
This Page contains Proclamations affirming that Moors are the Aboriginal and Indigenous People of America -thus the Nationals of the
land. The first Proclamation Below was
sent to the International Communication by the
Nation under the 'Great Seal' letterhead and Insignia. The Subsequent Proclamations are affirmations by the various Union
States who operate upon the American land
estate. .
NOTE: Whether these states acknowledged or not, you are who you are and these proclamation are NOT the foundation of your
position. You are NOT a citizen of a state of the United Sates of America, but are an American,
the Moor / American National, as the United States and the 'United States of America' are TWO DIFFERENT
THINGS! We Thank the 'States' for their
Acknowledgement. .

Posted 8/23/11 . International Proclamation
to the Nations - Published Written and edited by Anaidah
El and Taj Tarik Bey . This ‘International Proclamation’ is made on behalf of all the Aboriginal Moors / Muurs
dwelling on the inherited terrestrial Lands of our Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers -being Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa
/ North America / ‘The North Gate’, also referred to as the ‘Continental United States North America’.
This Affidavit is made as a Public Notice to the President of the United States of North America and to the honorable nations
of the earth; and stands to acknowledge all the enlightened Moors who have regained consciousness of their consanguinity –
noting an awareness of the miscreant misclassifications and misnomers socialized as the Colonial - orientation ‘brands’
such as, Negro, Colored, Black, African – American, Ethiopians, Puerto Rican, and Jamaican, etc, etc. .
See PDF Below for Full Proclamation
International Proclamation To The Nations -- Published

. Note: There are some sites, institutions, people, so-called leaders, etc., who do not
wish to make the Proclamations available anymore, due to what they deem as improper use by 'the people'.
First it is to note that proclamations speak for themselves. It is in fact a responsibility of the people (you) to be
clear that these are affirmations of that which is truth, and not the foundation of your position.
It is DEMANDED that you study. You can start with the 'What To Study" page on this site. There is also an analect on this page "Who Is An American?" - the aboriginal and indigenous
people of the land. You do not ask permission from those who cannot give you permission or do not have jurisdiction
over your affairs- the affairs of man. You do not expect any honor from those whom are not honorable, who have a clear
an distinct agenda of keeping you in the mental state of slavery. The mental state of slavery is due to "lack of
knowledge". You must be what you know. .

Updated Proclamations 2013 |
Click Here to Download Above List of Proclamations 8.5 x 11 paper

Atlanta, Georgia Territory - January 2013 |
Above Proclamation states 'Moors are Mothers and Fathers of Human Family' |

Chicago (Mecca) Received December 22, 2011 |

Charlotte, North Carolina - Sister to Philadelphia |

Fayetteville - North Carolina |


. In Regards to the Proclamations Special Note For Teachers and Guiders .
Most people are in shock, or
otherwise in confusion, regarding the facts surrounding the recent Proclamations made by the various Mayors, Public servants
and offices of Public servants in various Territories of North America. Surely the research was done prior to making
these proclamations as an 'Act of Full Faith and Credit', in accord with Article IV, Section 1 of the American
Constitution FOR the United States of America, and in accord with all true and divine records regarding the human
family. . Those who are the aboriginal and indigenous people
-- Moors, which means first navigators as an adjective, and first people as a Noun. Clearly they are the
first to navigate on the waters on the earth plane, after navigating in the waters of their mothers womb, and being cut
from her nav-el to become a navigating el upon the earth plane – no one escapes that process, no matter what they may
choose to believe.
. Those who have been coined as
negroes, coloreds, blacks, ethiopian (which means dividing line), and African-Americans (which indicates modern name of two
continents), are not only the Aboriginal and Indigenous people of America; all points: North,
South, Central and the adjoining Islands. They are in fact the descendants of the Mothers and Fathers of
Civilization on the entire Planet, and they have not been properly educated, instead they have been
indoctrinated with falsehood -- NO DOUBT!!!! This indoctrination is set forth in the corporate
state’s present education system. Proof of the dumb-down education can be found in an 1895
-8th grade public school final test. Sadly, the people have been torn away from the truth, from their
natural attachment to the earth, from the resources that the earth provides , even unto those who have taken from
it and processed the natural resources (food) therein, and then gave it back unidentifiable for human consumption.
Sadder than that is for the most part, we rely upon such procedures for our food consumption, instead of
relying on the earth and rebuking synthetic man made mutations of food. We must return to the Mother earth who
provides for us all. Unto the ancient scriptures (bible--biblios heliotech), one will find : I hold my hand out all day long to a hard-hearted and rebellious people who are not called
by my name. When they repent from their sinful
ways, I will hear from heaven and heal their LAND!! If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked
ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2nd Chronicle 7;14
We need / must grow food from the land for ourselves, be it in a collective manner or individually, if we wish
not to be continually poisoned at a younger and younger age. This is all being said because it parallels
with the loss of reference points which are currently negatively affecting our youth.
These are acts of genocide identifiable. It has taken quite some time to pull people away from nature, because
people are fairly resilient and the history is long reaching and illustrious. Many may not be ready
to accept the full validity of the fact that those who have been coined negro, colored, black, African-Americans, have
been done so to immediately detach them from the land and absolutely places them in a mental state of enslavement,
bureaucratic--on paper. Government is to govern the mental and this mental slavery reflects the mental state of
the people. Government is to govern the men-tal. It is those brand names that were coined, which
on the surface indicate the people are NOT tied to any land. This operative is purposeful.
The lack of knowledge is evident, as there is no such land as negrodasia, blackadonia, or colordisia. Those
brands and the coining as such indicates the purpose and intent to disconnect the people from the land. Note: when
it comes to African-Americans, it indicates two continents and within those continents, as we know them today, there are at
least 52 Nations. We seem to get closer to the point, but are not yet competent to claim our own inheritance, as
the aboriginal and indigenous people of the land. This is why they call us ‘’minorities’, certainly
not because of numbers on the planet because melanated people are dominate in numbers all over the world. We
are called Minorities because we are of 'minor minds' -- incompetent. We walk without knowledge of ourselves, which
is dangerous to self and to others, to society as a whole.
TO ALL TEACHERS . We, the aboriginal and indigenous
people would also have to become familiar with the "Rights of Indigenous People", an International Proclamation
wherein the international community is in support of, and affirms the truth regarding aboriginal and indigenous people, of
the family of nations. This document, as well as the 'Declaration of Human Rights' and the 'Declaration
of the Rights of the Child', were intended, and were supposed to be, disseminated into public schools and public institutions,
as is indicated in their preambles. They were NOT disseminated into public schools and public institutions.
Obama assisted to the end that he recently signed the 'Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People'. Something
that prior adminstrations have not done. These Proclamations are further proof and bring to the forefront
that so-called Indians are not the Aborignal and Indigenous people by name. America is NOT India,
and at the time supposed Christopher supposedly discovered America, his discovery was on the shores of Haiti in America.
America was already a heavily populated continent, a juristic society with established government. America
is the largest continent on the earth plane, and to this day, is the most sought after place because it is well known
to others as the heartland of civilization. Evidenced in Congressional Records, tAmerica is the Moroccan
Empire, the Worlds trade center, thus New York has been coined the Empire State, the World’s Trade Center
Building is/was a memorium to this truth.
. It is great to know who you
are. As without knowing where you came from, you cannot effectively know where you are going. Thus, be sure not
to repeat the same history. Once you know who you are, you must be who you are, we must be ourselves.
This is called Declaration of Self, Declaring of your Nationlity is of utmost importance because it is what makes politicala,
social, and economic distinctions. "Man Know Thyself'. It has been said that man does not know by being
told. Therefore, we must STUDY! STUDY! STUDY! . The illustrious history of our people is not supported in the 'state's initiative
or qualifications specs. It is a travesty when the things that give purpose, dignity and pride
are thrown out, and the things that dwell in darkness, offering no honorable contribution to civilization are put before
it. This indicates a ‘struggle’ to prove you are humane and that you have an attachment to
the human family. When the 'struggle' becomes greater than the cause, look around to see that the cause still remains.
The scribed authenticity found in the attached proclamations, assist with the cause. The
proclamations are not the source of truth, they corroborate and affirm, as does any Declaration and or Proclamation. The
genuine authenticity is found in your heart, the core of your being - your koran’ or your heart,
and is the center of all manifested on the earth. . There are periods of historical truths in time past, that
may not be so wonderful for those who have been coined, branded and when called answer to negroe, colored and black
today. For an example the modern Europeans were in slavery at their hands FIRST!!!!, as well they enslaved
each other. Maybe this will assist in taking off the victim face and putting on the face of responsibility
to man and mankind. No matter how you cut the pie, or serve the pie, the truth has NOT been told and it
will not be told until the people themselves tell their own heritage and history. Truth needs no apology and it does not change
or pass away.
. . Those who are coined and called negroe, colored and black are now
in FACT!!! possessing impacting validity that these coins and brand names were devised and put upon the Moors of North
America for the purpose of stealing their rights of birth from them. More importantly, that this enslavement
created a mental slavery unto the present day. No one has the power to change another’s decent
nature unless their power is greater then the great 'God’ of the Universe.
. Aboriginal means the first,
the originals and those who are aboriginal possess the divine right, which is the superior position given to social rank or
social status and title, as such, they are the ONLY ones’ who can Nationalize the land and the resources, both
human and political resources, and stop the covert raping of the land and the people.
. It is time to take your place amongst
the affairs of man and ‘Link yourselves back to the family of nations and honor your mothers and fathers by name and
by principles.. .
Therefore Teachers please begin to teach. Save the children!
Become knowledgeable to the truths in regards to civilization. Moors are without doubt or contradiction
the Mothers and Fathers of civilization. The oldest nation in the biblios heliotech scripts (bible) is Ruth the Moabitess
and Ruth was Yehoshuah's (Jesus, who you love) great, great, great, grandmother. (Remember: No one can change
the descent nature of another). North America is the Al Moroccan Empire — The land of the (already) Free
and the Home of the (already) Brave--Moors, who's dominion spans from the "Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli". The
Moroccan Kingdom, of which many are familiar with, is in the East, and is the Moroccan Kingdom. A Kingdom is subordinate
to an Empire. If teachers really want to teach,
there is a wealth of information, an endless well of truth to teach the children. You can begin with George Washington's
letter to the Sultan of Morocco, here in North America, dated 1789, wherein he states that these are the Moorish Dominions
as he thanks him for allowing them to be here and he also mentions the tributes, called marques that is owed by the United
States of America to the Sultan. This is absolute proof, yet why is that not in the schools today? It is found
in the Documents of American history. Those who really have it in their hearts do not have to make hypocrits of themselves, although
that is not their intention. It is based on their suffering from a lack of knowledge. It must be acknowledge that they have
not been taught (the history, or world history) correctly, and consequently are not teaching the children correctly.
There is no need to make a mockery and dishonor their foremothers and fathers, the usurpring agenda conquest is doing
a good job of that already. Yet, even with the books that were burned and the 'Reconstruction Era', which re-constructed
the history, one can still find the keys to unlock the door of truth in regards to history and heritage. If you
do not know "European History" you CANNOT know your own African/ Moorish history, as they are not separated!
Go forth in harmony with the truth, as truth is the biggest weapon and the brightest light.

The Letter From George Washington The Below PDF is the Letter
from George Washington to the Sultan of Morocco. It was written the same year of the Constitution. The
constitution was written as the Law of the Land (how to behave here in the Moorish Dominions) for George Washington and
the newly formed 'united states of america'. The United States of America is NOT the United States, as is mentioned
in the preamble of the American Constitution. "We the People of the United States.... (it does not say "we the people
of the united states of america). It is constructed to form the united states of america, thus it goes on
to say ...'do ordain this Constitution FOR the 'united states of america' (George Washington,
etc.). Please review it for education on the true history. It is recorded in the 'Documents of American History",
yet is NOT taught in the corporate state's public school system, a proof that the true history has not been taught.
As well, there is a constitution booklet entitled "U.S. Constitution and Fascinating Facts About It", which informs
that George Washington was NOT the first President. On page 66 it tells you that John Hanson was (although
there were a total of 16 throughout the Continental United States prior to George Washington. Yet the Constitution never gave
him or the 'united states of america' dominion over the land, the natural people of the land, or the resources of the land.
They are naturalized american citizens -- NOT Aboriginal and Indigenous. They have practiced domination in
their untoward actions against the people, due to lack of knowledge of the people, and we suffer still today from same. (as
prophesized). The book was bought from Borders Book Store and has two ISBN numbers. Supplemental Text
is by Terry L. Jordan, it is published by Oak Hill Publishing company out of Naperville, Illinois. Upon Review,
it will come clear to you that you have NOT been told the truth in corporate states' educational system of learning (which
is why it is failing). However, you then know that you have to do even more studies then what that booklet is offering,
as the half has not been told, and for many, if it were all told, they would go back to sleep, leaving them in the state
of mental slavery. It is true that even the most elite has been fooled. .

Letter From George Washington To Sultan Of Morocco (1789)
This Letter From George Washington can also be found on the "Forgotten Scrolls Page"
. .

. Click Picture for Article written by Taj Tarik Bey in reference
to Proclamations. Includes the International Proclamation sent this past summer season, August, 2010, to Obama,
and other Heads of Nations Internationally. This Proclamation describes in detail who Moors are and that they are 'In
Full Life' as opposed to 'Civil Liter Mortuus' (dead in the eyes of
the Law). . ..
. . .. .. . . . . .

Who Is An American? Why are
the Oldest Bones found called Lucy? by Morpheus Ashahed El American: n. an Aboriginal or one of the various copper-colored natives found on the American Continent by the
Europeans; the original application of the name. —Websters 1828 American Dictionary of the English
language and 1936 . Websters unabriged 20th century dictionary.
The Statue
of Liberty is an icon of Liberty in America. The Statue was manifested in the metal 'copper'. Copper is the alchemical metal for the planet
Venus. The original tone of the statue, underneath the patina, is brown as in a copper penny. The Statue was
a gift from the French-men (free-man) and is symbolic of the true Al Moroccan (A-merican) woman (see definition of American). The American (Al Moroccan) woman is the root of the human
family [Ruth (root), the Moabitess]. Copper corresponds to the copper-colored natives, Moors, Al Moroccans (A-merican),
the original people. Note the correlation of the word Al Moroccon and A-merican. The correlation
of copper is as follows: . According to the biblical (divine) scriptures Man was manifested in the flesh on the 6th day of creation. (see book of Genesis). The 6th day of the week is Friday, ruled by Venus (Viernes). Viernes and
Venus are the same. Viernes means Friday in Latin. Friday is a holy day all over the earth. Copper
is the alchemical metal for the planet Venus; 6th day; Viernes; Friday. Therefore it is obvious upon reflection,
that the copper-colored native Americans (Al Moroccans / Moors) are the first people formed in the
flesh, and are the aboriginal and indigenous people of America (Al Morocco) and, Al Morocco (A-merica) is the heartland
of civilization on the planet. . . The American (Al Moroccan) people, as defined in Websters dictionary, are any one of the various copper-colored natives found on the continent by Europeans.
The National identity Moor, comes from Al Moroccan, which is contemporarily called A-mer-ican. The Americans (Al Moroccans) copper-colored
skin contains tyrosinase, which is a copper containing enzyme. The ions of this copper containing enzyme, with
other natural structures interrelated, is the only substance in the body that qualifies as an organic semiconductor through
neural network structures that function to absorb and decode electromagnetic waves (see 'Ancient Future' by Wayne B. Chandler, pg. 198). Moorish Buildings were built
with copper tops (roofs) and framings to conduct energy. Some are still seen today in the historic sections of
many towns and cities. These correlations are obvious evidence that the true Americans (Al Moroccans) are the original
people manifested in the flesh.
. Why Is the Statue of Liberty green now?: Over time and exposure to the
element of air, copper oxidizes and turns to patina, which is a pastel green, the color representing the planet
. The True Light Bringer: Notice that in the hand of the Statue of Liberty is a torch, symbolizing light. Thus,
the statue of Liberty is symbolic of the copper-colored, Al Moroccan (American) woman and Venus, the 'Light Bringer. Unfortunately
many have codified Venus the Light Bearer, as Lucifer and have codified Lucifer as some negative entity, or in a
negative manner. In doing so, they have buried the truth about the woman and Venus, who rises as the morning
star and the evening star. Lucifer in its original translation into english literally means light-bringing
or 'light bearer'. Lucifer: n. (Latin. Lucifer, light-bringing;
lux, lucis, light, and ferre, to bear)
The planet Venus when
it is the morning-star so called from its brightness.
. Oldest
Bones found are called 'Lucy' (Luci): Upon studying the word; as first there was the word and the word was with 'god' and the word is 'god',
(see Holy Bible, book of John )
one finds that Lucy is light. Therefore,
it is clear as to why the oldest bones found on the planet are called 'Lucy', being obviously the ancient Moabite woman, Ruth
(Root), symbolized by the Statue of Liberty, copper colored American (Al Moroccan) woman, bearing the light in her right hand. The
natural people, anyone of the various copper-colored natives, are the natural Bearers of the Light and have
an intimate relationship with the planet Venus and the 6th day creation. , The recent and multiple affirmations of Moors being the Aboriginal and Indigenous people of America (Al
Morocco), which includes North, South, Central and the adjoining Islands, supports the Statue and the corroborations as set
forth herein. Thus, in this era of information that bring moments of knowledge and knowing (know-the-legend, or the
ledger, that which is written, or to be written), it is incumbent upon the aboriginals to know the heritage and history of
civilization, particularly in the heartland of civilization, Al Morocco (A-merica). . Published
with no intent of disrespect or dishonor to the rest of the human family. Moors Heritage and History School Compliments of R.V. Bey Publications .

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