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 Ball in Middle Spinning

How To Use This Site

Courtesy of R.V. Bey Publications in Association w/ Moors Heritage and History School - Pg. 2 of 2
         AND List of Contact Emails.

Although this site says "insecure" any financial transations are not done on this site,

they are passed off to the paypal site, therefore are not compromised.

We are preparing our new site and this will remain as our Archive center.

We will keep you posted on our MHHS-eyeswideopen face book page.
Your interest, activity, and orders made here, 
are essential and important to us.

Currently, if you are having problems ordering, such as cart drop-outs
please contact us at rvbeyorders@gmail.com.  Thank You For Your Patience. 



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2024 Truth is on the Floor. TONIGHT SESSION #135 - Wed. 9/4/24 EST @7:30 pm . "White Slaves in America" - FORMING OF THE USA.
Please make contribution BEFORE 7 pm or you will not be abe to enter.  We will reserve payment for next week session. 
You will receive the link to enter at the email you provide on the paypal order.  We open for entry @7:1.  Class starts @7:30 pm
HERE is link to make contribution to enter: http://rvbeypublications.com/catalog/c14_p1.html.
We Thank You and appreciate your participation in advance and Trust to see you there.

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NEWLY ADDED PRE-RECORDINGS.  We  have added our 6 Session Digital Recordings of instructions regarding "How To Remove to Federal". 

Here is the direct link to make payment to receive the 6 Pre-Recorded Sessions.  rvbeypublications.com/catalog/i119.htm

It  will be sent to the email you provide on your order.  If email is different from the email used with payment via paypal.  Please put correct email to send to in the notesl 

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"Circle 7 Sunday Koran Class" w/ Ms. Jaiy Bey.
Every 1st Sunday of the month @1 pm.  
The class is a great comprehensive
experience.  If you want to read, learn and study the Koran, this is the class for you.

Here is FREE direct active link for every class.  Link does not change:





































 Ball in Middle Spinning

.From your computer, tablet or smartphone: 


        You can also dial in using your phone: 

        United States: +1 (312) 757-3121

        Access Code: 471-041-685 



 Ball in Middle Spinning

 Make ANY and ALL correspondence regarding Koran classes to:

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Sisters Standing On Law, 
RV Bey Go To Class Meeting platform

Every 3rd Sunday @ 1pm.

 Ball in Middle Spinning

 To Enter

Phone:  (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 270 545 013
Make a note, it will always be same.

We advise to enter with laptop, tablet or
(not phone) so you can see our
presentments.  You can 
cut camera off after
entering and still see our presentments.






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The World may hear and know the truth,
that amongst he descendants of Africa,
there is much wisdom to be earned in
these days for the redemption of the sons
of men under Love, Truth, peace, Freedom,
and Justice.” 


“Come ye Asiatics”

to the on-line Study and Build sessions with

Kareemah Bey,  a Moorish Adept Master
Alchemist, Eastern Philosopher, bonified CODGS Master (Clock of Destiny Great Seal)
and, a Student of the universe


Every 3rd Monday @ 7:00 pm - est

Contribution to Enter $25

Payment Link: http://www.rvbeypublications.com/catalog/i116.html 



(After payment, you will be sent Link to enter on day of presentment) 

Make all inquiries regarding this class to:  inlightenedasiatic@gmail.com

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We have been assured all previous proclamations will be processed.  However,
Proclamations will no longer be sent to Connecticut, they will be processed in-house.... 



NEW Proclamation Instructions - 1 pg. PDF

NEW Process Form for Proclamations Sealings - 1 pg. PDF



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Many who have cards over the 20 years we have been providing them, are in need of reprints for various reasons, lost,
stolen, photo changes, mailing changes, etc.  As a result we have added an option for Reprints on the Paypal product page.
Others may choose to use money order mail-in for Reprints.  Reprints are $35 ea.
Below is Instructions for REPRINTS IN GENERAL.

Card Re-Prints and Additional Cards Instructions - 1 pg. PDF

CARD REPRINTS via paypal payment

Or send money order. Instruction are on updated instruction form itself.

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The Application for National ID cards is found at the very bottom of the  National ID and Proclamation
page (Section 14). 
Instructions are on the application itself. Process for Name Correction and Judicial
Notice and Proclamations is found on the same page at Section 13.


All must Declare their Nationality and in these days and times,

and they must Proclaim their National "name".

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 Ball in Middle Spinning
Click List of Recorded Astrology Classes .
Available as digital recordings. Sent to you via email.
     Classes are filled with in-sight!!

     Recordings are $15 ea.

 You can also send Money order:
R.V. Bey Publications
  P.O. Box 1472
  Pleasantville, NJ 08232


  For ALL correspondence regarding Astrology classes

 please use rvbey2020@yahoo.com 

Updated 2/12/23.





Below is a blank Astrology chart for you to "study from" and jot down your planet and sign placements and / or to use
to memorize houses, planets and signs - signs and symbols.      

 Ball in Middle Spinning

Download Blank Astro Wheel for Your Use



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We have moved Programs from Blog Talk to our New GoTo Meeting Platform

Updated 2/24/23.

The Blog Show will now only have uploads of Readings.
Every Tuesday 9 pm

Free Blog Talk Broadcast

"Sharing of Information"

 You can also visit Archives anytime dating from 2013 to present
CALL-IN NUMBER IS (563) 999-3403


You can also find Press Releases and Updates FOR ALL of our Activities on Face Book at:




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There Never was a "Falling Out" with R.V. Bey Publications and

any Consular Court Entities.



There NEVER was a coming together, an agreement, implied, expressed,

written or otherwise to come together in the first place.


We found out some time just prior to the allleged Grand Rising of the Consular Court now known as MAC.  We posted our position on our site before we knew who the actors were, to inform that Consular Courts are for foreigners and for those who are IN FACT foreign citizens of the United States of America.  You must know by study*, that it is the lack of information we suffer and will continue to suffer from.  We later found that the group initiating this major de-railment of the great principled activities of Nationality** had pre-planned and led many to believe they were establishing it to allegedly HELP R.V. Bey Publications, which was not and is not TRUE.   R.V. Bey Publications and associates:  Moors Heritage and History School, MHHS Eyes Wide Open Blog Talk Radio Programs, Moorish Nation Public Records, Moorish News.wordpress.com and Mantis Views 29 were not and are not involved and here is 1 of many reasons why: 


CONSULAR COURTS:  Courts held by the consuls of one country, within the territory of another, under authority given by treaty, for the settlement of civil cases.  In some instances they have also a criminal jurisdiction, but in this respect are subject to review by the courts of the home government.

Which of the above are you a party to? 

Are you a foreigner in someone else's land, country, territory?
Do you exercise your "Rights of Birth" by Treaty?
Are you in your home land?


If I could just get you to thinking, you would free yourself -- Prophet Noble Drew Ali




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This is a good time to make a REMINDER

"Governments" are Companies / CoRPORATIONS that have no 'authority'

over natural flesh and blood beings:

Adminstrator’s defined government succinctly.  “Governments are corporations”, in as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, a creature of the mind only, a government can deal only with artificial persons.  The imaginary, having no reality or substance cannot create or attain parity with the real.  Penhallow V. Doane’s,


CONVERSELY, You have a responsibility to be Civil to all and respectful to all others and institutions, associations, etc., while not allowing any others violate you, or your Rights / Liberties. No one owes you anything we all owe "Due Care" to each other and to the "rest of the community".  

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Why There Ought Never Be Bar Codes On a National ID Card

We didn't think we had to print this in this fashion, however, clearly it is necessary as many for confusing reasons are contacting us thinking  R.V. Bey Publications produces Bar Coded ID's.  We found that some group listed us on their list of services in such a manner that made it 'appear' we offered them.  We trust this will clear up the subject matter for you and our position regarding the same.

 Ball in Middle Spinning


Bar Codes and National ID's


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Background TRUTH About Name Correction and Proclamations

In regards to the Name Correction and Judicial Notice and Proclamations that has been on this site for 10 years, we desire herein to make it clear that those documents were not written by anyone in the nature of ‘belonging’ to anyone.  In fact they were written years before by an Elder Mother as 5 separate documents.  Later, by the time we put them on the site for review and use, they had been condensed into one document consisting of 6 pages, with the exception of the Name Correction, which remained separate as 1 page. Totaling 7 pages.

 Click PDF below for continuation of this Article
 Ball in Middle Spinning

Background Truth Regarding Name and Judicial Proclamations


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We appreciate all support and sincere Love.  


Our Affiliates are:

  • Moors Heritage and History School
  • MHHS Eyes Wide Open - Blog Talk Broadcast (5)
  • Moorish Nation Public Records
  • Moorish News.wordpress.com
  • Mantis Views 29
Under Umbrella of "The Moors Divine and National Movement of the World" and Bill of Right #1.


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"Many have been given a delusion because they refuse to accept the Truth"

  • R.V. Bey Publications is NOT an MSTA 
  • R.V. Bey Publications does NOT take Memberships.
  • R.V. Bey Publications is NOT a 501C3 establishment.
  • The MDNM2012 - ### IS NOT A Bond Number
  • Declaring and Proclaiming YOUR Nationality has NOTHING to do with Commercial Processes.
"Truth and Falsehood is Strangely Mixed" 
At these TIMES, especially, YOU must be VERY Methodical when searching for Truth and recognize not only that which is False, but also those beings who are False, or are "Counterfeit Spirits".  This is why and when Study is, and alway has been. paramount;  because YOU can easily be mis-led.  Careful, some wearing turbans and fezzes, and some who DO NOT wear Turbans and Fezzes, will send you 'back' into enslavement.  In accord with the delusion given them, the Lawless will be revealed, as they are revealing themselves. The mystery of lawless-ness is already at work and YOU ought to recognize them by their own activity, at their own hands.

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Posted 3/10/17


The Name Correction and Judicial Notice and Proclamation found on this site, R.V. Bey Publications, is sufficient for Public Notice and for the purpose of demonstrating Family Unity.  We have not altered them, nor do we intend to, particularly at this time.  To make unnecessary changes could create controversy and potentially demonstrate unnecessary family division, even if not intended.


Please Read the 1 Page Article below in PDF.

Click Here for this Article in PDF - 1 Pg.



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What is Warring Against the People?


“No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it.” Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958).


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webassets/MantisLogo.jpgWe encourage you to check out the latest Mantis Views 29 Video.  This one is a an Educational View at the newly opened African American History Museum at D.C. 







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       In Unity and Honor of our Brethren Moors of the Ancestral Estate / National Domicile - North America.
If you are looking to become a Member of the Great Works of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, via the M.S.T.A. Temple, we suggest you become an Honorary Member of the MSTA - Canaanland, G.S. Kudjo Adwo El.  Emailamauryelbey@hotmail.com for the membership form.  

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Posted 1/15/2017
We added the Original 13th Amendment from the pages of the Congressional Records / Documents of American History. on our "Congressional Records" page.  Click here, or Click PX
NOTE:  Article 12 CLEARLY affirms if you are a descendant of Africans you CANNOT be a citizen of any of the Union States (U.S.A.). Therefore, this includes anyone who calls themselves, or answers to being negroes, coloreds and blacks today and say they are descendants of those who were kidnapped from the Coast of Africa by ENGLISHmen, with help of their own brethren during the 4th stage of the Colonial Conquest / Christian Colonizers intent, who just got out of slavery themselves.  Many of the Family of Moors across the Nation, particularly those in the North American Continent, have established all sorts of movements, activities, organizations, associations, coalitions, etc. to tackle their unalienable / inalienable birthrights and Liberty infringement issues, which are civic in nature.
     In grave ERROR, they and the so-called civil rights leaders have utilized the 14th Amendment (which is for corporations and corporate persons ONLY!!).  Upon reviewing the true records, it would be clear to them and to those who do the civic works of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, that there is no need for the 14th amendment for the salvation of the people, because it was HANDLED in the 13th Amendment, as it relates to the Law of the Land.  There is no need to naturalize into the Constitution to make any claim, as it was / is ALREADY handled in the Constitution itself.  Anyone who leads and does not study to know, is not qualified to Lead.  You must KNOW for yourself and teach your children and those in your immediate cipher first, or you and your children, friends and associates, could be working with people, who work with people to maintain servitude. This is why the Law of the Land is to be enforced as the Noble document it is.  IF NOT, you will be molested by "other citizens", inclusive of corporations, which are subject citizens, as is happening today.  You need to know if ANYONE says they are changing and or abolishing the Constitution, they are NOT talking about the "Law of the Land" your foremothers and forefathers laid down based on natural law and principles of civilization, established to be enforced by YOU.  It is EXPECTED of us all to maintain the same for our own sanity and salvation.  Come out of the fiction and all that is for fictions (14th Amendment and beyond).  Join the ranks of the "Living" - "In Full Life", and take your place amongst the affairs of "Man."

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Posted 1/15/2017
 We have awebassets/WisdomofWombKudjo.jpgdded a Link to the NEW Moorish Message Music from Kudjo and a host of other conscious Moorish Music Messengers entitled "Wisdom Ovda Womb".

This compilation spans time past and PRESENT to help shape the future. 

Obtain your copy NOW, by clicking on PX to Left.











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 The Introwebassets/MantisLogo.jpgduction of "Mantis Views 29" - Youtube Channel, has already been made.  It has been said by others to be the "Official R.V. Bey Publications You Tube Channel, of which we receive that with honors.  However, Mizraim says his efforts are in conjunction with Canaanland Moors YouTube channel and all allodial Moors across the globe.  Mantis Views 29 is the works of Mizraim El as he expands his journalism for the Moorish Nation and gives all those who have, and will press the lens on Mantis Views 29.  There are now, a collection of "Mantis Views 29" visual analects.  Go to the channel and enjoy all of them, as they are tailored to open the mind to the Light of Truth, so Truth can come in and make itself at home with YOU!!  Click here or on the PX left  and go direct to the series of visual analects by Mizraim Aleph El.




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Posted 1/15/16

We recently established a new page entitled "Shoveling Out From the Avalanche of Lies" to address the accusations, inconsistencies and avalanche of lies being heaped upon Moors daily, just as Prophet Noble Drew Ali said would be in these days and times.  It also addresses another Prophecy made by Prophet Noble Drew Ali and that is:  "Be careful Moors, some of your own wearing Turbans and Fezzes, will put you back into slavery".  


TODAY, we add a Great Video Analect from Moreno Bey entitled "Law Class for the R.V. Bey Hater", as it seems many dis-like information, therefore make attempts to discredit it.  We THANK him for this demonstration and 'Teaching Tool'.  Click the PX (left) to view it and learn something valuable.









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"Moors Are NOT Part of a Sovereign Citizens Movement" - video analect, by Rami Salaam El, has been moved to the "Shoveling Out Page".  Click Here.


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Moors Aboriginal Tie to Russia has been put in a 1 Page PDF

Moors History In Russia - 1 Pg PDF


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"Who's Hands Have Blood on Them" has been moved to the  "Shoveling Out Page


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"Masons vs. Masonic Order Masons".  What you ought know.   An example of learning by signs and symbols, has been moved to "Food For Thought Page". OR, you can click Below for the 2-Page PDF.

Click Here for This Article in a 2-page PDF



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"Proof of AN Original Treaty Request" by Colonist to 'Mexicans' and Why, has been edited and put in a 2-Page PDF below:

 Ball in Middle Spinning


Click for "Proof of Original Treaty Request by Colonist to Mexicans" - PDF



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posted 8/29/16
Taxpayers Free to Ignore an IRS Summons. Court of Appeals Rules IRS cannot apply force against a tax payer without a Federal Court Order. 

1.  Willie Lynch TEST

 Click Here for Full Case Law Report on the  "About Taxes" Page.




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"Moors, Temples and Membership"

   by Sheikh Minkah Aha Hu El

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"Prefer Not a Stranger Over Your Own Blood"

Nationhood is Family - Family is Government to govern the mental as

"Man Is Mind"


Be very, very, careful Moors, some who not only wear turbans and fezzes, who hold the position of Sheiks and Grand Sheiks, and those who do not, will put you in slavery.  This is because they are SIMPLY unstudied.  Meaning they did not study the subject matter of Nationality and birthright principles, and they have a false belief due to the undoubted infiltration, wherein they believe and operate from a position that corporations are the governing authority over natural people even though they ought be aware that "no one can change another's descent nature"Show yourself approved, as that activity will shine the way out of the darkness and into the marvelous light.  Also learn to unite with family in a real way, as it is dis-heartening to have to defend yourself against your family, yet you will be brought to the task, as you will have some explaining to do. Below is excerpted from the Circle 7 Holy Koran divinely PREPARED by Prophet Noble Drew Ali.  Chapter 25:3 - "The Holy Covenant of the Asiatic Nation. All those who comply ought know that even those who are not aware of their family or Moorish Heritage, are stiil of their blood.  How is that anyone could defile them or slander them, when it is their duty to embrace them with the 'mission' to tell them who they are knowing they do not know? UNLESS you are operating as a Club, and the Prophet himself said he was taking the covers off of all SECRET societies, of which he did so very well.  You got some explaining to do.

3.  And when ye separate in the world, remember the relation that

bindeth you to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before thy own blood.


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Check Out Our Updates to "Prisoners In Your Own Land" Page

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webassets/ElYangaPX.jpgEl Yanga - "National Hero of Mexico"

Below is a 2-Pg PDF regarding El Yanga inclusive of map where other Olmec (Old Mexico) stone heads were found spread over Mexico (Amexem) into the Yucatan Penninsula.  On the "What To Study" page are more Olmec Head pictures. 



To Learn more about moor about Moors / Mexicans, you might want to get the book entitled "Moors and Mexicans" available on this site.




El Yanga - National Mexican Hero - (2 pg. PDF)

Researched by Mizraim Aleph El


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. posted 11/13/15


Truth Must Be KNOWN
There have been Imposters in the seats of government in regards to the American land estate.  The United States has not taken over anything, as the United States is a Metaphor of the people (as in we the people) for the purpose of interfacing with the United States of America and any other citizens / subjects of the Ancestral estate and government, which are the people - the true Al Moroccans (A-mericans).  This is why the United States has NO inherent sovereignty.  Therefore, those who were managing the interest and given by Trust of the people to do so, are bankrupt.  If they are a state government, they exist with a derived authority, which is the LAW OF THIS LAND.  However, we find now that they are  corporations feigning as governments and it is a tried and true fact that they are NOT GOVERNMENT!!!  Governments don't deny the people's rights / liberties.  All of these occurences are a prophetic call to truth, that cannot be denied and is a wake-up call for those who are in fact the aboriginal and indigenous lineal descendants tied by birthright (jus sanguine), to the ancestral land estate, for them to take their place amongst the affairs of man.  The foreigners, modern Europeans Father - the Pope, is a Vicar, meaning a substitute God and has come to the political platform and informed or reminded those who were entrusted that they are but descendants of immigrants.  He has abandoned them in their efforts to supplant themselves and be that of which they are not in someone else's homeland.  They are not the aboriginal and indigenous people of the land  They are american citizens / subjects of various and certain ranks and ANY corporation they have established, or will establish, is but a subject and not of flesh nor blood, therefore are clipped in efforts to make a dummy come alive, be alive or dictate to the real, in which they have no parity.  Their names represent sales territories of companies, charters, corporations and not of the land!!  The land is not abandoned and never was it for sale, as it cannot be bought, sold, nor transferrred, it is an ancestral estate.  Wake up you sleepy headed Moors, and take your place amongst the affairs of man - NOW!!!

Adminstrator’s defined government succinctly.  “Governments are corporations”, in as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, a creature of the mind only, a government can deal only with artificial persons.  The imaginary, having no reality or substance cannot create or attain parity with the real.  Penhallow V. Doane’s.



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posted 11/14/15    

The Mis-Education

     We have been lied to in regards to true American (Amexem) History and World History.  The Olmec (Oldwebassets/OlmecZaccharia.jpg Mexico) stone heads were found spread over Mexico across to the Yucatan Penninsula.  Mexico itself spreads out over what is known today as California up into Canaaanland, inclusive of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada. There is no surprise that those who say they are educated, inclusive of some who refer to themselves as scholarly, are not able to recognize the half that has not been told.  They are taught with only a portion of the truth, with truth and falsehood STRANGELY mixed, leaning more towards falsehood the longer they stay in institutions dedicated to same, of which, we trust has now come to pass.  Although they may consider themselves educated, they are ‘fools’ right on walking off the cliff without knowing.  Not wanting it to be obvious, they jump through  hoops to defend their so-called education.  No wonder there are all kinds of versions and diversions keeping the family from uniting, as they have but only a small piece of truth.  However, we march forth to bring forth the "Uniting of Asia".  Asia (Asa) meaning lower realm, and is the 'name' of the entire planet and North, South, Central and the adjoining Islands is 'Asia Major' - not Asia Minor.  The aboriginal and indigenous people across the entire planet are the first navigators - Moors, who moored over the land and the sea.  Where the water meets the land is called the 'moors, moorlands, wetlands, also marshlands even unto today.  F.Y.I.:  Those who most think are Asians today, are actually amalgamated / Mongoloids.  If one were to do research of ancestors of the lands now called China, Japan, Ireland, or of anywhere on the planet, they would find them to be dark melanated and of various copper tones, including the so-called Eskimos (escaped Moors) in Alaska (Al aqsa ) the far west.           — R.V. Bey


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First Things First:  Important Audio Message Regarding Nationality (3 mins.)



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Articles of Confederation 1643 and 1777 - A comprehensive Reading w/ Test.


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Before clicking the below link to access the instructions for Identification card(s), for Name Correction, Judicial Notice and Proclamation papers and having them sealed, we strongly suggest and advise you to read the page the link will send you to, in its entirety.  The page contains additional information regarding identification cards NOT issued by any CORPORATE STATE, as they can ONLY issue to other corporations.  There are two different mailing locations and contacts: one is for the paper sealing and the other is for the identification cards.  Instructions for the identification Card, Road Travel Card and Moors Heritage and History School Student Card are on the application form itself, found at the very bottom of the page.  Instructions for having the papers sealed are at Section 13 of the page.  Papers are NOT Notarized, as the highest Notary is your thumbprint and notaries are for those who cannot read or write AND most notaries utilized CANNOT authenticate allodial documentation, as they are under the jurisdiciton of a corporation.  Please read the entire page before making order as it gives necessary supportive information and answers many questions you may have.

 Ball in Middle Spinning

Bar Codes and National ID's

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Posted 11/29/14
Do You Know Who King Philip and King Alexander Really Were?  has been put in a 2-page PDF
These documented facts are proof positive of why it was and STILL is necessary to have Schools and teach history from a truthful perspective.  Finding or unveiling these truths are a real game changer and "Mind-Blowing" experience.  Proving we are in a "Mental Slavery".








King Philip and Alexander - 1 Pg. PDF

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As A Reminder

Article for Heritage / History Consumption:  "The Monopoly and Asiatic American Connection to the Continental Americas" by Morpheus Ashahed El..


 Ball in Middle Spinning

Asiatic American Connection To The Continental Americas" - PDF

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webassets/KingGeorgePHOTO2.jpgSource of King George, III Photo used in this Website


Some have inquired as to the authentication of this depiction of King George, III.  We provide here the source as the Science Museum of London Exhibition Rd  London SW7 2DD, United Kingdom.  We are aware of the hidden truth of history, particularly in the North American Schools and Institutions, especially corporate state public school curriculums.  The full article we posted regarding this photo can be found on the "What's New Page", associated with "Declaration of Independence".









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 Ball in Middle Spinning

Click Here to Order Books via Paypal

      AND for List of Contact and Inquiry Emails.

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.     All books are supported by  researched information, Historical Documents, i.e. “Documents of American History”, Yale University’s “Avalon Project”, National and International Declarations, Treaties, and Congressional  Records. 

 "When one studies issues involving Nationality & Birthrights, one begins to understand that Laws of Civilizations come from the natural people of Nations.  And if you are not part of a Nation you don't come under National or International Law.  Therefore, you are not recognized by the Nations of the Earth; because Law deals with the interchanges made between natural people across the planet, and has generally, always been that way.  And the (Nations) have governmental principles that are universal in their character.  These international principles are not unique to us necessarily, they are universal in their character.  So when one deals with other Nations, there are certain universal and fundamental civil principles that are expected from you, when others communicate with you.  And if you don't display a basic knowledge of such rules of order, then you are in violation of Divine Law, (from whence the principles of government law is derived). One may be deemed as being outside of the Law or considered to be what is called or referred to as an outlaw”. Such a circumstance may be assumed by the natural citizens of a nation and government; and by virtue of such conditons or status, may do whatever they want to you and get away with it."            
—Taj Tarik Bey, G.S. 






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We accept the following credit cards:

Images of credit cards