We have added an Updated (Version
4] Averment of Jurisdiction - Quo warranto", written by Anaidah El. A Quo Warranto is likened
to a request for the 'Delegation of Authority' and a 'Writ In The Nature of Discovery" combined. It is time to
step up the activities of the Active Moors. You will find the updated Averment at the bottom of this article.
AS WELL: Instructions for a "Collective" Publishing Effort can be found
on the Public Records Page, wherein you will be able to publish a 'Blanket Quo Warranto' or see a list of blanket quo warrantos already sent to the
various entities in your area. Everyone will be able to see that the Quo Warranto was sent to that particular entity,
and that particular entity did not answer, then you are ready to proceed with 'Lien" against them, as they already failed
to answer. Go to the Public Records page for instructions in regards to posting a Blanket Quo Warranto for
your area, or to inform us and / or post one you have already submitted. Thank you, as this is collective
Activity for 'Active Moors'. As Prophet Noble Drew Ali said: "I love my people and I would like
to see them come out of darkness into marvelous light."

In matters involving Court appearances, hearings, etc.,
it has already been established that all judicial power is vested in one Court -- the Supreme Court, and to any Courts the
Congress may from time to time, delegate such powers to, which is done with a "Delegation Of Authority
Order (DOAO), and of course it is in written form.
There are three things
placed before the Court
as a
matter of Protocol, prior to Adjudication.
Status: (i.e. your social standing in the community; are you a flesh and blood being - a Natural Person,
or a Corporate Person, an artificial construct). 2. Jurisdiction
/ Venue: (i.e. where are you? is it a lawful Court Room or Tribunal?; does it have Personum
jurisdiction? (jurisdiction over the person [back to status which determines that]); Is there jurisdiction
over the Subject Matter(s)? Does this court have jurisdiciton over the Territory? Territorial Jurisdiction
over the place where the alleged crime or civil violaton occurred? and, do they (the court
or any officers of the court) have the capacity to rule over such?
If you let them get pass on Status, and you let them pass on both Status and Jurisdiction / Venue, then the court
moves to 3. Adjudication: (determination
of penalties, punishment, sentencing, including court fees and fines).
When you are dealing with the "Courts", you must ask for their Delegation of Authority in written form to be placed on the
record, for the record and entered into the record as evidence, as proof of their Authority. It is a tangible document,
an 'Averment of Jurisdiction' and if they do not produce it, they don't have it, and technically the matter is closed.
"Ask and you shall receive".
You can, and ought to "Ask" (and you must
be answered) for their Delegation of Authority, particularly and especially in lieu of the fact that most of the Courts,
or Tribunals you encounter are Ministerial, and/or Inferior, lacking jurisdiction and lacking Judicial Authority.
As well, you ask for the Judge/Magistrates' "Oath of Office" (which indicates their agreement, responsibility,
and obligation, taken under oath to support the Constituion, as the constitution is where their Authority is derived).
As the Delegation of Aurthority is for alleged Court itself and the Oath of Office is for the Officers of the Court themselves,
individuallly. If they give you the run around in regards to acquiring this Oath, because that is what they are doing,
and it public information, so you can stop the chasing for it and ask for it in written form of course, as evidence that
you asked and they did not provide it. You ask for it, and for the DOAO, in a "Writ of Discovery" (along with
any other requests for information), or, you can ask for the DOAO independently. This request for
the "Averment of Jurisdicton" has been updated and is the "Quo Warranto. An
updated example is enclosed in the Word Document attached below, for your review, study, and application. Also,
an example of a Writ In The Nature of Discovery" can be found on the "Writs of Freedom Page" on this site for your review and inner standing for when you wish to utilize it. .

On Quo Warranto and Its Use and Purpose
Averment – A positive
statement of facts, in opposition to argument or inference. An offer to prove a plea, or pleading. The concluding part of
a plea, replication, or other pleading, containing new affirmative matter, by which the party offers or declares himself “ready
to verify.”
Quo Warranto –
In old English practice. A writ, in the nature of a writ of right for the king, against him who claimed or usurped any office,
franchise, or liberty, to inquire by what authority he supported his claim, in order to determine the right. It lay
also in case of non-user, or long neglect of a franchise, or misuser or abuse of it; being a writ commanding the defendant
to show by what warrant he exercises such a franchise, having never had any grant of it, or having forfeited it by
neglect of abuse.
It must be made clear that all corporations are creatures of a constitution.
At Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate the Constitution that all corporations
are a creature of is the American Constitution adopted for the United States of America 1791 which in truth is the Union States
of America.
There are many United States. There is the United States of Mexico, the United
States of Venezula, The United States of Brazil, The United States of Cuba, etc. North America is the United States
of Morocco or United States of Al Moroc.
All federal and state governments are bound to uphold the American Constitution
pursuant to Article VI of said Constitution where it affirms the following:
Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuant thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall
be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges, in every State, shall
be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several States legislatures, and
all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound, by oath or affirmation,
to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust
under the United States.”
The above affirms without doubt or contradiction that all public servants of every federal and
states government are bound to the American Constitution and therefore all agencies of said federal and state government must
have a “Delegation of Authority.

Quo Warranto Updated Averment of Jurisdiction - Version 4
Updated 2/14/13 6/9/14

Note from the Publisher:
Peace be with you, as
you fight in the light of Truth for freedom, for yourself and your children. They are sentencing your children to jails,
penitentiaries, and concentration camps, wherein they have the opportunity to degrade them further and "institutionalize"
their mindset, particularly those children who are stronger and brighter. These children (ancestors returned) recognize
innately that there is something very wrong with what has been proposed and referred to as the "American Dream",
and that dreams of this sort, are for those who are sleeping, unconscious of the reality they create or manifest on this
earth. They know that this earth is their entrusted inheritance, and their efforts (the children) are to remove
themselves from the matrix of lies and deceit perpetrated by criminals who have opposing efforts to maintain them
in a matrix of lies and deceit. The children are aware, or ought be made aware that these corrupt criminals tree
is a trap laced with false pleasure; The root of their Tree is bitter, its branches are death, its shadow
is hatred, a trap is in its leaves, its blossom is bad ointment, its fruit is death, desire is its seed, and it sprouts
in darkness. The dwelling place of those who taste of this Tree is the underworld, and darkness is their resting place.
Thus you, and your children must seek after that
which is not with anger, not with jealousy, not with envy, not with desire and greed, as these are the
traps of the flesh.