Why Is Friday a Holy Day?
Because Friday is the day on which man was formed
in flesh and it was on Friday when He departed out of flesh.
#22 and answer #23 from the 101 Questionnaire)
Wondering Why and How?
All Humans were formed in
their Mothers Womb, thus formed in Flesh
All Humans depart out of their
Mother's womb, thus departed out of flesh.
Still asking Why Friday?
Mother and Mother Energy is represented by the Planet Venus, which rises in the Eastern Sky (Eastern Star).
Venus rules over Friday
Friday is
called Viernnes in Latin / Spanish, the name for Friday, the name for Venus.
CONCLUSION: the day of Mother, who rises in the morning and heralds at night is Venus, Venus is
and rules Friday - thus the Holy Day.
IN ADDITION: All of the 7 days of the week are named after or in conjunction
with one of the 7 Ruling Planets:
Domingo Sun
Lunah Moon
3. Tuesday:
Martes Mars
Wednesday: Miercoles
5. Thursday:
Jueve Jupiter
6. Friday:
7. Saturday:
Sabado Saturn
Other "names" referring to Venus, referring to Friday, referring to Mother:
Ishtar (Esther), Isis, Astarte, Freya, Sophia, Wisdom, to name but a few.
Ruth is also known as the Mother, the "root" and those who
call anyone "ruthless" is essentially appealing to or attacking their lack of mothering and/or
mother energy and the general respect for same.

We do not celebrate 'Christmas' from a commercial point of view, but we celebrate the winter
solstice relative to the "stations of the sun" and how they lead to victory for all. See: Chapter 1: "Creation and Fall of Man" from Circle 7 Holy Koran Divinely Prepared by Prophet Noble Drew Ali).

This is a very informative article. Beginning with wishing you a happy holy-day
Posted 12/23/10

posted 12/13
Celebrate Chistmas?
We do not celebrate 'christmas' from a commercial point of view, but we celebrate the
winter solstice relative t
o the
stations of the sun and how they lead to victory for all. (See: Chapter 1 "Creation and Fall of Man").
We trust you are enjoying, will enjoy and do enjoy
the Solstice (Sun Stand) as it and you change directions. What must reside with all of us now
is sufficient sustenance through the winter months, wherein we recuperate (withdraw) to perfect
our technique of applying our knowledge to serve man and mankind. We must be sure not to be enslaved by that which parallels
our development. See the below Analect: "A Truth About Moors, Christmas
and The Mistletoe".

A Truth About Moors, Christmas and the Mistletoe - pdf

Posted January
1, 2010.
People are increasingly saying "Happy Fiscal New Year",
as opposed to "Happy New Year"; this means they are qualifying the statement and making the distinctions
which ultimately speak for themselves.

Click Here for Education on "New Year".
This will take you to a 'embedded' page dedicated to the topic of the 'Fiscal
New Year', what it is and what it is Not!

Additional Information In Regards
to the 'New Year'
We've always known
that January is the Fiscal New Year for corporations wherein they count up the year end finances, while giving you the W-2
to recount yours. We KNOW it is NOT the Natural or Nature's New Year, by obvious re-spect (look again).
We just found that in the historical recordings, according to a European Journalist, Glenn Beck, who quotes records and
a Preacher's sermon wherein he shares that January 1, 1808 is the day that the slave trade was officially abolished.
He also said it ought to be set apart every year as a day of united thanks for that and we ought tell the children
that documented truth.
In the Scriptures Peter
2: 23
"and through covetousness they
shall with feigned words make merchandise of you".
The above applies to those who are cash cows for corporations. However, when you have a group
of people who are suffering from unconscious incompetence (mental slavery), they will not see even that which is right before
them -- not hidden, although referred to as 'hidden in plain sight'.
This brings to mind an ocassion in
court wherein the Magistrate said, and we quote "Just because the constitution was established (which abolished
slavery) does not mean we can't have slavery". This was said in 2006 - Wow!! It is clear that slavery
has turned into a bureauacratic slavery. One who has no will of their own or knowledge of themselves for themselves,
is a slave.

Posted March 21, 2011
New Year! - The True Nature's New Year -
How Did You Fair
Under the Winter Reigns of Saturn?
have been unleashed from the reigns (rings) of Saturn, from your own retribution justice, for the purpose of re--tributing,
or re-distributing your contributions to self and society, until you get it Right and exact.

Click Here for PDF - "Natures New Year"

Moor On Thanksgiving
"Do we honor the intent of 'giving thanks' or throw it all out due to devestating acts of murder on the
natural people by the European Colonizers?" The original intent of this time of year is to 'give
thanks' for the harvest of crops and for the gifts in your life. Did you reap enough to sustain yourself through
the coming winter months? The clear corruption of this custom and culture has absolutely been devestated by the
murdering of the natural people at the hands of Christian Colonist in an effort to continue their conquest of the people and
of the land. See Exploration of North America Columbia Encyclopedia - Penders Companion to American History
and The Edict: "The Inter Caetera Divina 1493.
Exerpt from North American Exploration
Columbia Encyclopedia:
...Moreover, late medieval Christianity
inherited a rich tradition of hatred for non-Christians derived in part from the (Christian) Crusaders' struggle
to free the Holy Land and from warfare against the Moors.
European encounters with the New World were viewed in light
of these preconceived notions. To plunder the New World of its treasures was acceptable because it was populated by
pagans. To Christianize the pagans was necessary because it was part of God's plan; to kill them was right because they were
Satan's or Antichrist's warriors. As European powers conquered the territories of the New World, they justified wars
against Native Americans and the destruction of their cultures as a fulfillment of the European secular and religious vision
of the New World...

Original Post
November 25, 2011
A Truth About Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving has been ‘marketed’ as a holiday instituted by the Pilgrims to ‘give thanks’.
In reality it has always
been the time of the year to give
thanks for the harvest. The Pilgrims were actually having a very difficult time surviving, which included
growing food, thus their lives were seriously threatened.
Click here Thanksgiving Full Article (PDF)

"Another Truth About Thanksgiving" --pdf
By Cheryl Lofton Wooding-Bey