind that the
‘Commercial Codes’ essentially and factually means, ‘Codes for Trafficking’ and
‘To carry on Trade’. My first question to you is, “Do you have a clear understanding of what
Birthrights and Unalienable Rights are?” Are you aware that Unalienable Rights cannot be transferred to, or sold to,
another? Commercial Codes did not become ‘Uniform’ until about 1968, with Texas State Republic officials bowing
to pressure and agreeing to play the ‘State of Texas’ fraud game of ‘Commercializing or ‘Trading the
natural peoples’ Rights, in collusion with the other compromised State Officials and Politicians. I suggest you
study and enforce the constitution for the United states Republic of North America, and enforce the Laws relative to your
Nationality and Birthrights. . Also keep in
mind that the Constitution for the United States of America is the Supreme Law of the Land; and is derived
from Ancient Moorish Jurisprudence. U.S. Demo-Politicians, educators, and many other corporate persons, operating at
North America, (are members of the ‘Demos’; are subversives and against the Constitution; having no allegiance to the Republic! They do not want you or any other Aboriginals or citizens to be cognizant of this binding
fact. Verily, many of the officers of the various Ministerial Courts / Tribunals (not constitutionally -sanctioned)
are traitorous Racketeers, who are (working together with others) to rob and to steal from the Natural People. They
are using their (bought and sold) ‘Seats in Government’ to enforce fraudulent, private, ‘Color – of
– Law’; and systematically connive to substitute the ‘Supreme Law of the Land’ with their foreign
corporate policies and ordinances. This is at the root of most of the common peoples’ economic problems, and the current
‘lack of due process’ railroading that is used to feed the Penal Industry. Many of the politicians (and Judges
of the Ministerial courts) have invested interests in these profitable domestic P.O.W. Camps / Prisons and Jails.
. These anti-Republic institutions,
and the colorable acts of these officers, are constructed to cause injury; and to place their fraud – based, and non-substantive,
implied contract - originating debts upon the Natural People. Now that they (European occupiers) are aware of the Natural
People becoming aware of the truth about Nationality and Birthrights, some of them have been promoting the use of the Uniform
Commercial Codes (U.C.C.s) as a remedy for attaining sovereignty. Logically, anyone and everyone should be educated in the
areas of ‘Contract Law’, due to the fact that we ‘contract’ every day in some form or another, when
we are interchanging with others. However, I will remind you and others to recognize the integrity of the Nation, that
the Sovereignty that many of the Europeans are arguing over is not their own, but is (actually) the Sovereign Rights of the
Aboriginal and Indigenous Moors, whom the Europeans have colonized and usurped. The misrepresenting Europeans are debating
among themselves with their corrupt rulers, who have (in cabal with them) robbed the Moors of their Lands and of their Birthrights.
This Land (Amexem / Africa / Americas) is not Europe; and the Sovereign Powers over the Land and the Resources are not theirs,
and never was theirs to possess, nor to claim Jurisdiction over! Their claims are all of a corporate – fiction character,
artificially – created on paper, and fraudulently propagated to the world! Their success has root in blind faith and
fiction altogether! The present, Fiat-corrupted, fake-economic political conditions, the defrauding of the people of
the United States and the world, etc., arises from their foul, entrenched Inquisition policies. They know this, and work diligently
to keep these Masonic secrets from you, the rightful Heirs! Their inner-working conflicts over our Silver, Gold, and Commerce,
reflects a truth that the divided and conniving thieves among them are bickering over ill-gotten Booty and Prize spoils; and
are seeking moral arguments over Escheated Hereditaments. Let this first be made clear to all Moorish - Americans! This
is your lost estate! The Land, the Gold, the Silver, and the Commerce belong only to the true, Primogeniture Heir citizens
of the Land, and to them alone! Nationalize! As for the U.C.C.s, know that Section 8 and Section 2 relates to those
important aspect, which govern ‘Securities’. Most of the people who sell U.C.C. packages to the unstudied among
us, usually fail to emphasize this important fact! They will usually put highlights on Sections 1 and 3. However, always
remember this: A U.C.C. 1 is to be filed only by one who (in commerce) already has a valid contract in the
first instance! If this is not the pre-condition, then one has just created the jurisdiction of commercial trade of self (Personum
Jurisdiction), which is not the intended outcome of the chosen U.C.C. initiated action. In due course of time, all instruments
(built upon the fraud must fail). Declare your Nationality and enforce the Constitution! The seller gets your limited
‘energy regulating bookkeeping certificates’ (Fiat), and the corrupt corporate – State operative get windfall
profits in filing fees. Tell me now, who has the advantage? Nationalize! Study all the aspects and implications of its
political and social remedies!

Preliminary Study on Ex Rel (Ex Relatione) Does Presenting it Void your
Proper Status? When, Why and How To Use It . Revised: 16th day of November, 2009 .
Ex Rel means an ex-relationship regarding information, associated with the straw construct of the
birth certificate nomen (name). It can ONLY be presented or argued by either
the Attorney General or one who is of a Natural Status (In Propria Persona), a Flesh and Blood Natural Being, which means
one would HAVE to be in their Natural Status, one who has Declared thneir Nationality. This brings life to the
Prophetic Statement by Noble Drew Ali, wherein, he said "If you don't do anything else, Declare your
Nationality.", since he had already Proclaimed it for the Nation. After doing so, you can
begin to fight these insubordinate Constructs, and violations made against you, which are outside of the Law. Presenting
Ex Rel DOES NOT void your Proper Natural / National, Flesh and Blood Status! The
Natural / In Propria Persona Status presentment in Court, is the only condition wherein you can present or argue Ex
Rel of the Straw-man, because it (the straw) in itself cannot present or argue for itself, because it (the straw) is
a corporate construct on paper, it is a Corporate Person -- it is not a Natural Person, not a Natural Flesh and Blood
being. It is a fiction that cannot speak for itself. Frankly, if you don't speak
for it, they will, and that is exactly what they have been doing. Ex Rel IS the Lawful
Remedy (NO DOUBT) to refrain them from using it against you in the Court. .
In a Court of Law everything is based on Information. Hence: Verbal
exchanges (Speaking), Answers, Submission of Documents or Writs (Affidavits of Fact) which express or impart information,
and Writs of Discovery, which ask questions that are in need of being Answered by the Court before the court
can lawfully proceed. And lastly the "Sentence", grammatical phrase applied to information,
whether written or spoken. Contempt of Court, usually based on what you say and do (or don't say or do)
and how you say it, or do it. Not to say they (Demos) necessarily has respect for these facts, because in
reality they have contempt for you before you even get there. However, it is incumbent upon us all to enforce the Law.
And, at this time especially, to eradicate the already falling institution of lies and deceit of the psuedo court rooms, and
of the Law, as well to protect ourselves and teach our babies of the coming generations, how to do the same. Our
BIGGEST WEAPON is the Truth (information), and the concern for us is the method in getting the Truth to the masses, of which Newspapers, Radio, World Wide Web (www Internet, Television Media,
Classes, etc., is, at this time, the venue(s) for doing so. . The purpose or point of information exchange in the courtroom is for them
(the court(s) of public opinion and lawful authority) to bring what is supposed to be justice or remedy to the Body standing
before it, whether that Body is presented as Flesh and Blood or re-presented as a Straw.
(Of course the straw has limited justice and remedy, as it has privileges--not Rights, thus it plays into the "Color"
game of "Color-Of Law" [a semblance of Law--not the real] for "Colored" People. The information
that comes across leads to the sentencing (words, information). There is supposed to be an injured party, that you have
injured, before you get there. However, usually it is not present, because they usually base their injury
on fictitious corporations that don't speak and can't speak. Then they tell you, you have made some injury
to "Santa Claus", which is a fiction that can't be injured. This is one of the ways they have usurped
and corrupted the "Justice system". With knowledge of the difference between a FLesh and Blood
Natural Being, and a Fiction Corporate Person, Ex Rel is effective, as it admits to having information in regards to that
fiction that cannot speak for itself. It makes you the Authorized Representative properly, without bonds,
ties or contracts. That fiction has been what you have been saying is you, therefore allowing your being to take
the hit for fictitious charges on a fictitious entity. Ex Rel is, by its very definition, in regards to information,
and it is the lawful remedy regarding any information associated with the Straw. Ex Rel is how you lawfully "stop"
them from using the straw against you, therefore they must address you in your Proper Status. Being in your
proper status is the only condition that can present Ex Rel. Coming in Proper Status, as a National, Moorish National,
supersedes their corporate jurisdiction. A National is the highest ranking "citizen", who is attached
to the land aboriginal and indigenous, not to the States / Corporations. The States / Corporations
are foreigners. Nationals are not foreigners, and can never be foreigners in their own land, therefore we
ought not ever address ourselves as foreigners. We address them as foreigners. (See
Chapter 47 of the Circle 7 Koran). As a National, and when operating under proper Protocols, you have Consuls and
Ministers who can speak on your behalf (See Article III, section 2 and 3 of the Constitution). Therefore, Consuls
and Ministers must be in place for a Nation. They are "Amicus Curae", meaning they enter the Court
as friends of the Court. However, they cannot be friends of a Court that has no Jurisdiciton and Authority.
Unity is Nationhood. What we need to do as a Nation is educate the people (those who resonate to) being
Consuls and Ministers. While that is being done, you, yourself can Ex Rel the Straw. Now that is just the
truth regarding it, and your relationship to it, which is Ex Relatione (Ex Rel). Failure to present Ex Rel,
allows the state corporations to act as Power Of Attorney over the Straw. . The
State Corporations have been acting as Power of Attorney over the straw, and speaking for it, because someone
must. Those who have answered to it have agreed to be the straw, the fiction, and a fiction cannot speak
for itself, hence, they push Attorneys on you to speak for you. Therefore you must approach it from your Proper
Natural Being Status. In Law terms it is "In Propria Persona". It is time,
rather past time, for us to get into Proper Status, and take the position of Power Of Attorney over the Straw.
This does not mean you own it, or that it is you. Having this Proper Lawful understanding clears
up the mis-concept that one can “capture it”, copyright it, Sue people for using it, etc. You
can Sue one for addressing YOU incorrectly in Lawful matters. Essentially that is what Ex Rel puts in order,
as you must first Ex Rel the straw, and say "I am"...... You cannot own that straw construct, because
you did not construct it, and it is not you. As well you cannot Dissolve it because it
was not constructed by you, and it is not a contract. It is a negotiable instrument, of which
the Straw is derived. .
“It” (the Straw) is not a Natural
Person, or a Natural Being — never was. Nor does it represent in anyway,
you as a Flesh and Blood Being. It is not a She, it is not a He, it is a corporate
construct on paper, that you have been told, and have agreed is you. Just because your
Mother and Father named you, they still allowed you to be encapsulated as a straw construct, with that instrument (birth certificate) of negotiation used for, and essentially
against, the child. Some are complete with footprints, on a piece of paper with their (state's)
corporate seal, as a mark of authentic ownership, and with your child's footprints stamped and branded as a quasi-consenting
seal. Fresh merchandise from the dock, delivered by the doctor, and counted
as merchandise of the corporation. You had no knowledge of the intent, or the adhesions that come with this instrument; as
with a contract, even one you consciously made, the moment you find it has adhesions, hidden or non-disclosed purposes, obligations
and intent; it becomes immediately VOID. It is not voidable, it is VOID. That is the Law of Contracts.
It is important and necessary to address the use of the
straw instrument as a tool for Power Of Attorney over you, and your child—the Natural
Flesh and Blood Being. You must disclaim the Power of Attorney, essentially that is what
is operating and working against you, and that is what Ex Rel remedies. If you don't disclaim it, or rebut it,
(which must be done in Proper Status, thus you must declare your Natural / National Status first), then you
cannot make the presentment or argument, and they will continue to act as Power Of Attorney over that construct, and
over you. This is why they established the constructs in the first place, so they can create negotiable
instruments, place burdens, debts and obligations on your behalf, without your knowledge of it. Let's clear up "Argument".
Argument is only utilized here when you are in a situation where they try to stop you from using Ex Rel, as if they don't
know what it is. Maybe they don't. Yet, is not your job to school them, certainly not to suffer at their hands
because of thier lack, as they are 'deemed to know Law.
Owen v. Independence, 100 S.C.T. 1398, 445 US 622 “Officers of the court have no
immunity, when violating a Constitutional right, from liability. For they are deemed to know the law.”
They attempt to hinder you because; 1. most of these quais-courts are not used to
hearing you present law. 2. They want you to remain on their course of capturing
you and having jurisdiction over you, as that is how they keep bread and butter on their plate, whic goes against their
duties to uphold the law, and protect the unalienable rights of the people. Obviously they are contrary to their sworn
In rhetoric and logic, an inference drawn from premises, the truth of which is indisputable, or at least highly probable.
The first straw that was created was
the negro, colored, black, etc. Since we did not buck about that, they got better at effectuating
their intent. They speak for us through these straw constructs, as a negro, colored, black, etc. Anyone who
accepts labels, has only privileges, they do not have Rights. Someone needs to speak for them.
This is what an Attorney is. He is an Officer of the Court, who brings you to the Court and Leaves
you there. Thus the Court immediately has Leave (Jurisdiction) over you. Attorneys are
Bounty Hunters with a Suit and tie on. The definition of the Lawful term “In Propria Persona" (In Proper
Person-Status) is as follows: In
Propria Persona: In one’s
own proper person. It was formerly a rule in pleading that pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be
plead in propria persona, because if pleaded by attorney they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is presumed
to plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisdiction.
Let us not get confused, or allow anyone to confuse us with the difference of Natural Person
and Corporate Person, or Flesh and Blood Being, In Full Life, of which we are that from the moment of birth, a spiritual
being, manifested in the flesh. However, in Law, there are two types of "Persons". The
Natural (Flesh and Blood) and the Corporate Person (fiction). So it is important to know when one is saying Person,
which one they are speaking of. When one is being highly spiritual, they identify themselves In Full Life, Flesh
and Blood, a Natural Being, which in Court would be a Natural Person, as opposed to a Corporate Person. One who
is "In Propria Persona", sets the stage for who has jurisdiction, if any, over the Person (Personum
Jurisdiction). .
This is a well oiled wheel, however upon knowing
the logistics and components of it, you can navigate through it, around it, and out of it. If you
do not correct your status then you cannot make these presentments regarding Ex Rel, and defend your natural existence
as a Flesh and Blood Being. It is erroneously in reverse, because the Proper Natural Status or
Natural Being (You) is seen under the lawful term as "Civil Liter Mortus", (dead in the eyes of the Law), because
of his failure to speak for himself in his Proper status. Essentially many of the arguments brought to
the Court are a Straw in themselves (dead issues). So a straw is more than just the name on the birth certificate, created
as a tool or instrument that robs the natural and unalienable rights (birthrights) of the child. Once you
have declared that you are in your Proper Status, essentially you are able to take Power of Attorney over these instruments,
and matters, and be the "authorized Representatiave for the Straw, without voiding your Proper Status, and without owning
or being the corporate construct; instead of continuing to allow the corporate states to be the authorized representative
who works against you, seeing you as collateral, and who acts as Power of Attorney speaking on your behalf. You
must be the Authorized Representative of the straw, so that they are not. Authorized means permission, directive, possessed
of legal or rightful power. Representative is one who stands in the place of another. They are calling the birth
certificated construct (paper) to the forum (which cannot speak). You are well aware that it cannot present
itself, nor can it re-present. Thus you need to have an Attorney to speak for you. Thus, you represent it,
but it is not you, and you are not it. You are a flesh and blood being "In Full Life, and you are not "Civil
Liter Mortus". The definition of "Civil Liter Mortus"
and "In Full Life", are as follows: Civil
Liter Mortus: Civilly dead;
deadu in the view of the law. The condition of one who has lost his civil rights and capacities,
and is accounted dead in law. . In Full Life: Continuing in both physical
and civil existence; that is, neither actually dead or civiliter mortus.
Many have gotten this twisted and out of order, and, they
"believe" they can own or capture the straw, yet they cannot. What they can do in Law, is Ex Rel it,
as it is not you, and it is not yours. .
Ex Rel is effectively used once you have corrected your status,
and consequently your nomen (name) and your status and identification, are in Full Life, as a Flesh and Blood Being, meaning
you are no longer civilly dead in the eyes of the Law. Ex Rel is a Law Term, to be presented or argued
in matters involving the straw construct(s). Therefore you will have to use it (Ex Rel) everytime and anytime
the straw rears its ugly head. The greater point and purpose for the people, is to get into the position wherein
we never have to go through having to Ex Rel, as our children will not be subjected to it, in the first place. However,
for those who have to, they must gain the understanding of how to utilize Ex Rel. Many thought
it meant you no longer have any relation to the corporate straw name. Of course you have been attached
to the straw, but it is not you, and you are now making it ex-relatione, which is the purpose of using Ex Rel. Of
course you have knowledge of matters involving or surrounding that straw. You have knowledge of information, which is what Ex
Rel is about in Law. It is not about the natural Being, it is about knowledge of information regarding the
fictitious corporate person or matter(s). This is why only one who is in Proper Status, can
present or argue it, speak on it. You are not the Straw.
Why? Because the straw is, and always has been just that -- a fiction, a corporation on Paper.
You have been treated as a fiction, a corporation on paper, who has no civil liberties, and consequently would need someone to speak for you. This is why we must become competent,
so we are no longer “dead" in the eyes of law, and we are no longer minors, unable to handle our own affairs.
That is where Minority comes from, it has nothing to do with quantity. It has all to do with
quality of knowledge, and competency. . You cannot run from the straw, however
you can choke it. This is probably what was meant when Drew said not to get rid of it.
He didn’t say to use it, because he said to do all “new” business in your new name, whether
annexed with Bey or El, indicating you are now under your Moorish Nation and Status. He said not to get
rid of it because it is proof of usurpation of the natural people to deny them from their Inheritance. As example,
if you are going to the United Nations, to report infractions, you must be of a Nation, otherwise you cannot speak. This
is what happened to Ralphe Bunche, back in the 60's or so. Everyone thought he wasn't allowed to speak at the United
Nations because of prejudice towards negroes, however that was not the case. Negroes are not of a Nation.
Reparations is for re-pairing a Nation, of which that cannot happen for Negroes, Coloreds, Blacks, etc. However,
the Nation already exist, and that is why Drew Ali Proclaimed it for us. I guess that is why he said: "I
Declare you are a Nation." He did the work, and made the Proclamation (official), now we have to make the
Declaration. His statement regarding use of the slave or straw name has been misinterpreted and
misrepresented. This misrepresentation is due to the lack of studying, as he advised. He
said: “Study, Study, Study, and when
you have studied well and would ask me what to study next, I would reply, study yourselves.” — Noble Drew Ali
. Many have also mis-understood, the so-called “capturing” of the
straw, and have taken it out of its proper, Legal and Lawful content, wherein they have placed liens on it,
and have copyrighted it. This is not a good thing, because you ought not copyright something that is not yours.
The birth certificate is the negotiable instrument against the Straw construct, however it is not the record of the
straw construct. The record was established at the birth of the child. You are NEVER
given the birth record, another reason why you cannot destroy it, own it, or capture it. You are always given a copy
of the certificate, of which a certificate implies a negotiable, financial instrument. This is why it is
important that Mothers (Parents) have knowledge of this and refrain from accepting these instruments against their child,
as they are selling their own children into bureaucratic slavery, without knowing it. . I trust this information
will, or already has, helped you transition to your Natural Status so that you can Nationalize
the natural resources left for you by the Universe, in concert with Universal Law and Principles, entrusted to you through
Mother Nature. As long as you continue to copulate beings here to this earth plane, in the human flesh, there is
a place for you, and for them, free of encumbrances. Look at the children play, they are only being themselves,
they assume, and properly so, that this is where they belong, at this time (cycle). They develop into doing
the work they were sent here to do. What is that work? To perfect the soul, to learn the
soul's lessons, to become, or rather, remain as ONE with the All. Yet, the Dragon waits at the feet of the Woman,
for the child to be born, so that it may devour it. .
Since humanity has fallen, many are here to assist in
the uplifting of fallen humanity, in order to ascend from a non-positive, non-productive “state-of-mind”.
Failure to do so, keeps them coming back for the same lessons, due to a lack of knowledge and spiritual incompetence,
which leads to moral deprivation, lack of integrity, and indulgence in the lower self activities. This makes
a hot bed for others to “capture” them, thus the condition of carnal man today.
. Caveat
For Those Who Are Guiders . People, there is a way. The
problem is the lack of knowledge. This is why the biggest thing we all need is to be informed. Knowledge
is power and information is the source. The greatest thing we can do for each other is Teach each other.
Insitutions that we need to erect and operate takes finance (human resource) to do so. Finances and/ or human
resources for any Nation ought to be for the purpose of the necessities of the Nation (Unity). Therefore Proper
Associations may set up to take Dues from the People, and are open to all of the People, not just the ones in a Club, because
all of the People are Moors, and the Nation is in need of the resources for Nation building. This is a Humanitarian
Movement, and must always be moving, less it is stagnated. Movement denotes life and activity. This is
the true intent of the Moorish Divine and National Movement and the reason Drew Ali, established a Civic organization
with a Rotarian Complexion, and adopted (added on to that which already existed), a religious faction, for
the condition of the people coming from the Christian indoctrination and usurpation. They were filled with
sickness (sin), and needed to be in these "Hospitals for the Sick", which is what the Temple's entry level purpose
and intent is. To teach them the Truth about Religion (Read "Religious Controversy"
on this site), so they could move forward and unfold in true spirituality, from whence they came, and their flesh and blood
existence manifested from. Thus a Divine and National Movement was put in place. Religion is Law, Order
and Governmental Principles. Let us not forget that Law is derived from Divine Principles, and you CANNOT have
a Divine Side and a separate National Side because they are ONE. . Let those who
know, not forget, let those who don't know, come now to know that there was an infiltration of that
perfected establishment and intent, by the People, on both sides, and now nearly 100 years later (a lifetime for
some) people have been led to think that the Moorish Divine and National Movement is/was only a Religious Organization, and
they only refer to it as "the Temples". That was the purpose of the infiltration. Let us also
know that The Temple is a component of the Moorish Divine and National Movement
of the World. If one does not know this, it is because they HAVE NOT studied. If they have not
studied, they cannot effectively be a Guider. Usually it leads them to think they are going to re-invent something that
has already been established. That which has been established is still in good shape and waiting for "the
people" to activate it collectively, and properly. However, if you are the only one, then so be you the only
one, the people will come, as they are now. They will come to the light of Truth, not the light of confusion. Let
them know that they can pick it up, and keep it moving, as it has already been perfectly organized,
even in the light of those who have misrepresented it over the years. The wheel CANNOT be re-invented. One
who is Studious, can ferret through the obvious and the logistics of things, and are able to see, and come out of the
avalanche of lies, distortions and misrepresentations. One who wants to get from "A' to "D", MUST
pass through "B" and "C" before they get to "D", and THERE ARE NO SHORT-CUTS. This is
the lesson of degrees, given in degrees because degrees are movements that contain one's unfolding and evolvement to
learn something tomorrow, that they did not know today. When the people are knowledgeable, we can
all be free. One of the problems of our people is that information was kept from them, thus the secret societies, infiltrators
and traitors, and outrageous fees imposed upon the people in order for them to receive information from their own. One
of the biggest problems is the "package sellers". Usually they include U.C.C. filings. It
is paramount for you to know that your birthright cannot be bought, sold, or transferred. When you
buy your birthright, you have just committed commerce, and that means you have just committed "slave trade".
As Drew said: "Be careful Moors, some of your own will put you back into slavery". The people
need to have knowledge so they can disseminate and discern, and that is what is happening. "Many
are going to and fro in the earth seeking knowledge, and knowledge is increasing". We all need each
other more now than before. As Drew stated: "You need each other now, but you are going to need
each other even more later." That later is now. An ignorant people is not free and a free people
is not ignorant. . If you are a Guider of this, or any information to be imparted to the People, you
must become a humble servant to the People (FACT!). Once you accept, which often comes through the Lesson of humility,
that you are a servant of the people, then "a servant is worthy of his hire", but not a moment
before. And if you are true to the Cause, you know who truly hires you, as it is the Universe, and the Universal
Laws that guide you, and compensates you, protects and provides for all you need. This being done by the Flesh
and Blood Beings who come unto you with the graces you are worthy of. As long as you are in this vessel of flesh and
blood, your graces will come to you at the hands of another flesh and blood being, who you may or may not know or seen
before, as that is how Universal Law works. We all come from the spirit, manifested in flesh and blood, to do works
upon this earth plane for the upliftment of fallen humanity. There are those who are 180 degrees away from that truth,
and they will be working against you. The same tyrannical souls cycle to and fro upon the earth to devour the Truth. Yet,
a True Soldier marches forward and never cries. He / She learns their strength by facing their foes.
. Peace and Love
Forever Moor, Sister Rahsmariah V. Bey Edited by Sister
Anaid El, Legal Editor . (Refer to your
Navigation Chart -- Natal Chart to find out what your purpose is)

. Disclaimer Verses Rescission of Signature [The Conditions of Their Uses] . By Taj Tarik Bey This Article
was written in 1991, and published in the Al Moroccan Star Newspaper 2003. . A pressing
need exists among us (the Aboriginal Natural Peoples) for clearing up many foul and disingenuous misunderstandings
about legal issues and of conforming concepts involving contracts. Conform, in this instance, means, “do ‘Contracts’, (as in
rules and laws that govern sciences and disciplines), have principled, and necessary aspects about them that brings them in
harmony and agreement with ethical and moral rules of construction?” .
At the center of the present controversy is the need for instituting a critical
and rational analysis of the validity or the invalidity of Contracts. This volatile issue involves (in this treatise) the (clearly) misrepresented corporate—States’
Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Drivers Licenses, and other corporately—constructed contractual
instruments. The logical question is therefore presented: . “Are these corporately—constructed contractual
instruments really formed in the nature of what they are imposingly—presented as being? And
do these legal constructs possess a veiled nature and functional intent, undisclosed?
The questionable status of these (States’) instruments have long been
recognized by those who know law. Especially since it is a known fact that these corporate-States’ contract—instruments
have been lucratively and colorably used by Politicians and Corporate—State officers for “Straw-man” Revenue-Raising
and ‘Mortgage’ purposes. Did the State, County, City, and Municipal Officials, Contractors, and Employees reveal
any of these political realities to the Natural People? . Under a
Wardship-assumed authority, the corporate—State assumes an alleged “contractually—generated debt” upon the people. The
alloyed and unrevealed contracts supposedly created ‘binding
servitude constrictions’ as imposed upon an unsuspecting natural people.
The supposedly ‘Debtor / State’ owns the Bodies, Hereditaments, and Unalienable Rights of all those who
accepted (or who agreed to use) the foresaid instruments. These dishonorable conditions and corporate—State impositions
are prominent in the affairs of the Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America — ‘The North Gate’.
. What do these geographical names (unfamiliar to some) have
to do with the Aboriginals and the contemporary Corporate States? For the sake of a reality check, and an historical—restoring
update, these are the true, Archaic and Masonically - veiled names of the Homeland and Empire of the Ancient Moabites / Moors. (Ancient Amexem is modernly and contemporarily
known as Northwest Africa and North America, respectively). The Cosmological name of the North Continent is, ‘The North
Gate’. Colonization and reconstructed history is at the root of the lack of familiarity of true World History and Anthropology. . And so, now another question arises,
“What do these opening Anthropological
statements have to do with contracts? Much more than meets the eye! . The Moorish Nation Order of Islam
/ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos, being the Moorish Nation, Federal Government, Northwest Africa:
This refers to the present, veiled Moorish Government of North America. These are common points
of political reference, prior to the agreed establishment of the contemporary United States of America. Societas
Al Maurikanos is the real Sovereign government; and the generic metaphor, “United States of America” is a “political,
and contractual, jurisdictional appendage” of contemporary construction. Thus, today, we have the
only political Nation-State of the modern world, which is devoid of a free “National Name”; and which
distinguishes it from the other United States jurisdictions, geographically - located in the Western Hemisphere (Americas).
The other United States of America is Mexico- (Estados Unidos Mexicanos / United States Mexico). . Most
all Moorish Scientists, Royal Adepts, Master Masons, Eastern Stars, Great Seal Moorish National Scholars,
Doctors of Law [L.L.D.], Doctors of Philosophiae [Ph.D.], Ecclesiologists, Industrialists, Government Rulers, and Politicians,
etc., are well aware of true Anthropology and Culture, and have been availed secretive “Civilization” knowledge,
principles and information. The whole of which the general populace has been denied access to, and to which they are essentially
held in a state of voidance. Such secret-society knowledge is universally referred to
as, “Light”. Those who claim not to know these truths, are being deceptive, or have not studied. The unenlightened
among them have not ascended the ‘Degrees’ made available to them, exclusively, and / or in secret. .
In this instance, we will address some of the issues concerning “moral,
ethical, and Constitution - guided government” (by moral and ethical Covenant) versus its opposite, which is “Color-of-Office,
Color-of-Authority and Color-of-Law, and Feudalism, etc.” The Feudalists (now operating in the United
States Government) are not lawfully sanctioned (not Constitutional). It is, therefore, only “just” and proper that the artificially—suppressed, Natural Peoples of our Nation [Moors]
be made aware of the fact that “Justice” is a cornerstone of the High Principles, which were Constitutionally put in place to secure a ‘Republican form of Government’ for
every State in the United States, and for our Progeny. Our Treaties are secured by Article VI of the Constitution,
and are the Supreme Law of the Land.
. This short
treatise is directed, in particular, to those Moors who live under the bureaucratic slavery-oriented, mismanaged,
and “colorable” jurisdictions, created by Colonial - European “birthright—thieves”. These Inquisition
- operatives have dominated and occupied the seats of government
in the United States of America. Geographically, jurisdictionally,
and politically, the United States of America (the Republic) and its veiled (unsanctioned) nemesis, the U.S. Democracy, are
legal—incorporates formed on paper, and jurisdictionally operate from central North America. The
United States of America [is one of two United States], which have political jurisdictions functioning on the North American
Continent. The other United States of America is Mexico; (Estados Unidos de Mehico). . The United States is a modern
social and political order of government, which was founded as a Republic by the Aboriginal Moors and few
“honorable” sons of Europe. The Nature’s Laws and Nature’s God Principles upon which its founding
rests, are of Humanitarian and Rotarian character. However [and unfortunate for the natural peoples of the world] the European
side of the juristic agreement, United States of America, violated the honor, and overthrew the Moors. The Dutch Masters and
Franciscan Brotherhood coined variable nom-de-guerre as mental—war tools, and ‘branded’ the Moors as, negroes,
blacks and colored, etc., and bound them under Wardship as, “Chattel Slaves”. This is a violation of the moral and ethical (Covenants / Contracts) - being the Treaty of
Peace and Friendship Between the United States and Morocco of 1787; and a violation of The Constitution for the United States
of America—1787. . Around the year, 1776 A.D., the Europeans began to systematically institute broad-based
processes of usurping, administrative government, geared toward distorting, destroying, and burning original records and historical
documents, etc. A practice was instituted for hiding and altering the national records and history of the Moors of the America.
Secret Societies became a “must” for the ruling descendants of Europeans; and patterns were initiated to
hide and to preserve the true covenants as secrets. Thus, the unsanctioned foundation was laid for the
contemporarily -organized political body called, “The U.S. Democracy”. Its monopolized two-party political
system arose from malfeasance and legislation—for –sale corruption. This U.S. Democracy ‘shadow-government’ deviance has, since,
been used methodically, to control the legitimate “Seats of Government of The United States of America—the Republic”
The U.S. Democracy is a deceptive misrepresentation and counterfeit, (corporately—constructed on paper) to forward
the clandestine Crusaders and the secret aims of the Inquisitionists. .
The ‘U.S. Democracy’ (private, contemporary corporation) has no
Constitutional foundation, and, is therefore, is a coven for corrupt politicians, racketeers, and slaveholders. The U.S. Democracy is the
“artificially - created” political basis of power, by which “colorable” European governing officials
and anti-constitutional subversives perpetrate unjust wars, and pass ‘colorable’ legislation to rob and suppress
the Moors. Examples of such ‘prima facie’ legislation is the “Negro Acts” and the ‘Black Codes’. . The unsanctioned U.S. Democracy
people began to ‘unconstitutionally’ print counterfeit paper and misrepresent it as lawful, Article I,
Section 10, United States Constitutional Money. They committed a fraud against the Constitution Contract for their own selfish
controls, gains, and benefit. They also began to implement and enforce “Bills o Attainder” through Administrative
/ Ministerial Courts and to steal the Moors’ “Birthrights”, etc. . All civilized Aboriginal and Indigenous
Natural Persons [civically and nationally conscious Moors] of Northwest Amexem / North America, are vividly
aware that the alien, occupational Europeans thrive off the virtues, the suffering, the enslavement, and the energies of the
true Heirs of the Land. These facts are not, under any condition, debatable! No doubt,
the greatest sting of injustice that the civilized world has ever known, has root in the sociopathic behavior, actions and
deeds of unconstitutionally—oriented Union States Society Crusader Colonists. . Political, social, and governmental
“Vampirism” within colorable U.S. Jurisdictions is a historical and factual characteristic of
the occupational Europeans. They have dominated the political and socio / economic areas of North American
Society by way of forced slavery, birthrights—theft and legal chicanery. To deny this reality is
to deny “truth” and to promote color in government and “Color-of-Law”. It is important
for those who love “Justice” and “Right Law” government to look for and to study ways and means of
reclaiming one’s “birthrights”. Mass scale application of the same, are necessary.
Often, freedom=loving people will se the “Uniform Commercial Codes”, Copyrights, Sovereignty Declarations
and the like, to address these corruption issues. . Many are aware of the fact that U.S. Politicians have been using the “BIRTH
etc., for “DEEDS”, “BONDS” "STOCKS”, and “LIEN CLAIMS”. These
“conspired” acts are an aside from the fact that States’ Politicians and Government Officials also list
and file “natural people” as the “corporate property of the “State” by way of the “nom de guerre” and CAPITALIZED printing of
natural people’s NAMES, placing them upon documents under their issuance and control. . And so by “self-defense
- necessity”, many people issue Public Declaratory Documents, and Affidavits, according to their true
Status and correct political allegiances, in contradistinction within the “de facto” North American Society.
Moorish Americans are declaring their “Name and Nationality” [Proper Person and Birthrights Status].
Other “civics—conscious and proper government—active” Natural Persons have, and do, use a multiplicity
of legal ‘defenses’ to limit the usurpations made upon them by the “extortion—oriented and colored
jurisdictions”. Some of the “Natural Citizens of the Land” and some of the “Juristic
Citizens of the United States” have gone through various methods of “Claiming the Straw-man” fictional “CORPORATE
PERSON”, which the States’ Governments, their quasi-government agencies, and the opportunistic politicians have
created through these “fraud-based”, and misrepresented documents, to amass wealth for themselves
and the States’ coffers. Keeping in mind that through these artificial, CORPORATE PERSON” documents,
the Vampires claim “Power of Attorney” over the ‘Natural Person’ (you) and without your mutual, or
conscious agreement or knowledge. The Corporate—State officers and employees then use the ‘colored’
documents as NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES of all types. It is upon the evidence of the “Straw-man”
and ‘Power of Attorney’ by Wardship, that they make their spurious arguments and propositions in their
unsanctioned, “colorable” Courts, etc. These court proceedings are often done without the “Natural
Person”, (to whom they are deceptively referring, by Straw) being present; as they have already assumed, by fraud, a
claim of “Power of Attorney”; and thus, of prima facie possession of “Jurisdiction” over “Personum”,
“Subject Matter” and “Territory”. . Securities are evidences of debts
or of property. Thus, they are evidences of obligations to pay money or of rights to participate
in earnings and distribution of a corporate trust, and of other property. . The STRAWMAN has been a “profitable”
social, political manipulation, and control tool for the racketeering, anti-Republic politicians. This
has been a veiled method of how the “occupational U.S. Democracy Corporation” has undermined the Constitution
for The United States. This usurped power is used to put their ‘alleged’ debt on you; [especially people “Branded”
negro, black and colored, etc.] They also pose to make the false claims of having “Leave” or
“Power of Attorney” over you, your property and your progeny. Thus, it is upon this Constructive
and Active Fraud that unconstitutional politicians [U.S. Democracy] make the “legal” claims of having jurisdiction”
over you, [the natural person’. The colorable assurances necessary for their clandestine acts are
secured by them “controlling” the U.S. Courts; the Seats of Government; and the Quasi-government Agencies. Under
Constitution Law, the secured “checks and balances” are in effect, and the corrupt politicians would be neutralized
and imprisoned. So what does one do to address these misrepresented Contracts? Lets review, Rescind, and Disclaimer. .
Rescind: means to abrogate, annul, avoid,
or cancel a contract; particularly by nullifying a contract by the act of a party. Rescission of Contract: A rescission is the abrogation, annulling, avoidance, or canceling of a contract; particularly, nullifying
a contract by the act of a party. To declare a contract void in its inception and to put an end to it as
though it never were. Not merely to terminate it and release parties from further obligations to each other
but to abrogate it from the beginning and restore parties to relative positions, which they would have occupied had no contract
ever been made. . Disclaimer: A disclaimer is the repudiation or renunciation of a claim or the power vested in a person; or which he had formerly
‘alleged’ to be his. A Disclaimer is also a refusal, or the rejection of an estate or right
offered to a person. A Disclaimer is the disavowal, the denial, or the renunciation of an interest, a right,
or of property imputed to a person or alleged to be his. A disclaimer is also the declaration or the instrument
by which such a Disclaimer is published. . Moors who seek to “claim” or capture the colorable States’ “Birth Certificates”
for the purposes of neutralizing their fraudulent usage as Contract-Securities”, are reminded that the Clerks of Vital Statistics do not ever release “Original
Documents”. Another legal point made
is that you were not a (Party) nor a signatory to the construction of any of these Municipal or County and State documents.
The States’ Registrars can only release to the public [for a feudal fee] certified copies. My
suggestion is to ‘Disclaim’ these Instruments and Contracts, as they are alloyed, and are NOT signed
by you; nor were you a party to their construction. Also, declare your "In Propria Persona" (One's own
proper person, reflecting that you have claimed your Name, Nationality and Birthrights. Disclaim all alleged Wardship
keepers who alleged that they have power of attorney over you. .
Thus, in your own proper person. you are competent to deal with your
own affairs and self authority. Any contracts implied as binding against you, and to which you have no part in their
construction, are Nullities. According to the Law of Contracts, any alloyed, misrepresented, or undisclosed features
or conditons (adhesions) contained in any contract instrument, makes them void, Ab Initio. Such Instruments (as Contracts)
are invalid and void on their faces, due to their being misrepresented and thusly, in violation of the “Laws
that Govern Contracts”. .
Use these rules (as a minimum) to measure and
to judge the validity of, or the invalidity of any Contract. Review the following necessary components of a Contract: . 1. Mutuality: The Parties must mutually agree to the terms and conditions of the
Contract. Mutual means, reciprocal, and done by each of two or more parties, for, or toward the other. . 2. Substance: There must be substance offered for substance. Substance is the physical matter, being the real or
essential part; and the real content of a statement, a speech, a contract, and the essence or substratum, which underlies,
and is capable of having attributes or causing phenomena, but which in spite of changes in outward manifestations, remains
the same. . 3.
Non-vagueness: a Contract cannot be vague, obscure, nor can its stated conditions be unattainable. Contracts
must be clear, precise, and definitely sensed, formed, expressed and stated. . 4. Free Will: A Contract
must be entered into voluntarily and free of restraints or compulsions, by the ‘Free - Will’ of the Parties, with
emphasis placed on freedom of decision of choice. One cannot construct a valid Contract while under Threat, Duress, and Coercion,
and against one’s ‘Will’. . 5.
Right Mind: A Party to a Contract cannot be in a state of unconsciousness, nor in a state of incompetence.
Contract entered into by such a party is a Nullity, Ab Initio. . 6. Minor: A Party to a Contract cannot be a Minor. A Minor is one, lesser in
importance or rank; and one under the legal age of competence (usually twenty –one). Competence means, the capacity
to be sufficient to the requirements; and having fitness or ability to be competent. Being fit for the purpose. . Consider
these foregoing facts, concerning the Constitution for the United States of America, all Treaties, and all
Contracts. Use them as a critical guide in all your affairs and dealings with the ‘colorable’ occupational Europeans
[U.S. Democracy]. Remember that the Corporate—State Officials consistently violate the Law. Enforce the Constitution.
Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature,
or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. .

. Premlinary Study About Birth
Certificates, Social Security Cards, etc. --By
Rahsmariah Bey and Anaid El . This is a Preliminary Study regarding
of Signature', 'Dissolution’, and “Disclaimer’, to determine the validity and application, if any, of utilizing any
of these processes for the purpose of voiding birth certificates, social security, drivers license, etc. These documents are all Arbitrary1, Prima Facie2, Ab Initio3 at their inception, therefore they lack substance
of Law or validity within themselves. It is the unlawful issuance and use of them by the constructors
of the instruments, and your acknowledgement and use of them (although in ignorance), that bring them to life,
a limited Colorable4 life. They are issued by the states, who are acting as Power of Attorney5,
over you, because you are under Wardship6, a ward of the state (state property), and are considered a Minority7 (which means you lack the capacity to handle your own affairs, it does
not have anything to do with the color of your skin, or your age). You are a ward of the state because
you are a “stateless person”, (which includes state-of-mind), who have not declared who you are, by declaring
your Nationality. Declaring your Nationality sets your social status and links you to the human family.
Failure to do so causes you to commit Abandonment8, and display
incompetence, as well, is a dishonor of your Foremothers and Forefathers. Nations of
the earth place their trust in their foremothers and forefathers. So they (the state, corporate entities)
act as your caretaker and issue instruments for you and against you. This is why all marriage license
are filed in the “Department of Orphans”. — FACT! .
Declaring your Nationality must be done to correct your social status, and determine
who has jurisdiction over your person, your personal property, your subject matters, and territories. Declaring
your Nationality states that you are no longer incompetent and, you are no longer a ward of the state. Thereby you are
able to handle your own affairs (sovereign), or take your place amongst the affairs of men. . What Do I Do Next? . Next, you must demonstrate in
all of your deeds, as if you are in fact competent, and that you are in fact the aboriginal and indigenous
inhabitants of the land, the Mothers and Fathers of civilization, who taught civilization principles to all the world.
Failure to do so, and you will find, that you have placed yourself into,or
back into their colorable jurisdictions. This is what they labor in all their days to do. You
are the resource, the National Treasure, and if they can, as they have been doing, they will continue to hire themselves (nepotism) in the quasi-courts, to administer
under Color9, with a Color Of Authority10, and rape, rather gang rape you, or in law terms commit Conspiratorial Extortion11. They will continue to extort you and your resources, your children’s
resources, and your children’s children resources, and on and on with posterity. ..
All Law is Specific . You cannot perform a Rescission of Contract12, or Rescission of Signature”
on a contract, unless you have made a contract
which has your signature
on it. You cannot Dissolve13 something you did not create. There
are three types of Dissolutions described
in Law. 1. Dissolution In Contract14; 2. Dissolution In Practice 15 and; 3. Dissolution Of Corporation16 . You cannot Dissolve a contract, unless one ‘lawfully’
exists with your signature upon it, or can be corroborated; you cannot Dissolve an ‘Injunction of
Practice’ unless an injunction (usually through or by a court proceeding) exists;
and lastly you cannot Dissolve a Corporation unless you are the CEO, or at least on the Board. The
birth certificate, social security instruments, etc., do not fall under the definitions as described
because they were not made, constructed, designed, agreed upon, or filed with another enity or agency by you, or with
your signature or knowledge at their inception. There was no court proceedings to create an injunction, at
their inception, and you were not even present at their inception. They are arbitrary, assumed, and misrepresentations, thereby
are void Ab Initio, as it pertains to you.
What you can do is a
Disclaimer17 of them, and their alleged, assumed authority
and attachment to you. This is done through a formal letter, or rather a Writ, Affidavit of Fact, sub-titled
“Disclaimer”. Who has a greater authority over you, than you?; unless you you are a ward of the
state. Who, lawfully can rebut your position regarding a matter? You need to know your
rightful, in propria persona (in proper person) position, take your position, and stand squarely on it.
Even if your Mother or Father alledgely
accepted these instruments, or signed them, they were not done in full Disclosure18, and are being used as Negotiable Instruments19 against them and you (proving misrepresentation
of the instrument). Therefore they are not lawful instruments or valid contracts (Void Prima Facie, Ab Initio).
The importance of signing everything "all rights reserved”, makes itself clear and apparent.
Even if you have signed a contract, that bears
your signature, as a willful party, once you discover it has Adhesions20 (hidden clauses) and causes alienation of your substantive rights, you can immediately and lawfully terminate it
and its relation to you. (See the revised “How To Live Within Contracts”, on the Open Readings page of this site). Note: In marriage contracts, Dissolutions,
do not end the contract, it only amends it. (See "Analysis of the Marriage Contract” article on “Return of the Matriarch” Page, on this site. . Bottom
line, in law, you must “Disclaim” the Corporate States alleged Power of Attorney over
you, and any instrument that was constructed with an assumed
authority and jurisdiction, done in secret, regarding you. You
cannot Dissolve the Birth Certificate. You cannot rescind
a signature or a contract that doesn’t exist, or doesn’t qualify in the Law of Contracts. If
it doesn’t have your signature on it, or your agreement, orally or otherwise, then there is no signature to rescind,
and no contract to dissolve. You cannot dissolve a corporation that wasn’t /isn’t
your corporation to dissolve. Simple, yet powerfully true!
To Disclaim, the alleged Power of Attorney is where the Birth Certificate and Social Security finds its death,
and the void of them is effectuated. Of course if you never used them, is helpful. Thus,
the Nation will come to that. That is the point in teaching the young, as Drew said "this is for the young
and yet unborn, who will come and fulfill the Law. Who needs anyone to certify the birth of your child anyway?
Simply record it, if you will. This is why they never give you the birth record, they give you a
certificate. A certificate implies debt, and that is how they use it as an negotiable instrument. In
regards to Social security, we ought always have in place, and in mind, to take care of our elders, and not rely on a corporate
entity, who by the way, is broke, devoid of lawful money, and soon to be devoid of your resources. They
seek stimulus packages from other Nations, and still they cannot prop up the fall of Goliath.
There are 4 types of Citizens: .
1. National: the highest ranking
citizen, these are the natural, aboriginal and indigenous inhabitants of the land. -- Is this You?--then Declare your Nationality! .
Naturalized Citizen: These are those who come here and become citizens, through Naturalization
process (not to be confused with Nationalization). .
3. Subject: This is where subject
citizens and Corporations (United States of America, U.S. (Uni0n States), the state of_____ , etc.) rest, and corporate people
rest there as well (negros, coloreds, blacks, spaniards). .
Aliens: These are 'foreigners' who remain as foreigners with allegiance to their mother
country while residing here.
All of the above, are clothed
with certain rights of citizenship, however they can be unclothed, with the exception of the National. His unalienable
/ inalienable substantive birthrights cannot be abridged, and are preserved in the Constitution. Governments
do not have rights to give, they protect and preserve the people's birthrights. Therfore it is up to the people
to maintain enforcement of the rule of law established to that end. Otherwise criminals may continue to abridge you,
violate you, rob you, suck you dry. This being done only because of your lack of knowledge, and the fact
that that is, or has become strongly, the general spirit of carnal men. "My people suffer for a lack of knowlede"
--Yehoshuah. .
Only Nationals can claim the resources (natural and political),
of their land, their natural people, territories, and jurisdictions. Nationalization usually happens when other citizens; Naturalized, Subjects, and Aliens,
have abused the natural resources of the natural aboriginal and indigenous people, to the point wherein the Nation's economy
is destroyed and collapses. The universal remedy is Nationalization. This is why it is important to Nationalize
your resources, however you must be a national frst. You must recognize and declare your
Natural, National Status, and come back to the Constitutional fold of government, for your sovereign rights to be
recognized, as sovereignty does not stand alone, it comes with Nationality. ONLY Nationals can Nationalize
the land and resources. "If you don't do anything else --Declare your
Nationality!"--Noble Drew Ali . . Disclaiming, Dissolutions, rescinding,
is embodied in Nationalization. In fact within your nationalization declaration and judicial
notice, you can include specific disclaimers. Nationalization is a mindset, and MUST be realized
FIRST in the mind. A proper concept of mind must exist before it can be converted or translated into political activity
and function in society. You cannot go about dissolving contracts, disclaiming and rescinding signatures, 'acting'
as a natural person, if you are still in a Corporate Person status and capacity, a Ward, an NBC (negro, black, colored).
This has been a great part of the problem with the “paper chasers”.
Many have made proclamations, declarations, and disclaimers, by use of a papel statement, yet they possess not the
National mindset, nor do they have the allegiance of their Nation, or the associated culture, rationale or nuance that reflects Nationhood.
Many don’t even invest in Nationhood, which is Unity, and many others think that everybody, somebody, owes them something,
rather than seeing that they have a responsibility to themselves and civilization (social civic duties). Therefore
they cannot stand, reflect or defend the spirit and nature of both the history and the law that is reflected in the paperwork. Upon
your validated levels of consciousness, the lawful term Nunc Pro Tunc21
, which
means “now
for then”, comes into clearer purpose. Just because "they" (state, corporate entities) created
a Corporation and instruments attached to them, and refer to you as a Corporation (of which you have been accepting) does
not mean you are a corporation. In fact, your judicial notice of national proclamation immediately
says that you are not, or that you are no longer unconscious to their deceit regarding you, that you are awakened, and
matters of the past, will and can be dealt with "nunc pro tunc" (now for then). The moment
you become conscious of who you are, you know who others are not, and that they have no lawful jurisdiction over your person or
your matters. Their colorable activities, which have always been void at law, become consciously
void with you, and you then will act or demonstrate accordingly. Fraud has no statute of limitation,
therefore, everything that was done on your behalf, by others, can be withdrawn by YOU! . This is the power of Nationalization and application of the
Law. Nationalizing in its essence, disclaims
subordinate instruments made against you. However, it is reasonably necessary, at some point, to send
a separate formal letter (Writ, Affidavit of Fact) which would be considered a Brief, to the individual entities, for the
file, and "for the record" regarding your position on the matter(s) at hand, which can also be entered into a court,
if, and when necessary. Additionally and otherwise, in many cases, this is where “Notice to the Principle is "Notice to the Agent" and "Notice to the
Agent is Notice Principle" applies. These entities
/ Persons are in collusion with each other. They are agents, speaking for each other, acting for the same end with each
other, and have set up Agencies to administer their policy. Policy,
however, is NOT Law, although they will tell you it is. If you were to
ask them to provide the Law, (usually done in a 'Writ Of Discovery"), they will not.
They may provide the policy (policy is not law). Hence, the enforcement, by you, of Article VI of
the Constitution, wherein it says the states can make ordinances, statutes, and policies, but they cannot make any
that abrogate the Supreme Law of the Land, of which within it, your substantive rights are protected and preserved.
The truth is by them making these colorable instruments, they are the ones who Abrogate22 the Law. . Upon study of Law, you will find
that their “Policy” is to extract the life and resources from the
people. Read "Inter Caetera Divna", the Inquisitionist Intent. Within the pages exist the clear and concise intent of the Conquest and purpose of colonization,
here in North, South and Central America. You, we, have not been free. You, we
have been held to slavery. Slavery has been bureaucratized. We, then, have been “Bureaucratic
slaves" frauduently. That is just the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as documented
throughout history and historical records and deeds. .
Nationalizing is not enough, being a National is required in both your thinking (Allodial) and your deeds.
You must come out of the “victim mode”, and become victorious, as “victory is assured”,
and can be effectuated almost overnight with the correct knowledge and information. Knowledge is power, and being informed
is the source of that power. If you have not studied, do so. If you have received
a college education, and thus think you are educated, know that you have probably received a “collage” of misinformation,
which will not help you much in knowing the Law. The Law is not complicated, and it
protects the ignorant, and always provides remedy. They have made it appear complicated because they operate
with artificially injected complexities that have been placed over Law, giving it another complexion called Color-of-Law23, which means it is a semblance of that which is real, a semblance of
Law, thus is not Law, certainly not positive law. They act under Color Of Office24 . The Law begins with you, and is derived from Divine Law principles.
You are the Law, you taught the Law. It is in your DNA. Search
for that which is in you already, and don’t buy into the Ancestral DNA testing that is
supposedly designed to tell you where you alledgedly came from in Africa, so you can know who you are, and where you
stand in the human family. This (North, South, Central America) is West Africa. Besides it has
already been established that ALL DNA traces back to the “African/Moabite Woman”, the mother of all of humanity.
It is not to say that “all nations are within you, but to say that you are
within all nations”. Pull on and pour out, your cellular memory, thus you
will trace yourself through even the ages, and then you will know. .
Click here for Law Terms footnoted throughout this document (PDF)