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Why People are more openly acknowledging
AND making the distinction that January 1 is
The 'Fiscal' New Year -- Not the New Year
      Many are now acknowledging December 31st, as the ending of, and eve of the Fiscal New Year, January 1st.  The end of one cycle and the beginning of another.   The seemingly increased consciousness of making the distinction of saying 'Happy Fiscal New Year, is because the people (masses) have recognized this.   They have proof on their paystubs, as it says year ending, and that year ending is December 31st  -- the Fiscal year Ending.  Upon recognizing it for what it is, they also recognize that if they are a product of nature (and we all are, coming from a womb), and if we are not acknowledging nature's new year, (which is in the Spring), we are simply out of harmony with nature and ourselves.  January 1st is not the time to make resolutions to be brought forth with universal energies of regeneration  -- NOT!  This doesn't mean you can't invoke change and new things at anytime you want, however for the purposes of collectively accentuating re-birth or resurrecting energies in harmony with the universe and nature's vibrations, this simply is NOT  it. 
It is possible then, we may see as indicated in nature, and as is written it ancient scripture, to let nature show the way.   Nature is not having a new year right now.  It will occur, in harmony with nature, in the Spring on March 21st, lasting for 3 days as the Spring or Vernal Equinox, which brings in the season of Spring, or of Verna, Vernes, Viertes, Venus, Isis, Aphrodite, or any name you may have read about or adopted that represents the feminine and creative energy of fertility.  Up until May 23rd or so, is the entirety of the Spring.   In the Spring (Aries) earth will begin springing forth with the new growth from the earth.  No need to worry you can actually see this with your own eyes as evidence of proof.  Thus, we are being fooled, slacking, and giving energy to those who have been identified as subjects, or corporations that are ABSOLUTELY NOT interested because the only thing they are interested in (bar some -- who?), is the FISCAL New Year.  That means it is all about not only counting their fiat, profits and losses, but taxing you to ensure they get a portion of yours.  SIMPLY PUT!   
Naturally they had to devise a way to find out what you have, and of course you subscribed to it, and support it every year, thinking it is Law.  They even have procedures and protocols such as, you have 3 years to submit income tax reports.  After you have missed three years, they will start writing to you and sending you threatening notes, at the same time suggesting it is best to avoid "Tax Court" (because there is no such thing as Tax court).  The Supreme Court has already determined that the 16th Amendment did not give Congress any additional taxing power.  The 16th Amendment is what they utilize to support taxing people. 
Worrying About the Henchman:  They send the henchmen to get you because you signed an agreement that instructs them to come back and collect from you next year, and every year thereafter, and if you act as if you are not willing to honor it, well rather then stomp their feet like a child who doesn't get their way, they become assertive, aggressive and quite frankly over bearing.  The problem is you  probably did not know that the form(s) you signed was / is an "adhesive Contract".   This is why there are laws of contracts, such as full disclosure, to protect you. 
What Is Going On?  This is the period when they (corporations, and people who are acting as officers of corporations) are counting their finances that the people have given throughout the 'Fiscal Year", and while those reports are being generated, they usually take a vacation in the Bahamas, or to some other Tropic or Resort.    If all of the financial reports have not been handed in before they leave, which gives them some kind of idea of what their finances look like for the fiscal year end, then when they return to the office from such vacation, they will work on collection and dissimilation and more appropriation, or rather inappropriation, of funds.  This comes to you (general public) as Income Tax Returns, or rather forms for Income Tax Returns, that must be processed, and of course there are additional fees to process them.  I take it for granted that one knows that 'income' means prophet from an investment, and this is why lawfully your labor wages are not income, unless of course, you are a corporation, or corporate person, then whatever you did not need to operate with is taxed.  For example you needed much of it for food, clothing, shelter, etc. etc., you know, all the line items on your income tax report, that you get credit for.   If you have any additonal, then they tax you on it.  As mentioned earlier they use the 16th Amendment as their support to tax (rape) you, yet the Supreme Court has already ruled that the 16th Amendment did not give Congress any new taxing power.   Read the book "Confused About Taxes" for greater clarity on the Tax Issues.
Good News:  If you recognize that your labor wages are not income in the first place, which is a lawful fact and standing (not an opinion), then you wouldn't have to involve yourself or worry about all of that, and, you would feel free, at least to that end.
What About Social Security?:   Another tax, of which now in some States (Corporations) they take out Disabilty and Unemployment under the same deduction.  If you have to collect unemployment, they ask you the question if they can tax it (again).  Absolute ludicrism if one says yes? as it already is taxed, in fact it is the tax, which was collected for the purpose of why you are collecting it (sickness, unemployment, etc.)  The good thing is that at least they ask you.  If you say yes, and agree, well that is extra in their income - not yours.  However, if one does say yes, it is only because they are  not aware.  My favorite ancient saying applies, which  is:
  "My people suffer from a lack of knowledge."  as well the Roman Maxim  " If they can be fooled -- let them.
It has already been declared, years back, that it is highly likely those who were under 50, at that time, will not receive social security benefits, because there would be no finances to distribute.  Here we are looking at that come to fruition.  Many, many, many people are aware that they ARE NOT going to get social Security benefits and they still allow for such deductions from their wage checks...  duh.....  I think I have figured it out, it is training, very close to brainwashing actually.  Besides, the best SOCIAL SECURITY is people taking care of their elders themselves.  I know now it is difficult because most of us are mentally and or emotionally ill and unstable and have lived out our lives that way.  Many of us have grown to be elders with disorders that have gone untreated.  Therefore, it makes it very difficult sometimes to live with each other.  So you have some elders in old folks home because no one cares, and others because no one can care, they are impossible to deal with or to live with.  All of this is our cultural deficiency and yet, will forever remain as our responsibility.  A lot of this is as a result of the Conquest Intent.  We really do need to go BACK to the mindsets of our ancestors.  There are only a few left that hold civilization principles.  If we don't get to them and record what their parents, parents  said or distinctly passed down, we may be forever lost, and ripe for the tricking.    
This is not the time when nature takes stock of all that is deemed to be regenerated and counted for.  So why let others do that to you?  In the 'Fall' you reap what you have sown, and you storehouse the residuals - right?  during the winter, you germinate, just as seeds germinate under the ground.  The winter is a time when not much grows, nothing is popping up new in the earth.  As well leaves which have fallen, go back into the ground and act as fertilizer to the earth.  In the Spring, the earth Spring forths with new growth -- right?  Well that is the New Year.  It is celebrated during the Spring Equinox, or what is also called the Vernal Equinox.  Most people actually are celebrating it in Easter Masses, when they say the Son of man rose again -- right?
Let's look at that.  The Winter Solstice (Christmas) is about the son being born, the birth of christ -- right?  During the Winter Solstice the Sun in the sky, seems to be dormant for approximatley 3 days, then it shoots off and begins to travel again (see about Chrstmas on this site).  They say this is the birthday of Christ.  (Note:  the same cosmic activity in regards to the earth and the Sun happens in the summer, known as the Summer Solstice).   After the winter, the Sun moves to the Spring (Aries) and is at its exaltation, it is not home yet, because the height of the Sun, and home of the Sun is in the summer (as it relates to the seasonal earth).  However as the Sun rises in the Spring (and rises daily in the East), it is moving towards the summer, then the Fall, the Winter, and Spring again, as a cycle.    As it rises in the East daily, it is looking at mid morning, high noon, mid-day and then Night;  same sequence, different application.  When the Sun is at its exaltation in the Spring, it brings a new year with new growth, just as daily it brings a new day with new possibilities.  This cosmic vibration is celebrated as Easter or Astarte.  In fact the Nicean Council met around 781 B.C., their second meeting, to determine when they would celebrate the passing over of the sun and moon in the cosmos, which marks the Spring.    Bunny rabbits, which are very fertile, and chicken eggs, which indicate the core of growth, are used as symbols of this time of fertility of the earth.  Everyone knows bunny rabbits don't lay eggs.  It is symbolic.
Note:  the sun does not move around the earth, the earth moves around the sun, therefore this is being explained as it relates to the earth, for simplicity.
It is your perogative to enter into and to do anything you want in regards to any and all matters,  however, it is important that you stop thinking things are something that they are not, that is the premise of fraud.   
The point is that you know what things are, and what things are not, and that you act above a minor mind.  We all must stop making a fool of ourselves, and of nature, due to lack of knowledge , by making and allowing false claims against ourselves and against nature,  in this case we are not just calling, but we are celebrating the 'Fsical New Year', as the New Year, and to add insult to injury, most of us ignore nature's new year. 