The Restoration of Isonomi and
Right Law Thinking Amongst Moors
By Abdullah Talib El Mosi Bey
Etymology is the science
that will orient the Mind of the Subjugated and un-expecting Moors to the proper History, Law and Culture. The History, origin
and true meaning of words will guide Moors in filtering out the diluted and distorted meanings created by the European Re-constructors
of World History and World Geography.
The True meaning of the words consider, spirit, god, holy, hell, month, and religion, will reconnect
the Minds of Moors to the state of consciousness of their Foremothers and Forefathers. This superior and pristine education
will guide Moors to ISONOMI / RIGHT LAW thinking patterns, and bury the inferior mindset of which defeated
Moors have been indoctrinated and socially groomed, thus, putting Moors back on the road to self authority / self rule.