Civic class #12 - Removal to a Higher Court
Lawful Remedy exist to keep you from being molested by "other citizens" i.e, a Municipality and/ or
a State. You have to be comfortable about doing so. The fact that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure describe
the process to "Remove" matters from those with unclean hands attempting to violate you and the Law, ought to
help with your understanding that the process of Removing is real and viable. Either do so on 'Appeal' (that means
you wait for them to possibly do injury, or attempt to), or preferably, Remove it as soon as you see ANY
Due Process of Law being violated. If these venues knew law, or were sincere about upholding law, there wouldn't be
so many violations of Due Process in the first place..mmmmm...... At minimum, enforce the Law of
the land against those who violate it against you. Recorded classes are sent via wmv files
to the email you provide.
Item #CRC12